
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

N_Aime · Fantasy
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197 Chs

Chapter 140: Successfully escaped

Ye Ming should be the worst of all people. If he didn't know how to run, he would not be eligible to participate. So after coming up to fly, he sat alone in the corner. This trip to the monster forest, at least to fly for more than a day, he did not want to waste such a long time, it is better to use to improve the ternary calculation.

Most of the other people were surrounded by Yan Ruyu, and they tried to please, even Yang Fuwei was no exception. This time, Ye Ming calmed down, sitting alone in the corner, secretly urging God to perform. See if we can push the ternary arithmetic matrix further up and become the quaternary arithmetic matrix.

It takes a hundred years to make the ternary calculations complete and advance to the quaternary calculations. It takes one thousand years to make the quaternary calculations complete. It takes 10,000 years to make the five calculations complete.

Beimingdao: "Master, a **** spirit can let the demonstration be performed on the second floor for twelve years. The master has 3,000 **** spirits. It is better to go straight to the six elementary calculation. This process consumes about There are 920 **** spirits, and the time outside is about a little more than a day. "

Ye Ming thought for a while, and nodded in agreement. He first laid a small, isolated array around him to avoid interference from other people on the flight. Bei Ming then promoted the second layer of God's Act, and Ye Ming entered the illusion, and fully participated in the ternary arithmetic.

Cultivating in the illusion is exactly the same as the real feeling. It is definitely a torture for a person to practice like that for hundreds of years.

After spending a hundred years in the fantasy world, the ternary arithmetic team was successfully completed, and the quaternary arithmetic team was successfully promoted; then it was another thousand years, the quaternary arithmetic team was successfully completed, and the astronomical team was promoted to five yuan; in the end, it was a long 10,000 yuan. In 2005, Ye Ming was still continually calculating, making the five-ary calculus complete, and finally rising to the six-ary calculus.

The six-ary abacus array has terrible deduction ability. Ye Ming knew everything and knew everything.

Bei Ming has been observing the outside world. At this time, there is still half a day before the demon forest, so he continues to consume the spirit soul Dan, allowing Ye Ming to impose a rune ban in the illusion. In the fantasy world, the use of a six-element scoring array to evolve the symbol array prohibition, the consumption of Divine Spirit Dan is very large, a Divine Spirit Dan can support up to about a year.

Naturally, the speed of the six elementary arithmetic is far from comparable to that of the three elementary arithmetic. Nearly at the fingertips, it rises to the five-fold prohibition, and then the six-fold, seven-fold, and eight-fold. However, with each additional ban, the time will double. The further you go, the harder it is to add a one-time ban. Unknowingly, more than a thousand years have passed, and Ye Ming's rune ban has broken to forty-two!

At this time, the distance from the monster forest was near, Beiming stopped the magical performance, and Ye Ming stepped out of the illusion. For more than a day, Ye Ming was hiding in the corner, and naturally nobody cares about him. He stood up, observed the sea, and saw that the Rune ban on the Six Yuan Abacus was a full circle, and reached a forty-two ban!

"Everyone, the place is here, and everyone will yell at you." Yang Fuwei jumped first, and the others rushed out.

When they descended, they entered a desolate wilderness. Within a radius of ten miles, there was no tree. On the outer periphery, they were surrounded by endless forests. Not far ahead, there is a large altar, covering an area of ​​three acres, with thirty-six stone pillars erected around it, inscribed with strange runes.

There are 13 steps around the altar. On the last stage, it is a complex teleportation circle that is integrated into the entire altar.

Yan Ruyu asked, "Brother Yang, how does this altar open?"

Yang Fuwei smiled mysteriously and said, "It's very simple. As long as we sacrifice with twenty living people, we can open the teleportation circle and enter the small world."

After hearing what he said, the trainees of Dongqi College burst into their hearts and sacrificed with living people? Do they have more than 20 people?

Yan Ruyu stepped back slowly and kept a distance from Yang Fuwei. She said lightly, "Mother Yang brought slaves?"

Yang Fuwei smiled, "He sacrifices, you must be a samurai or above, wherever slaves do it, so use you!"


A terrible coercion shrouded the audience, and the white-browed youth exclaimed, "It's Wuzong!"

A middle-aged man came from afar and flew like electricity. His martial arts will shroud the scene, and everyone will be suppressed.

"It's over! I know this expedition is not that simple!" Someone mourned in despair. Even the two great martial artists had a look of despair, because the comer was a peak Wu Zong, and they were not at all able to compete.

Ye Ming was suddenly under strong pressure at the moment, stepped on the magical steps, came to the center of the altar, and sang, "Follow me!"

It turned out that as soon as his people arrived here, he began to calculate the altar with a six-element calculation array. In the end, he found that the teleportation circle needed to be activated through sacrifice to teleport people into it. Fortunately, this is not the only way. He can forcibly activate the teleportation matrix with only a few modifications, but it only costs 300 Wuzun coins.

