
Chapter 181 - Cultivation without other skills

  He put the ordinary firefly grass that did not change after induction back into the previous environment and continued the experiment.

  After rounds of experiments, nine mutated spirit seeds appeared in the remaining thirty-one firefly grass spirit seeds placed in the ancient well, and five mutated spirit seeds were selected from the twenty spirit seeds in the alchemy furnace. The remaining spirit seeds

  were irreversibly damaged. After planting, the quality of the mature spirit plants was low, and some spirit seeds were even completely abandoned and would not grow plants. The

  fourteen ice spirit seeds that had successfully mutated were planted by him in the cold cave, slightly isolated from the other fifty firefly grass that had already sprouted. The

  twelve fire spirit seeds could only be planted in the conventional way due to the limited environment of the cave spirit field. Lu Xuan cast a low-level fire spell on them from time to time to nourish them with slight fire spirit power.

  "After all, the number of spirit seeds is limited, and the environment of the spirit field is average. When we break through to the foundation-building stage and condense more spirit seeds, we can change the conditions for inducing spirit seeds, and thus summarize the most likely way for spirit seeds to mutate."

  Lu Xuan sighed as he looked at the mutated spirit plants in the spirit field.

  "However, the successful mutation is a good start.

  When the cultivation level breaks through, these mutated spirit plants containing ice or fire spirit power can almost get a large number of spirit seeds, and they can be planted on a large scale."

  In the following period of time, since there were already two long-term tasks of raising dragon monsters and cultivating burning wood, Lu Xuan did not go to the General Affairs Hall to take on new tasks.

  He focused on observing and cultivating the mutated spirit firefly grass, and spent the rest of his time practicing hard to prepare for a breakthrough in the foundation-building stage.

  Time flies, and two months have passed in the blink of an eye.

  "Brother Lu, I'm here to see you!"

  That day, a familiar call came from outside the yard.

  Lu Xuan instantly recognized Baili Jianqing's voice, smiled and opened the door, and a handsome face with eyes narrowed into two slits came into view.

  "Jian Qing is here, please come in."

  "Hahaha, I guessed that you were at home, Brother Lu. There are only a few disciples in the sect who stay at home like you."

  Baili Jianqing carried a piece of monster meat of unknown species and went straight into the courtyard.

  "Brother Lu, this is the monster meat I killed from that new secret place. I brought it here for you to taste and have a meal here. I've been craving your cooking skills for a long time."

  Baili Jianqing walked into the small kitchen next to him without hesitation and said with a smile.

  "Okay, I'll show you my skills later."

  Lu Xuan processed the monster meat a little, came to the courtyard, and looked at Baili Jianqing who was teasing the young wind falcon.

  "You went to that newly discovered secret realm some time ago? What happened?"

  "It's a new secret realm, with many opportunities and treasures. Besides, I have the protection of the foundation-building uncle, so I will go if I can."

  "I stayed there for a while and obtained several rare spiritual medicines, two of which are of the third-grade level. The opportunity is pretty good."

  "As for danger, I only encountered it once. At that time, I accidentally encountered a third-grade monster with several fellow disciples. I sent a message to contact the nearby foundation-building uncle, and the uncle quickly came to kill the monster."

  "The valuable part of the monster was taken away by the uncle, and I got some scraps, and a lot of monster meat. Here, it's the piece I just brought over."

  Baili Jianqing curled his lips towards the kitchen.

  "Brother Lu, such a good opportunity, didn't you go to the secret realm with us to take a look?"

  He asked Lu Xuan curiously.

  Lu Xuan waved the blade in his hand into a trail of afterimages and replied nonchalantly.

  "Jianqing, you know me well.

  I prefer quietness to activity. Compared to going out to explore secret places and look for opportunities, I would rather stay in the sect, cultivate and take care of spiritual plants, and raise and feed spiritual beasts."

  Baili Jianqing nodded gently. Seeing that Lu Xuan was busy, he came to the yard on his own and teased Erxiao from time to time.

  The spiritual field was mainly at the back of the yard, covered by a formation. He had no intention of spying and did not rush in.   

  After more than half an hour, Lu Xuan came out with five or six pots of steaming dishes.

  He took out a pot of spiritual wine from the room, poured each of them a cup, and drank it all.

  The spiritual wine was strong and mellow, and Lu Xuan picked up a piece of stir-fried monster meat and put it into his mouth.

  An extremely fragrant and tender taste filled every part of his mouth, and the rich spiritual power flowed down his throat and merged into his limbs and bones, warming his whole body.

  "It is worthy of being a third-grade monster, and the meat is obviously not ordinary."

  Lu Xuan sighed, and quickly picked up the second piece with chopsticks and swallowed it whole.

  "It's mainly because of your good craftsmanship, Brother Lu. The taste of what I made myself is far worse."

  Baili Jianqing squinted his eyes and said with satisfaction.

  Lu Xuan smiled without saying a word, picked up two pieces of monster meat, and threw them in front of the stepping cloud lynx and the young wind falcon.

  They were full of wine and food.

  "Jianqing, I remember you said that your grandfather was once an outer disciple of the Tianjian Sect. I believe you know a lot about how the disciples of the sect break through to the foundation-building stage."

  "Grandfather did tell me a lot about the sect."

  Baili Jianqing replied subconsciously. He seemed to realize something, paused, and his spiritual sense swept over Lu Xuan's body.


  "Brother Lu, are you ready to break through the foundation-building stage?"

  His narrowed eyes suddenly widened to an unprecedented roundness, and his expression was full of surprise.

  "I was lucky to reach that point. Recently, I have been planning to break through in one fell swoop."

  Lu Xuan smiled indifferently.

  "I just broke through to the perfection of Qi training, and I thought my cultivation level was increasing fast enough. I didn't expect that Brother Lu would try to break through the foundation-building stage without making a sound!"

  Baili Jianqing's expression was a little dazed. He was surprised by the speed of Lu Xuan's cultivation.

  "How can I improve my cultivation quickly? Brother Lu, teach me!"

  He came back to his senses and looked at Lu Xuan with some admiration.

  "I just used the time I spent exploring secret realms and competing for opportunities to practice."

  Lu Xuan said indifferently.

  "Although I have a special liking for cultivating spiritual plants, it won't take me long. The rest of the time, I practice hard day and night."

  "In addition to the spiritual plants I cultivated, I mostly use them to exchange for elixirs to improve my cultivation. With both methods, I have achieved today's situation."

  "However, this also has a lot of disadvantages. I have cultivation but nothing else."

  "I don't have time to practice those strange techniques, and I don't have extra spirit stones to buy protective talismans and powerful magic tools."

  "If I run into other cultivators of the same level, I'm afraid I will end up in a miserable defeat after a few rounds."

  Lu Xuan said with regret, which well portrayed the image of an ordinary spiritual plant master who only wants to increase his cultivation and has no time to take care of other things.

  "I see, without techniques, talismans, and magic tools that match his cultivation, it is indeed not perfect."

  "However, as long as Brother Lu successfully breaks through to the foundation-building stage, he will have time to make up for these. By then, he can be no weaker than other cultivators of the same level."

  Baili Jianqing comforted gently.

  (End of this chapter)