
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

N_Aime · Fantasy
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197 Chs

Chapter 141: Taoyuan

Yan Ruyu was so stunned that she couldn't think of killing her. Ye Ming would make such a ... indecent request. She turned her face flushed and said, "You ... Master, what are you talking about!"

Ye Ming scratched his head: "Although this request is too boring and boring, I can't help it. I hope my sister can help me. Then we can design an accident so that others will not target me."

Yan Ruyu flipped her eyes weakly, and stroked her forehead with her hands, seeming to agree.

Ye Ming felt a play, and laughed: "My sister helped me, I must inscribe within five, I dare not forget each other."

As soon as I said it, I heard a scream from a distance: "They are there, chase!"

Ye Ming turned abruptly, and surely saw Yang Fuwei's eleven arrived, he was rushing towards this side with all his strength. Ye Ming pulled Yan Ruyu and stood on the edge of the forest until they almost caught up, and plunged into the forest.

Yang Fuwei and others didn't think much about it, and did not expect that there would be a natural killing array in the forest, and they rushed in, even the Wu Zong was no exception. However, as soon as they entered the forest, they suddenly turned around, and the scene in front of them suddenly changed. There was endless darkness and no light at all, and the horrible killings appeared from all directions and began to hang them.


A weaker samurai screamed and was ground to pieces on the spot.

"Not good!" Then Wu Zong yelled, "This is a fifth-level killing battle. You can trap Wu Zong!"

Hearing that, everyone was desperate. More and more people screamed, especially the low-level martial arts soldiers, who didn't hold on for half a quarter.

Ye Ming pulled Yan Ruyu, turned east and west, and reached an open area with only a few small grasses growing around. When the two stood still, they heard the sorrow before or after the death, and the goosebumps on Yan Ruyu's body were rising.

She whispered, "Brother Ye, can the killer keep that Wu Zong?"

"50% chance." Ye Ming said lightly, "It doesn't matter if you can't keep it, he can't find us anyway."

"Damn! Find that **** and kill him!" Yang Fuwei, a big martial artist, had been seriously injured and issued a scream of screams, and gave the order to that Wuzong.

Unfortunately, the Wu Zongmu Bodhisattva crosses the river, and it is difficult to protect himself. How can I deal with him? Within a moment, he uttered an unwilling scream, smashed into flesh and blood by a piece of killing light that was issued somewhere. It really hurts people to fight against themselves, and a miserable end is left.

After half an hour, only the Wu Zong was still fighting desperately. He made a loud roar again and again, one tree after another was overpowered by its brutal force, but the mystery was unpredictable, and he still could not go out.

After ten hours, the movement of Wu Zong was very small, and from time to time he uttered a scream of sorrow, full of despair, and he even started begging Ye Ming. Seeing Ye Ming never agree, he suddenly became angry.

"Dogs and girls, you must not die! Ben Wuzong will never let you go!" It was so desperate that the mighty Wu Zong began to scold, and it was very unpleasant.

Ye Ming took a sip and said, "You will not be silent until you die."

After a few more hours, Ye Ming could no longer hear a trace of movement. He was not assured and asked Beiming to glance at it with divine thoughts. After confirming that everyone was dead, he said, "Let 's go and see what 's on these muddy eggs Nothing. "

Under the strangling of the battle array, eleven people have long lost their bones, and Ye Ming easily picked up **** storage weapons one after another, a total of thirteen. Part of it was the students who died outside. The small world that was raided by Yang Fuwei and others and brought together is now cheaper than Ye Ming.

Of course Ye Ming could not eat alone, he gave three of them to Yan Ruyu. However, Yan Ruyu refused and said, "If it wasn't for you, I am already dead. How dare you want yours?"

The things in these storage weapons are quite valuable. He sent these three Wujun coins with at least 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, which is also a great gift.

Seeing her resignation, Ye Ming still forced her to her, and smiled, "You have to touch my sister when you go out, you can accept it."

Yan Ruyujiao trembled slightly, biting her lip and staring at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming knew his words, and smiled awkwardly, scratching his head and saying, "Let's start exploring. There should be a lot of good things in this small world."

The two of them came out of the forest and relaxed for a while. Without Yang Fuwei's interference, they could concentrate on exploring the rest of the time.

Yan Ruyu said: "The small world opened up by Valkyrie is very different. Valkyries often spend their entire lives to build their small world, and the treasures in it are countless."

Ye Ming said lightly: "Of course there are many babies, but unfortunately we can't get much. I tell you the truth, as soon as I come in, I found them. This small world is divided into three layers. . As for the second and third layers, we are not able to enter at all. If you want to go to the second layer, at least you must have the practice of the martial arts. But if you want to go to the third layer, I'm afraid they must be martial arts.