As Ye Ming opened his mouth, he stretched out his hand, and three hundred Wuzun coins fell in different positions of the teleportation array. Then he threw a three-paragon flag, and suddenly, the entire teleportation array lit up.

Everyone froze. They didn't respond for a while, and they were still in shock. Only Yan Ruyu reacted the fastest, almost at the moment Ye Ming opened her mouth, she also moved, and she took the green dragon step, and came to Ye Ming next to her.

Ye Ming's method of opening the teleportation array is very clever, and it can only be opened for a moment. Therefore, when other people reacted and wanted to enter the teleportation array, he and Yan Ruyu were already wrapped in a strong light, and they died.


Yang Fuwei's face was iron-blue. The reason why he dared to do something with the students of Dongqi College was because he was confident that he could wipe everyone out without a word. He even set up a forbidden circle in advance nearby, making any rune impossible to use. But he counted so many things. He did n't even calculate that someone could open the teleportation array without passing the sacrifice. How did he do it?

"Kill all these people!" He gave an order in his face, and Wu Zong punched him in the air. The white-browed young man was suddenly hit by a hidden yin, his body fluttered high, and after landing, he bleed in seven holes and was dead.

This was an unsuspecting killing, and the two big martial artists broke their heads with only two moves. As for the remaining people, they are not even opponents. They were recruited by Nazong and quickly solved. The blood of more than 20 corpses stained the altar, and the altar slowly lit up, and a strange energy enveloped the audience.

"The teleportation team is about to open, we must find them, let alone kill!" Yang Fuwei said coldly, he must not let Ye Ming and Yan Ruyu survive. If they were alive, his killing of Dongqi College students would be exposed, and the anger of Dongqi College would not be able to withstand the small Yangwei Dart Bureau.

Ten Yang Fuwei, together with the Wu Zong, entered the glowing teleportation array.

On the other side, Ye Ming and Yan Ruyu have entered a strange world. Everything in this world seems to be related to the Rune. There are natural runes on the ground, and the grass grows in formations. The white clouds in the sky are simply a huge rune.

In addition to the two of them, the whole world is black and white. There is no other color. It looks real and fantasy, making people feel like they are in a dream.

Yan Ruyu was shocked. He took a deep look at Ye Ming and said, "Thank you, thank you!"

Ye Ming sighed and said, "Those people outside are afraid of being fierce. I don't know why the Yangwei Dart Board did this."

"They need to sacrifice living people, so that they can be attracted to others by means of cooperative exploration. It was our bad luck that we ran into." Yan Ruyu looked guilty, and she could see that she was really sad and tears were already in her eyes.

Ye Ming said, "Let's go, those people should be here soon." After that, he quickly moved forward, observing the surrounding environment while walking.

Yan Ruyu 's cultivation is much higher than Ye Ming 's. She is a martial art 's cultivation, but for some reason, she subconsciously became Ye Ming 's follower.

"If we meet them again, we are definitely not our opponents," she said later. "Why not find a chance to leave, let's not explore?"

Ye Ming didn't look back, while watching the surroundings, he said, "This is no better than outside. There are traps everywhere. Those people come in purely to find death. You can rest assured that I can't help them outside. But here, I abuse them in minutes they!"

Yan Ruyu was stunned, she didn't understand where Ye Ming came from, was it because he knew the Rune? Where does she know that Ye Ming has raised the prohibition of the rune array to forty-two, and she also has a six-element calculation matrix. All this makes him even stronger in the small world, and he is not afraid of those people at all. He is like a fish returning to the sea. No matter how fierce a lion is, the fish will not be afraid, because the sea is suitable for fish, but it is not suitable for lion.

As they walked, a forest appeared in front of them. Ye Ming didn't go in hastily, but looked left and right for a while, then said to Yan Ruyu: "Sister Yan, this forest has formed a killing force, which is very powerful. If we meet them in a moment, we will let them Lead inside. "

Yan Ruyu Bingxue was clever and immediately understood Ye Ming's plan. She asked, "Master, does killing the battle affect us?"

Ye Ming laughed: "There are a few live eyes in this killing array, and they can't find them. I went in ahead to arrange them and make sure they were all right." After that, he plunged into the forest.

Watching Ye Ming disappear, Yan Ruyu's eyes flashed with a strange look, she said to herself: "I didn't expect that I could meet a stranger like him. He was obviously not high, but the confidence was extremely reassuring."

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Ming stepped out of the forest and said, "Before removing Yang Fuwei, we should not explore, we must solve them first."

Yan Ruyu nodded: "I listen to my brother. Brother, I don't know much about you yet, can you tell me?"

Ye Ming briefly mentioned himself, and finally said, "Sister Yan, can you ask for your help after going out?"

Yan Ruyu laughed: "If you can go out alive, you don't have to say one, ten is fine."

Ye Ming blushed and said, "Nothing else, just let me touch your **** in front of other students."