
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

N_Aime · Fantasy
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197 Chs

Chapter 139: Rune Small World

Qicheng's Shenwutang is much larger than Yancheng's, and its scale is incomparable. When the Ye Mings arrived, they saw that the Shenwu Hall was built in a large-scale garden, and the tasks of each level were published in different courtyards.

The two searched one by one until they entered the fourth-level mission courtyard. Bao Fanfan touched Ye Ming and pointed at one of the girls and said, "Look, she is Yan Ruyu. Is it beautiful?"

Yan Ruyu wore a red long dress, and about beauty all had something in common. Ye Ming felt that her eyebrows and lips were particularly similar to Su Lan. Her temperament is very special. Since she is charming and dignified, she is both indifferent and gentle, with contradictory temperament. But this strange temperament can be fatal to men.

Ye Ming had to admit that at the first sight of this woman, he had the feeling of seeing Su Lan for the first time, and he had a strong possessiveness in his heart.

"Master, this woman has half of the blood of the nine-tailed sky fox. The nine-tailed sky fox is good at fascinating humans, so she is naturally able to attract the opposite sex." Bei Ming reminded at this time.

Ye Ming was stunned, he settled down, and pushed Bao Baofan a little to wake him up from the confusion, frowning: "It seems that the situation is not good. If I really touch him, those male students will be afraid to be there. Tear me. "

Bao Fanfan said fiercely, "So you have to find a chance, a chance that no one will blame you. We will take the task together as planned."

After that, the two came to the task wall where Yan Ruyu was. Yan Ruyu was followed by at least 20 male students, most of whom were not weak, most of them were samurai, most of them were martial arts students, and even two were big martial arts students. In front of so many strong men, Ye Ming felt very stressed.

The arrival of Ye Ming and Bao extraordinary immediately attracted several hostile eyes.

Bao Fanfan only when he didn't feel it, he smiled and smiled at Yan Ruyu: "Sister Yan, we also want to participate in the mission, can we?"

Yan Ruyu looked back, Ye Ming's two eyes were shocked, Bao Baofan couldn't hold it completely, and his saliva came down.

She smiled slightly: "Okay. But this is an adventure mission. It's dangerous. You have to think about it." Her voice was better than her looks, and she sounded like a sound of nature.

Ye Ming said: "We have already considered it clearly, and it is our honor to be able to serve our sister."

Yan Ruyu nodded: "We are discussing whether to take on this task, you guys also have a look."

Ye Ming swept through the quest wall before realizing that the expedition was located deep in the monster forest, where someone found an ancient altar. The altar seemed to connect with another mysterious small world. Their trip was to enter that small world through the altar. The mission also stated that people had been sent to that small world, and there were rune traps everywhere, extremely dangerous.

After seeing it, Ye Ming said: "To participate in the expedition, we must have Rune Division."

"Fart! Do you still use it?" A young martial artist next to him sneered, and was extremely unfriendly to Ye Ming.

Ye Ming glanced at him and asked Yan Ruyu: "Sister, can we have Rune Masters?"

Yan Ruyu shook his head: "No, I am just a rough pass, so I am very hesitant to participate."

Ye Ming said: "I happen to know the dot matrix and may be able to help."

The warrior who ridiculed Ye Ming immediately sneered immediately: "Dare you call yourself a Rune Master based on your mercy?"


Ye Mingyang's hand was a ball of light that enveloped the opponent, then dropped a few shots of the flag, and immediately trapped the other in it. The martial artist only felt that the sky was dim and he couldn't look at it, and the killing light kept strangling towards him, and he was suddenly shocked and angry.

"Boy, I'll kill you if I go out!" The other party shouted.

"Okay, I'll kill you first." Ye Ming found a Wudu Linggu and threw it in.

Yan Ruyu quickly said, "Could you give me a thin noodle and let him go?"

Ye Ming smiled: "Sister has orders, how dare you disobey? But this person is too rude, I don't want to go with him."

Yan Ruyu said, "Okay, let him go back."

Ye Ming then collected Xiaoyin and Yang to kill the team. As soon as the martial artist came out, he immediately started to work against Ye Ming, but one hand rested on his shoulder.

The man who shot it was a young man with a long face and a white eyebrow, and a master of martial arts. Under his pressure, the man didn't dare to let the fart go, glaring at Ye Ming severely, then arched his hand towards Yan Ruyu and turned away.

Yan Ruyu nodded slightly to the white-browed youth, then lifted the task and went through the corresponding formalities. This expedition was issued by Qi Chengwei Dart Bureau. The crowd took the task and went directly to the Yangwei Dart Bureau.

The Yangwei Dart Board is a well-established dart board in Qicheng. It has been established for thousands of years. The two major families that control the Yangwei Dart Bureau are also the famous bronze families of Qicheng. At the door of the dart board were two dart masters. When they learned about Yan Ruyu's arrival, they immediately passed inward. A moment later, a young man stepped out with a smile, and said to Yan Ruyu: "Some, please speak inside."

