
Chapter 183 - Mine is very big, please bear with it

  "It can warm up the sword energy and temper the flying sword. This scabbard is pretty good."

  Lu Xuan looked at the ancient scabbard in his hand and thought secretly.

  His spiritual consciousness slowly probed into the scabbard and found that the sword beams he had shot into were swimming freely like fish.

  "Let's take care of it first and see the effect."

  Lu Xuan put the scabbard on the table and came to the spiritual field. He carefully observed the growth of each spiritual plant and used spiritual rain technique, wood growth technique and other techniques to nourish the spiritual plants from time to time.

  Soon, more than an hour passed, and Lu Xuan returned to the house and picked up the Yangxuan scabbard.

  Compared with the beginning, the Xunlei sword beam inside the scabbard was actually a little stronger.

  He placed the ancient scabbard flat in front of him, held the scabbard with his right hand, and pulled it hard.

  Suddenly, several black sword beams shot out from the scabbard, whistling and cutting a huge rock in the yard into pieces. The surface of the fragments was smooth and smooth, and the sharpness of the sword beams could be seen.

  "After being nurtured for a while, the speed and destructive power of the sword light have increased slightly. This Yangxuan Sword Sheath is a good treasure."

  Lu Xuan could imagine that if the sword energy was kept in the Yangxuan Sword Sheath for a long time, it would be able to exert great power once it was sacrificed.

  "It can also temper the sword and improve the quality of the flying sword."

  Lu Xuan took out a red flying sword from the storage bag. The flying sword was about three feet long and had fire-like patterns on the sword body.

  The flying sword was a second-grade red flame sword, a reward from the light ball after harvesting the copper bone bamboo.

  He aimed the tip of the sword at the crack of the Yangxuan Sword Sheath and planned to insert it directly into the sword sheath.

  Just as it was about to enter the interior of the sword sheath, an invisible membrane appeared at the crack of the sword sheath, blocking the red flame sword outside.

  The ancient sword sheath trembled slightly, as if it was resisting the insertion of the flying sword.

  "Huh? What do you mean? The invisible sword energy can enter the body, but the visible flying sword can't?"

  "What kind of two-spined newt behavior..."

  Lu Xuan tried a few more times, and the Yangxuan Sword Sheath still refused the insertion of the red flame sword.

  "Unfortunately, the scabbard was penetrated by the flying sword, which is a fate you cannot change."

  "So, just let me put the Red Flame Sword into your body."

  "My flying sword is very big, just bear with it."

  Lu Xuan raised the corner of his mouth, and with a little force, the red flying sword suddenly broke through the invisible membrane on the surface of the crack and penetrated deeply into the scabbard.

  The scabbard trembled slightly, tightly wrapping the red sword body.

  "First, insert it for ten days and a half months to see how the quenching effect is."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly.

  In the following time, he followed the usual practice, cultivating spiritual plants diligently every day, observing the mutated spiritual firefly grass, adjusting his body and mind, and preparing to break through the foundation.

  Soon, a month and a half passed, and the first two hundred ordinary spiritual firefly grasses planted began to mature.

  Lu Xuan carefully examined each one and judged the growth of the spiritual firefly grass through the progress bar below.

  Because he was thinking about the foundation, he did not pick the spiritual firefly grass that had to be fully mature as usual.

  Seeing that the progress bar was about full, he picked it.   

  A total of 34 Lingying grasses were picked. Perhaps due to the slight differences, only three were of perfect quality, and the others were of superior or good quality.

  He picked up the 34 white light balls on the ground one by one, and thoughts flashed through his mind. Cultivation, experience, and physical objects appeared in turn.

  Among them, the cultivation reward brought by nearly six years, waves of pure spiritual power appeared in Lu Xuan's body out of thin air, impacting and washing the Dantian tendons like a tide.

  "Oh, it's full, it's about to overflow."

  Lu Xuan felt the incomparable spiritual power in his body and couldn't help but sigh.

  "Finally, I can try to impact the foundation-building realm."

  He took a long breath, his eyes clear and bright.

  Foundation-building cultivators, once a huge Linyang market, there were only a few people in total. For Lu Xuan at that time, it was an unattainable existence, and now, he might also try to break through to that realm.

  He put away the rest of the elixirs and talismans opened from the light balls, came to the outside of the cave, and happily found an elegant spiritual crane.

  In the sky, the wind whistled past him, and Lu Xuan's heart was calm.

  About half an hour later, the spirit crane landed on a thousand-foot high peak.

  The tall mountain was called Qingyun Peak, which means to rise to the top. After the outer disciples of Tianjian Sect have cultivated to perfection in Qi training, they can come to this mountain to apply for resources to break through the foundation-building realm.

  Lu Xuan came to a huge, quiet and deep courtyard and strode into it.

  The main hall of the courtyard occupies a very large area, but there are only three cultivators inside, each reading an ancient and heavy book.

  Lu Xuan came to a charming female cultivator and whispered:

  "Uncle, I am Lu Xuan. I have been lucky enough to cultivate to the perfect state of Qi training. I plan to try to break through the foundation building. Please confirm it."

  "Congratulations, nephew. Before issuing the foundation building pill, the three of us must confirm whether the spiritual energy in your body meets the requirements and check whether you have serious injuries, especially hidden diseases. I hope you can understand."

  Lu Xuan nodded to show that he understood. The foundation building pill is expensive and it is impossible to give it to outer disciples for nothing. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm whether the disciple's cultivation meets the conditions for breaking through the foundation building.

  At the same time, breaking through the foundation building requires the cultivator to reach the best state of mind and body, so that there is greater hope. If there is any serious hidden danger left in any part of the body, it is likely to cause the failure of the breakthrough.

  If you are not careful, you may end up with serious injuries.

  When entering the sect, the sect does not check the cultivators who sign up to join very strictly. After all, they are only outer disciples. Even if there are undercovers from other sects or evil demons sneaking in, the impact is not very big.

  But the foundation building is different. After successfully being promoted, one will become an inner disciple of the sect and have the opportunity to access various core secrets of the sect. This inspection is also to see the nature of the spiritual energy in the disciple's body, whether it has been polluted and invaded by evil spirits, etc.

  After Lu Xuan applied, the three took turns to confirm Lu Xuan's spiritual power and check his physical condition. They even took out a bronze mirror emitting a hazy green light and shone it on his whole body, but there was no reaction.

  "Congratulations, nephew, you meet the requirements. I believe you have been preparing for a long time, just for today."

  The charming female cultivator smiled and said to Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan had expected this. Since the second level of Qi training, the spiritual energy in his body has basically come from the light ball reward. He rarely goes out, and the dirty spiritual energy in his body can be basically ignored.

  As for what kind of hidden disease is in his body? It's funny. Until Qi training is complete, he has not fought many times. There are also top-level body training methods such as "Liuli Bone Forging Method" and "Taixu Hualong Pian". How could there be hidden diseases?

  Not to mention evil spirits, with the Immaculate Jade to protect his body, he is immune to all evil.

  "In three days, please come over and join the other disciples to strive for the foundation-building stage."

  The female cultivator said softly to Lu Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)