Yan Ruyu said, "Even if it is the outermost layer, we should be satisfied. If you are here with a master, we will definitely find something good."

Ye Ming smiled, "Hey, sister is full of confidence in me."

"Anyone who has been with you for a long time will have great trust and confidence in you." Yan Ruyu said sincerely.

Ye Ming stopped suddenly, and there was a grass field in front of him.

Yan Ruyu asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Ye Ming said: "This grass is a natural trap, and once you go in, it will not be easy to figure it out."

"Let's go around?"

Ye Ming shook his head: "Can't get around, this sleepy array has a sense of the surrounding environment, and we can't get around." After he said, he pulled Yan Ruyu's hand, "Come with me, let's try our luck, maybe we can. reward."

As soon as the two stepped on the grass, the scenery suddenly changed, and the black and white world became a world of normal colors. Here is a peach garden, with twenty peach trees growing in it, each of which is extremely large, and ten people are difficult to embrace. The peaches on it are big and round, similar to a human head. But strangely, there was only one peach on each tree. What's even more strange is that each peach is engraved with natural runes and is shiny.

"Master, this is 'Fu Tao'. After eating, you can imprint the inscriptions on the bones, internal organs, and even the soul, so that your strong physique and spirit are worthless!" Beimingdao.

Yan Ruyu's eyes flashed a strange light, and said, "My brother knows the origin of these peaches?"

Ye Ming pretended not to know, and asked, "What are these peaches? Can you eat them?"

Yan Ruyu said joyfully: "They are rare treasures. The rune seeds are born with peaches. The rune seeds are extremely precious to those who know the inscriptions. They can be branded into the body and soul, and then grow. Yourself. "

She did not hide it, and told Ye Ming what she knew. Ye Ming laughed, "It is really a good thing. I am half of my sister."

Yan Ruyu pinched her skirt corner and said, "I can get this treasure, and my master is very successful. I don't dare to divide equally. So, let me take five and leave the rest to my master."

Ye Ming naturally would not be blind and polite, and laughed, "Yeah."

So he jumped on the peach tree and plucked all twenty peaches, five of which were given to Yan Ruyu, and he himself left fifteen.

Putting peaches into the storage ring, Yan Ruyu was in a good mood and said with a chuckle: "Master, do you know how much this peach is worth?"

"How much?" Ye Ming asked pretentiously, actually raising his ears secretly.

"I remember at an auction, a Fu Tao, which was only a third of its size, took a astronomical price of 30,000 Wuzun coins! My brother gave me five, at least 200,000 Wuzun coins. Top It's worth a small martial arts asset. "

Ye Ming's heart braked hard, quite painful. However, he couldn't show it on his face naturally, and said with a grin, "I don't have fifteen?"

After picking the peaches, Ye Ming found the exit for more than an hour. After they walked out, they went to the other side of the grass and went through.

As he walked, Ye Ming said, "The martial arts disguised the entire world with runes. The black and white world we saw was not real. The real world is underneath. Just like the Taoyuan we just saw, then It is the true nature of the small world. "

Yan Ruyu even nodded her head. She now completely listens to Ye Ming. Even if Ye Ming lets her jump into the fire pit, she will not hesitate.

"Sister Yan, others call you Su Yimei, presumably a lot of people are pursuing you? I see those who take the task with you, I'm afraid they're all thinking of you." Ye Ming joked.

Yan Ruyu lowered her head and sighed quietly, saying, "Unfortunately, they are all dead because of me."

Ye Ming didn't want to talk about such a heavy topic, pointing to the front and saying, "There is a pond there, let's go and see!"

The pond covers an area of ​​more than ten acres. Ye Ming first observed it, and suddenly a fierce son pierced in. As soon as a person enters the water, he sees the real world. Where is this pond? It is simply a vast ocean! The sea was very calm, and there were no terrible marine beasts, so he was not nervous at all, just loudly, "Sister, come down."

Yan Ruyu immediately jumped in. Like Ye Ming, he also swam into the sea. Both people stepped on the sea without sinking, wading like running flat.

Ye Mingba looked at the bottom of the sea and said, "There may be something good on the bottom of the sea, let's go and see."

Yan Ruyu naturally nodded and agreed. The two dived into the water and swam dozens of miles on the ocean floor without encountering the same creature. The sand besides the rocks is boring.

Ye Ming was about to give up, Beiming said: "Master, there are spirit stones in the 80 miles ahead."

Ye Ming rushed to the water immediately, pulling Yan Ruyu to rush on the water. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the location described by Beiming and dive into the water again. This time, even if there was a pile of bright stones shining under them, they took a closer look, and they were piles of first-level spirit stones.

Yan Ruyu said in surprise: "A lot of spirit stones!"