The young man was obviously attracted by Yan Ruyu's beauty, and her eyes could no longer be removed from her. Yan Ruyu smiled like a flower, nodded slightly, and led everyone into the Yangwei Dart Bureau. Inside the gate of the dart board, there is a lobby for receiving guests. The young people invited everyone inside and ordered them to serve tea.

"Introduce yourself, I'm the young master of Yangwei Dart, named Yang Fuwei."

Yan Ruyu said, "Little girl Yan Ruyu, we have already taken the expedition. Please refer to Brother Yang for details."

Yang Fuwei smiled and said, "This is a cooperative adventure. I only provide the location, and then everyone can cooperate fairly."

"I don't know Brother Yang's fair cooperation, how to say?" Yan Ruyu asked with a smile.

Yang Fuwei said: "It's very simple. No matter what you get, you have to get 50-50."

The white-browed young man sneered, "I don't know how many people you can go to?"

Yang Fuwei said: "In addition to me, there are nine people, all martial arts."

Baimei Qingnian said: "This is obviously unfair. You have ten people, and we have twenty or more people. I think everyone should be divided by head."

Yang Fuwei said lightly: "If you feel unfair, then we can cancel the cooperation."

Seeing Yang Fuwei's tough state, Yan Ruyu smiled softly and said, "Brother Yang, don't be bothered, can we make a compromise. If you find something individually, it belongs to the individual. If it is something discovered by everyone, then both sides Fifty-five. "

Yang Fuwei thought for a while, and nodded: "Of course this is possible." He is good at Falun Gong, thinking that Yan Ruyu cannot be separated from him, so naturally there is no so-called separate discovery.

After the two sides finalized the cooperation method, Yan Ruyu asked about the situation in the small world, and Yang Fuwei informed them one by one. According to his speculation, the small world connected by the altar should be developed by a **** who is good at runes. The small world is very vast, and there are trapeze traps everywhere. If you do not know the trapeze, it will be impossible to move.

Last time he entered the small world, he didn't dare to go deep. He quitted at a glance, and immediately posted a task to find a collaborator.

Ye Ming knows that Wu Sheng can open up cave days, and Valkyrie-level strong can open up a small world. The small world lies between reality and reality, relying on the big world to exist. The Tianyuan continent where Ye Ming is located and the surrounding ocean and sea are a complete world. With the big world at its core, many small worlds can be derived. Places outside the Great World are called Tian Wai Tian by warriors on the Tianyuan continent, which is a vast and unpredictable universe, boundless.

Yang Fuwei finally said: "My idea is that this time we are mainly exploring, first understand the situation inside, and prepare for deeper exploration in the future. As for whether we can get a treasure, it depends on our luck. If you are lucky, you will be happy, and if you are unlucky, don't complain, just be a good person. "

Yan Ruyu said: "Brother Yang is right. I don't know how Brother Yang prepared, when will we set off?"

Yang Fuwei said, "You can set off at any time. But the monster forest is quite dangerous, and we'd better take a flying puppet."

Yan Ruyu thought for a while and said, "The price of renting a flying maggot is extremely high. Even a small flying maggot, at least once, will cost 5,000 Wujun coins."

Yang Fuwei laughed: "Yan Wei's money is rented out."

Yan Ruyu smiled gently: "So, thank you Brother Yang. It is not too late, we will prepare as soon as possible and set off in an hour."

In fact, there is nothing to prepare, just to prepare some food for yourself, and if you have money, you can get a few more sets of weapons and buy some elixir. At this time, Ye Ming pulled Bao Fanfan aside and said, "You go back first. I'm afraid this adventure is very dangerous, so you shouldn't follow it."

Bao is anxious: "Don't! You can go, I can't go? Besides, since it is dangerous, I should follow you, you are my cash cow."

Ye Ming said, "I won't let you go. There is something I need you to help. Zhang Heng is retreating where I live, leaving him alone. I'm not assured. You go back and protect him. Don't be surprised."

Bao Fanfan thought about it, and he couldn't seem to help Ye Ming much, so he was discouraged and said, "Well, I'll go back. But you must be careful, remember not to be too greedy."

Not long after Bao Fanfan left, a small flying puppet flew over the dart board. This small flying maggot is square, pointed at both ends, driven by the matrix method, can carry forty or fifty people, and has a fast flying speed, which can travel thousands of miles a day and night. Of course, its consumption is also large, you must use more than three spirit stones, or Wujun coins to urge.

Hida opened the entrance and everyone boarded the cabin.

Ye Ming was still flying for the first time. After entering, he looked around and found that the decoration inside was quite luxurious. At least those paintings on the water were far from comparable. Each seat is large and comfortable to sit on, and some people bring tea and water, and the service is very attentive.