
[Civil Service Mom’s African Journey] (Stockings, Uniform, High Heels)

[Civil Service Mom’s African Journey] (Stockings, Uniform, High Heels) Original Green Mother Stockings Uniform High Heels Black Silk Butt Fat Ass Pussy Mother Child

Penulis_Novelh · Book&Literature
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"Son, mom is leaving tomorrow. You have to take good care of yourself at home alone. Remember to eat on time. Don't let mom worry." Bai Yeru was packing her luggage as she spoke, her eyes full of reluctance for her son. "I know, Mom, be careful when you get there." Bai Yeru nodded. "Mom makes video calls with you every day. You have to study hard and don't take advantage of mom to stop being lazy." Bai Yeru is 38 years old and a civil servant of the National Committee to Support Africa. A month ago, Bai Yeru accepted the assignment from her unit to go on a business trip to a small country in West Africa for half a year to support local construction. Bai Yeru is an intellectual woman. She studied folklore in college. She is full of love for human culture. She has a kind and pure heart and a very gentle personality. When she was young, Bai Yeru saw the photos of skinny black African children on the Internet. Seeing them being plagued by disease and hunger, her eyes could not help but burst into tears, and her heart was overflowing. Although she was reluctant to leave her son, Bai Yeru resolutely accepted this task and decided to go to Africa to support the local poor people. On the second day, everything was ready. Bai Yeru grabbed her luggage and was about to leave for the airport.In order to show formality, Bai Yeru wore a white suit and a white bottoming shirt underneath. A pair of beautiful white breasts squeezed out a deep cleavage on her chest. The lower body is a complete suit and skirt. The length of the skirt reaches to the knees. On her two beautiful white and round legs, she wears a pair of extremely thin flesh-colored stockings. On her feet is a pair of white fish-mouth high heels. The white and tender toes wrapped in stockings are exposed from the fish's mouth, and the seams of the stockings can still be seen on the toes. Bai Yeru, who is pure in heart, especially likes the color white. On this trip to West Africa, she also wore her favorite white uniform. "Mom is gone. Son, you must take good care of yourself and don't let your mother worry." Bai Yeru said goodbye to her son with tears in her eyes, and kissed her son on the face before leaving. Arriving at the airport, Bai Yeru met up with several colleagues and successfully boarded a plane to a small African country. After more than ten hours of flying and a change of plane midway, Bai Yeru finally arrived at the airport of the small African country. These venues are very small and can only accommodate a few aircraft. It is said that they were built with the aid of our country. After more than ten hours of flying, Bai Yeru was exhausted, and she and a few colleagues slowly got off the plane. At the airport gate, the local government department has sent a car to pick up Bai Yeru and his party. The black driver sitting in the car looked as if Bai Yeru was walking toward him with two beautiful legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings. Stick out your tongue and keep licking your plump lips "Hello, nice to meet you, it's Miss Bai Yeru, right?" "Nice to meet you too, hello, we are the aid team from China." "I've been waiting for you for a long time. Come on, get in the car. I'll take you there right away. The rooms are all arranged." Bai Yeru barely communicated with the black man in English and some local languages that he had learned before. The black man drove Bai Yeru and several colleagues along the endless grassland road in Africa for more than 10 hours. There are endless grasslands on both sides. Occasionally, you can see some wild deer, zebras, and even lions. Bai Yeru and her colleagues are about to assist one of the most impoverished, backward and primitive small villages in the country.