

Realizing where he is, our MC works to hone both his mind and body, finding ways to stay in the battlefield and do what he does best. [] This is inspired by another I’ve read and I just wanna put my own ideas out. [] We all know I don’t own sh*tt but my own characters.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Decisions Decisions

In one of Italy's cities it was bustling as it usually would at nights, cars coming and going and a few civilians here and there.

There was a world wide war in progress but there were people still doing their own things at times, even the demands for currency is needed in order to survive.

Unless you're in a hot zone.

And as everyone has their daily agendas, there is another duo making their way through the streets like a couple.

Alfie was supposed to guide Rona and show her around while also telling her about the changes in the world.

But so far Rona had ran in a zig zag across the street as she paste her face onto the glasses of stores and ask what these "Amazing Technologies" are.

At first when they started their guide, the first thing she asked was what the "moving iron carriages" was, or how there were voices coming from the small devices which Alfie soon introduced to her as cars and radios.

But those were just the start, she started diving deep into the electrical powered devices.

In her head she thought of them as enchanted sorcery of some kind until Alfie explained to her about the man-made power sources such as electricity.

And as Rona learned of it, she was somehow convinced that it has something to do with the great Zeus having something to do with it, that the King of Gods himself has granted men the ability to use his powers to make these great inventions.

Alfie didn't deny it, but he won't agree with it either, there was so much for her to figure out on her own.

The path to learning, uncovering and introduction to this generation will be a long road, but she has the time.

That is if she was destined to follow this path.

Alfie was in a bit of a situation, it's no secret to the obvious that he has planned to have a good time with Rona in some...activities.

But the young lady's mind had a non-stop rain of questions, even complicated ones Alfie didn't expect.

And it was still going, but in the middle of their walk and talk they stopped for some midnight drinks and she had a few beers, other drinks, and some food in a bar.

And that added a new unending topic on top of the "how does this work" category.

In the end Alfie let his plans go and just spent the night with the curious girl genuinely, he could easily find another girl when he is truly horny.

But for now, moments like this with the young...old young lady is considered to be an incredible moment. To shoe her the world and be a part of a change in her life was priceless.

Alfie has always been pissing people off or making a joke, making people think of him as a guy who isn't genuine and always horseplays.

In fact he avoids anything that has to do with heartfelt emotions, something people would never associate him with.

At times when he and Steve walk together, Steve would kneel down and do a few head and shoulder pats to the kids while also giving some blood pumping courageous speech to them.

When it came to Alfie's little fans, or any fans for that matter, he would just shoo them off as if they were troublesome.

When that don't work he will either sign something for them or give them a few bucks before finally shooing them off.

There were even a few die hard fans of his who tried to power their way through to Alfie aggressively, but Alfie would only knock then out mercilessly.

Steve had to save a few civilians who almost wanted to start a fight with Alfie, Steve didn't have much control over that in their younger school days.

But now he does, and it was just cruel if Alfie started a scuffle, he was just on a whole other level and the simplest strikes from Alfie was not...harmless.

But Steve knew about Alfie, he and a few others knew the real Alfie, but now he was just annoyed at so many people coming up to bother him.

So he avoids a lot of crowds.

Steve was still able to see him, at times Alfie would stop and kick a few idiots from children to adults who are bullies or racist.

But now Alfie didn't think of Rona as troublesome or a waste of time.

She doesn't know anything about the new world and is literally happy to learn new parts of the world.

There was not much to do as it was past midnight, and most popular places were closed. But Alfie started to tell her about the things that are a little enjoyable in modern life that she might also enjoy.

From delicious food snacks, sports, comedy plays, musicals, magic tricks, circus and things such as fashion.

Alfie introduced the few clothings women wear through some of the store displays on the sidewalks, she wasn't into it much.

She wasn't feeling comfortable with how tight the clothes looked, she liked the dress she wore just fine, it gave her a feeling of freedom.

At some point she suddenly slowed down before looking at Alfie, and she asked about something she saw a few times on their walk.

She has seen that ones with different colors would usually give each other looks of disgust or such, and she has learned a few slurs used to call each other racially.

It was then that Alfie told her about the ugly side of the new worlds, on the side of the wonderful world there has to be an equally ugly side.

Rona was aghast when she heard there was hatred between races due to one's skin color or origin.

