
[Civil Service Mom’s African Journey] (Stockings, Uniform, High Heels)

[Civil Service Mom’s African Journey] (Stockings, Uniform, High Heels) Original Green Mother Stockings Uniform High Heels Black Silk Butt Fat Ass Pussy Mother Child

Penulis_Novelh · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

3 R-18

The mother looked at the child in front of her, and the motherly love in her heart began to overflow again. Pity gradually appeared in her eyes, and she was embarrassed to reject this thin and pitiful child. So Bai Yeru also stepped on high heels and began to dance with the black children in front of the bonfire. The insteps wrapped in stockings were particularly fair and delicate. The two round legs in stockings, under the light of the fire, looked exquisite and translucent, and the legs were in shape. Perfect The mother was full of motherly love, looking at the child in front of her with kind eyes, dancing awkwardly, and her plump buttocks wrapped in a suit and skirt kept swaying back and forth. Seeing how thin the child was, the mother's heart ached, and she actually took the child into her arms. "Hello, my son, what's your name" "My name is Bablu" It turns out that the child's name is Bablu "Where is your"parents" The mother asked where the boy's parents were. After asking, the boy's eyes gradually became moist. He pushed his mother's stockinged legs, returned to his seat, and sat down, with a sad look in his eyes. The crowd was buzzing at the scene, and Bai Yeru was too embarrassed to step forward to continue asking, and just looked at the boy quietly. After the bonfire party, the locals served some local food The mother and colleagues who were new here were of course not used to eating for the first time, so they dealt with a few mouthfuls and then went back to their thatched huts to rest. This night, Bai Yeru was harassed by mosquitoes and couldn't sleep at night. She was still thinking about the boy just now. She didn't know why he was so sad. Bai Yeru closed her eyes, and the boy's big, clear eyes and sad eyes appeared in her mind. Her mother's heart was overflowing, and she tossed and turned unable to sleep. She finally managed to fall asleep in the middle of the night. Early in the morning on the second day, my mother and her colleague Xiao Li started the first day of work. The first step in providing assistance is to first understand the family situation of local villagers. Unfortunately, my mother is not proficient in the language. She chatted with the villagers for a long time and still didn't understand. Fortunately, there are people who graduated with language majors.Only with Xiao Li on the side can we barely communicate It turns out that the local area has been suffering from a long-term drought and has just suffered a locust plague. The food harvest has failed in large areas. Young people have gone to Europe to work. Some old people and children are left. Because they don't have enough to eat, people often starve to death. However, these black people are relatively tactful in character. They often exaggerate their family's plight and want to take advantage of them. At Xiao Li's suggestion at the same time, Bai Yeru and Xiao Li decided to start with the children first. Children will never lie. The two wanted to ask some more real local conditions from the children's mouths. Bai Yeru and Xiao Li came to the entrance of the village, a place where children often play. Several local black children, naked buttocks, were kicking a tattered little leather ball. Although they didn't have much to eat, due to the nature of children, the children still had a lot of fun. At this time, Bai Yeru saw the child named Bablu last night again, sitting aside, not playing with these children, with his big clear eyes open, still looking sad, not knowing what he was thinking. When Bai Yeru saw this child, motherly love arose in her heart again. She walked up slowly and asked in a gentle tone. "Babru, what are you doing sitting here?Why don't you play football with other kids?" "I don't like playing football" Bai Yeru reached out and touched the child's bald head. Babulu's plump lips pouted towards Bai Yeru. His big eyes blinked, looking at Bai Yeru with an innocent and romantic look. "Yesterday I asked about your parents. You seemed very angry. What's going on? Can you tell your aunt?" After saying this, Bablu lowered his head again and said nothing. Bai Yeru came to Bablu's side, stretched out her white and tender palms, took Bablu's black and thin little hand in her hand, and then placed it on her stockinged thigh. Bablu's little hand touched Bai Yeru's white thighs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, and her young body couldn't help shaking. "Babru, can you tell me about your family's situation?"