
[Civil Service Mom’s African Journey] (Stockings, Uniform, High Heels)

[Civil Service Mom’s African Journey] (Stockings, Uniform, High Heels) Original Green Mother Stockings Uniform High Heels Black Silk Butt Fat Ass Pussy Mother Child

Penulis_Novelh · Book&Literature
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The car drove until evening before arriving at this small village. When Bai Yeru and her colleagues got out of the car, they were dumbfounded. The place in front of them was not so much a village as it was a primitive tribe in the process of transitioning to a village. When the black people in the tribe saw Bai Yeru and his colleagues getting out of the car, they immediately greeted them enthusiastically. Some of these black people were wearing modern T-shirts and shorts, some even wore grass skirts, with various bird feathers on their heads, and their faces were painted. The driver enthusiastically introduced Bai Yeru's identity to the villagers. Bai Yeru, who was pure in heart, stretched out her white and tender hands and shook hands with them one by one. Several black teenagers actually held Bai Yeru's hand tightly and refused to let go. The black people in these tribes have never seen such a dignified, beautiful, beautiful and elegant yellow woman like Bai Yeru. Bai Yeru's skin is snow-white and delicate, even fairer than those white women who came to help. Bai Yeru greeted everyone in an unauthentic local language. Then they were taken to their accommodation by the driver and a staff member. Bai Yeru and several colleagues were arranged in several local thatched houses made of rammed earth. This mud house looks rough and crude from the outside.It's quite clean inside and has a few modern appliances. "Ms. Bai Yeru, I feel aggrieved these days. You can live here. This is already the best house in the village." Bai Yeru smiled warmly, with no dislike in her eyes. "It's okay, it's fine. This house looks quite unique. I can also experience the local customs." "You guys should take a rest first. The village has also arranged a bonfire party in the evening. Everyone is welcome." Bai Yeru and her colleagues settled down and took a short rest. As night fell, the black villagers set up bonfires and began to hold bonfire parties Several black women in grass skirts and feathers danced African dances in front of the bonfire. My mother and several female colleagues were sitting by the campfire. She was still wearing the white suit and sexy flesh-colored stockings on her legs. This dignified and beautiful dress was in sharp contrast to the black women with feathers all over their bodies. Harmony The bright bonfire reflected on my mother's fair and delicate face. All the black men stared intently at my mother and several female colleagues around her. They looked up and down. They all had dark faces and could not see whether they were blushing, but it was obvious. MouthwateringIt's about to flow out A female colleague who spoke the local language relatively well chatted with the black man next to her for a while, and then she realized that this was a dance specially performed to welcome distinguished guests. At this time, my mother noticed that the black children in front of her were all skinny and skinny, with their big innocent eyes looking straight at her. Looking at their thin bodies, Bai Yeru couldn't help but feel a little distressed. The most important thing is that none of these black children had any clothes on. They were sitting naked on the rocks, allowing themselves to be bitten by mosquitoes. When the mother saw the crotches of these children, she was really shocked. Although these children were thin and small, the genitals under their crotches were extremely thick, long and huge, which was completely out of proportion to their thin bodies and immature faces. Seeing this, my mother's face suddenly turned red. Although it's hot in Africa, it doesn't matter if you wear clothes or not, but these children are naked. This is too exaggerated. Then, one of the children, who was particularly thin, suddenly stood up He went up and took hold of his mother's tender and tender hand, wanting to dance with her. Bai Yeru's face suddenly turned red, and she was at a loss for a moment. The colleague next to me smiled and said to my mother "It's okay, Ye Ru, the child said he wants to dance with you."