
[ENG] Marvel: A Tech Prodigy Making His Own Wife at the beginning

!!!! This is not an original fan-fic, I'm just bringing it to webnovel and making it less... Chinese? -Support the original author- Locke, who obtained the [Big Bang of the World of Science and Technology], traveled to the world of Meiman. Start the game to unlock the world of Nier and get all the technical knowledge of it. As the so-called technology changes life, it is not too much to create an obedient and well-behaved wife for yourself at the beginning! The first rule of robotics: A robot must never harm the Creator, nor disobey any order of the Creator. The second rule of robotics: observe the words, discover the needs of the creator, and actively meet the needs of the creator. The precondition is that the first rule must be followed. 2b: "Master, am I right?" Locke: "That's right!" 2b: "Then you can ask for it now!"

RE_AuRT · Video Games
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40 Chs

Chapter 33

Ignoring Spider-man, Locke turned around and continued walking towards Green Goblin.

The green goblin was scared, undoubtedly so.

The unparalleled sense of oppression made Green Goblin feel suffocated, and fear completely devoured him.

"Wait, please give me a chance!" Green Goblin begged.

But Locke didn't care because, in his eyes, the person in front of him is already a deadman.

However, some people don't think so, and one of them was Peter!

The Spider-man gritted his teeth, struggled to get up, and cobwebs shot out again.

Sticking to both sides of the hole, he turned into a human slingshot again and propelled himself onto the roof.

This time there will be no nonsense, he seemed unwilling to rush to Locke.

Looking at the Spider-man who was unwilling to give up, a strange color flashed in Locke's eyes.

At a young age, he has such courage to persevere and not be afraid of death.

No wonder this guy is the most popular superhero in Marvel, he is worthy of being that.

Locke had admiration for Spider-man.

But admiration cannot be regarded right now, and what should be done is still to be done.

But once he didn't settle the fight quickly, he gave Spider-man a chance to show his strength.

After a few minutes, Spider-man's fighting skills have been fully understood by Locke, and have been optimized and improved on that basis.

When Locke defeated Spider-man with his moves and made his signature rollover and landing.

Pete Parker, depressed!

If it weren't for the different clothes, he would have begun to suspect that the guy in front of him was his clone.

Why is the opponent so familiar with his fighting skills, sometimes even better than himself?

Could it be that he had already learned all his fighting moves in such a short time?

But how is this possible?

Peter was taken aback by the sudden thought.

If this is the case, the guy in front of him is simply a genius.

Locke copied all of Spider-man's fighting skills in less than 5 minutes.

Not only copying, but also optimizing and improving them so they become his own fighting skills.

"Who are you?"

Spider-man was about to faint but still asked the question.

He didn't answer, and he didn't bother to answer.

Ignoring Spider-man, Locke turned around and came to Green Goblin.

He clenched his palms slowly, aimed at Green Goblin's head, and was about to punch him.

He was confident that with this punch, Green Goblin would be killed.

But at this moment, Spider-man stood up, and with difficulty, begging for Green Goblin's life.

"Please don't do this!" Spider-man took off his hood, revealing his face.

"Don't do this, you'll regret it." Locke's face was complicated, Peter's perseverance exceeded his imagination.

Pete Parker shook his head and said, "I've lost Uncle Ben, and I don't want his son to lose his father."

Before Pete Parker could finish speaking, he felt a chill on his back.

He saw that Green Goblins' face changed to a sinister face and stabbed a dagger into his back.

"You!!" Peter Norman behind him in disbelief.

"Peter, thank you, like an idiot you begged for me, it almost moved me. Heh..."

Quickly pulling out the dagger, Green Goblin rolled over and rolled to the side.

Several pumpkin bombs flew out from the glider and quickly rolled to Locke's feet.

"Hah... damn boy, say goodbye."

Green Goblin smirked, a face thinking that he had finally succeeded.


The earth-shattering explosion suddenly sounded, and the terrifying Shockwave and the incomparably hot flames instantly swallowed Locke.

Seeing such a scene, Pete Parker was heartbroken, his face full of remorse, and Green Goblin showed a smug smile.

But his smile didn't last for a few seconds, the smoke dissipated, and Locke stood safely in place, typical of smoke without injury!

"Peter, I said, didn't I? You will regret it, do you believe me now?"

Locke lightly patted the dust on his body and stepped forward, instantly coming to Green Goblin.

His palm grabbed Green Goblin's head and slammed it against the wall.


After some time, his palm released Green Goblin, and he fell limply.


!!! I made the SCP dungeon novel but I'm still open to any suggestions for the name or the plot.

It will be released later, I'm still working on this.

Also, it won't be a harem.