
[ENG] Marvel: A Tech Prodigy Making His Own Wife at the beginning

!!!! This is not an original fan-fic, I'm just bringing it to webnovel and making it less... Chinese? -Support the original author- Locke, who obtained the [Big Bang of the World of Science and Technology], traveled to the world of Meiman. Start the game to unlock the world of Nier and get all the technical knowledge of it. As the so-called technology changes life, it is not too much to create an obedient and well-behaved wife for yourself at the beginning! The first rule of robotics: A robot must never harm the Creator, nor disobey any order of the Creator. The second rule of robotics: observe the words, discover the needs of the creator, and actively meet the needs of the creator. The precondition is that the first rule must be followed. 2b: "Master, am I right?" Locke: "That's right!" 2b: "Then you can ask for it now!"

RE_AuRT · Video Games
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40 Chs

Chapter 35

"Where are you taking me?" Gwen looked curiously at Locke, holding his hand.

Locke smiled and said, "Just follow me, it is a good place!"

It didn't take long for Locke to lead Gwen into a dark alley.

At the end of the alley, there was a small door with a bright light. At the door, there were two men in black suits, with fierce looks on their faces.

Seeing this, Gwen was worried, gripping Locke's hand, she stopped moving forward.

"Where are you taking me?! This place doesn't look safe, let's go back." Gwen looked at Locke worriedly and said.

Locke smiled, raised his hand to caress Gwen's pretty face, and gently leaned on his earlobe, and said, "Don't worry, no one can hurt you with me!"

He then took Gwen to move forward, while Gwen was still immersed in Locke's words.

'It's so sweet, but it's also mushy! This guy is getting worse and worse.'

But with Locke's words, she didn't say anything and followed him silently.

Soon, the two came to the door.

Seeing Locke, the two men immediately raised their hands to block in front of them with cold faces.

"What are you doing?"

"You don't need to ask, it's gonna be fun fun!"

"Provide your identity."

Locke smiled, took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, and handed it to the strong man.

Looking at the banknotes in front of them, the faces of the two strong men immediately showed excitement.

Taking the banknotes, the two men looked at Locke flatteringly and said.

"Enjoy your stay, if anything happens, be sure to call us."

Their attitude took a 180-degree turn.

Sure enough, the strength of money is great.

"Thank you."

Patting the strong man on the shoulder, Locke said.

He then pulled Gwen by the hand and walked in.

"Locke, we shouldn't have come to this kind of place!" Gwen gently tugged at Locke and said softly.

As the daughter of the police chief, she still knows these places.

This is a place that is not suitable for anyone under 18.

They are doing this now, which is clearly against the law.

And yet, with Locke's calm face, she felt a lot more at ease.

The rebelliousness of the adolescent girl also made her not reject Locke's act and even had the thrill of tasting the forbidden fruit for the first time.

Speaking of the forbidden fruit, her eyes turned to look at Locke.

His new face fascinated her, and she didn't know whether anything else would be eaten...

Entering the door and going down the stairs, the noise soon drowned them out.

The deafening shouts mingled with the music, causing Gwen to frown.

Immediately afterward, a huge stage was revealed in front of the two of them.

Several people were dancing to the music, beautiful men and women everywhere.

"Don't look at it!" Looking at such a scene, Gwen's face immediately turned red.

She raised her hand and tried to cover Locke's eyes, but it was too late, and Locke could see clearly.

"I said, don't look at it!" Gwen said with a blushing face.

"Hehe, it's okay, I don't see much of it.

Well, compared to them, you are much more beautiful. "

Locke held Gwen's face in both hands and said while looking at her.

Hearing what he said, Gwen wanted to find a place to hide in.

"What are you talking about! If you continue to talk like that I'll beat you up!" Gwen said with a red face.

Saying that she pinched at Locke's waist, and the pained Locke grinned.

"Sorry, please forgive me." Locke begged for mercy and smiled.

"The reason why I say that is just to tell you that compared with those vulgar fans, I only see you in my eyes, and you are the most beautiful."

"I don't believe it!"

"You don't believe it? If you don't believe me, you can touch me to see if there is no response!" Locke said teasingly.

"Touch... touch what?!"

Gwen was stunned, and then reacted immediately, her already blushing face seemed to be on fire.


But as soon as she finished speaking, she was pulled into his arms.

"Just kidding, since you're at the speakeasy, let's have a drink." Locke said with a smile.

"Two glasses of whisky!" Locke said, raising his hand and throwing a banknote on the bar.

This is an underground dance hall, not a simple dance hall, but a very adult kind.

The reason why he brought Gwen here is not because he likes this kind of place.

But this kind of place is noisy and convenient for him to deal with some special things.


Tell me if anything is misspelled!