
[ENG] Marvel: A Tech Prodigy Making His Own Wife at the beginning

!!!! This is not an original fan-fic, I'm just bringing it to webnovel and making it less... Chinese? -Support the original author- Locke, who obtained the [Big Bang of the World of Science and Technology], traveled to the world of Meiman. Start the game to unlock the world of Nier and get all the technical knowledge of it. As the so-called technology changes life, it is not too much to create an obedient and well-behaved wife for yourself at the beginning! The first rule of robotics: A robot must never harm the Creator, nor disobey any order of the Creator. The second rule of robotics: observe the words, discover the needs of the creator, and actively meet the needs of the creator. The precondition is that the first rule must be followed. 2b: "Master, am I right?" Locke: "That's right!" 2b: "Then you can ask for it now!"

RE_AuRT · Video Games
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40 Chs

Chapter 34

Looking at Green Goblin who was unmoving, Peter's face was full of complicated emotions.

He was a little shaken by the belief that he had held to before.

Is this belief that you hold true to?

A big question mark appeared in Peter's mind, lingering.

Seeming to see through what Peter was thinking, Locke showed a meaningful smile.

"What are you thinking, has your belief been shaken?"

"..." Peter looked at Locke with a complicated expression and said nothing.

However, from his face, it was obvious that he was still extremely angry with Locke.

After all, this guy in front of him killed Green Goblin.

But no matter what, Locke still saved his life.

His hostility to Locke could not help but disappear, replaced by curiosity.

He had never heard of Locke.

"If that was shaken, it means that it isn't for you. Yes, there is a line, but you still should kill someone who is truly evil."

Locke said with a smile on his face.


Hearing Locke's words, Peter was stunned. What kind of madman thinks like that?

"You don't say a word, it's really boring! For what you have done in the past, I will spare your life, but next time we fight, you won't be as lucky as you were now!

So, cherish the life I leave you! "

After that, Locke ignored Peter and jumped directly from the top floor of the Empire State Building.

Looking at the back of Locke... falling, Peter fell into contemplation, not knowing what he should do.

At the same time, the armor on Locke automatically un-attached itself and flew back towards the underground base of Rockefeller Manor.

As Loke landed on a quiet street, he looked at his watch, and only 10 minutes had passed.

In 10 minutes, he both fought Spider-man and Green Goblin and learned Spider-man's fighting skills.

His progress speed is simply absolute.

The key is to include the time to walk back and forth. In fact, the real-time spent on Green Goblin and Spider-man is less than five minutes.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded suddenly in Locke's mind.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully participating in the Spider-man vs. Green Goblin fight, rewarding 50 points! ]

"Oh, there are bonus points, this is a pleasant surprise.

Spider-man vs Green Goblin, so this is the timeline of the old Spider-man.

In the end, it seems that this world is not a regular Marvel world, but a multi-universal.

This is getting more and more interesting! "

Instead of worrying about the world, Locke became more and more excited to see what else is different.

After all, the multi-universe is much more interesting than a regular Marvel world.

The most important point is that there are more big events in the multi-universe world, which naturally makes it easier for him to collect points.

Don't blame Locke for paying so much attention to system points. After all, system points, to him, are the most valuable currency.

If the poor want to reach the pinnacle of life, money is naturally essential.

In the field of system points, he is really a poor man, and he is still the kind of poor who can no longer be poor.

Although the system rewarded him with 50 points, adding the previous 30 points, it was now 80 points.


[Host]: Locke

[Technology World]: Neil Mechanical Age



But let alone 20 points short, even if it is 1 point short, he will not be able to start a new round of science fiction world lottery.

And according to the rules of the system, drawing will be risky.

Even if he accumulated 100 points again It is not necessarily true that he will be able to draw a new item.

Therefore, the more system points he accumulates the better! After all, whether he can become stronger depends on these points.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, there is still a long way to go!

Exiting from the system interface, Locke walked directly into a nearby men's clothing store.

After all, after leaving the battle armor, he has no clothes on his body again.

But right now, he has to rush to see Gwen now!

Quickly, he walked into the nearby men's clothing store, it didn't take long for Locke wearing a suit to come out.

The date with Gwen can finally officially begin!


!! Decided to have both worlds (Got an idea from the comments), and now I've got a rough idea on how the story will go.

!!!! I've been thinking about the appearance of the love interest, if you can, please give me some pictures (Preferably a fantasy race).