She was raised never knowing about the concept of hating one due to a simple difference of color, sure she grew up and once questioned about the colors of skin but the simple words of the wise elders satisfied her curiosity.

The wise elders said that no one had the choice of their appearance when they are born, and when someone was born they are all one and would bleed the same blood.

There weren't much mysteries in there so she let go of the thought.

She has grown up sparring and battling alongside her sisters who were diverse in all races.

But to hear that there was tension between people in the men's world was surprising and simply...stupid.

Alfie informed her of other sinful things people do in the new world, the greed, the lust and pretty much every 7 sins in the bible.

Some of them wasn't surprising to her though, as the Queen and the wise ones have told them about the behaviors of the men's world.

Which gave disgusts to many of the Amazons, it also explained why some including Erza were glaring at every man around.

The thought of men being dominant was so...distasteful to them.

Rona was able to even catch a few men's eyes wonder on her and her body, at first she felt Alfie's eyes on her as well but after some time it seemed to have stopped and took his job as a guide passionately.

Alfie was different from what the wise ones told her about, he was funny and smart not leaving a dull moment in her eyes.

To her it seems he knew everything about the world, and even more.

And at some point he brought up the topic of the war, a war so big it was called a World-War, and it wasn't even the first but the second.

There was no limit to their topics, from little things to small things and even about the past and possible futures.

They spoke of the past and dread backward from the first world wide war to the past titanic kingdoms to ever exist and major historical events.

Alfie then brought up the topic of other pantheons, the Norse mythology, the Greeks, the Chinese Mythology, the Japanese mythologies, African mythologies, Egyptian mythologies, Polynesian mythologies and many more.

Rona has never heard about other pantheons other than the Greeks, but she does know that in the world of men they have their own gods.

She believed that there was only their gods that exist because they have proof of their own, but Alfie cleared it up to her that they were all real more or less.

In fact he wasn't sure unless the Amazons showed up, at first he was only sure of the Norse pantheon due to this world similar to the UCM.

Alfie told her that the many pantheons live in their own realm and are all involved in a part of the world.

Rona found it hard to believe since these pantheons are in leagues and not far in strength to their gods.

Alfie even commented that the Norse are stronger than the Greeks and she immediately denied it, but he was right to think so.

As in Marvel, they tend to lean on the Norse mythologies as their favorite while the DC favored the Greeks more.

In both worlds Marvel has Thor who is the son of Odin, King of Asgard.

While DC has Diana who is the daughter of Zeus, King of Olympus.

But there were many variants so it wasn't logical to think an individual or group is stronger, artists have always made stories where the scales were always going back and forth from being strong in one universe and weak in another.

So it was no use.

Rona was still thinking when she realized that Alfie hasn't talked about his God, about the god who is more worshipped now than any other in history.

His explanation was that God is the only one true god there is, while the others are just aliens with great power who descended on earth and showcased their powers which human ancestors decide to call gods and worship them.

Rona wanted to call him a hypocrite but Alfie announced that it was almost time for the sun to rise soon.

Alfie whistled for a cab before they were taken to the port soon.

During the ride, Rona was checking out the interior of the car like an excited kid, Alfie rolled the window down and she got even more excited.

Poking her head out and screamed while feeling the wind and sticking her tongue out like a dog.

As they rode back Rona asked Alfie about something she was interested in, something that will allow her to see the world.

A traveller.

There wasn't much to tell, but there was much to see, and that was enough to convince her of wanting to be a traveler which was similar to being on an adventure.

She had fun but now she had to get back, and hopefully no one was looking for her but the chances are low.

She really had fun today, and she so wished to do it again and learn more, do more even and eat the sweets Alfie told her about.

Alfie told her that she can only do things she longed for if she was not afraid to take that step, that leap.

And she made up her mind to bring the topic up with Princess Selena when she has the chance.

She felt like the girl in Alfie's story, she made a decision and sneakily leapt off the ship and she did not regret it one tiny bit.

She now wondered how she would feel if she didn't go into the city and just stay on that ship, she would have regretted it.

And in that way she was convinced of the sign the great Goddess Hera has sent her, she looked up at Alfie who sat beside her casually looking outside the moving car.

She leaned in and kissed the side of his cheek before saying a happily soft "Thank you."

Alfie answered back with a smile and a simple "Anytime."