

Realizing where he is, our MC works to hone both his mind and body, finding ways to stay in the battlefield and do what he does best. [] This is inspired by another I’ve read and I just wanna put my own ideas out. [] We all know I don’t own sh*tt but my own characters.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

...Before The...

Morning arrived and Alfie was knocked out on one of Howard's room.

He came back at 4 in the morning before taking off his clothes and dropping them in a trail leading to an extra room before carelessly dropping into a satisfying tired sleep.

Howard woke up early as alway and watched as Alfie entered the suite and treated it as if it was his own house.

Alfie had his own room in the base that was many times better than most of the military officers but he still insisted on sleeping at Howard's.

Howard was about to complain about the mess Alfie left but realized later that the bastard never listens to his complains so he kicked his clothes to one spot before having his early breakfast and doing his morning light stretches and exercise.

Hours later at 9 Am.

Alfie was still asleep snoring when Howard came and shook him trying to wake him up.

"Al…Alfred, don't you have a meeting today?" Howard asked.

"Mmm what time is it?" Alfie asked without even moving or opening his eyes.

"It's 9:30, isn't there a meeting today at 10?" Howard asked.

"Yeah, I think there was, but just wake me up at 12 or something." Alfie said lazily.

"I can't wake you up anymore, I have to go, I have things to do, but I have an alarm here just in case." Howard said before putting an alarm clock on the nightstand next to Alfie.

"Mhmm" Alfie hummed out before going back to sleep.

Howard left warning Alfie not to make a mess of the place or bring in any more strangers. But his words were just flying in the air not entering anyone's ear.

Hours later Alfie woke up 14 minutes past 1.

He was definitely late for the meeting, but he didn't rush he was already late so there wasn't any need to.

If this was the 21st century then his phone would be blown up with calls and messages.

Alfie tread his way into the kitchen and started making himself some food.

Alfie put some casual clothes and a heavy coat around him before heading out with a sunglass and a coffee in hand.

The suite was military related and was also just a few meters away from the base.

It took a few minutes for Alfie to arrive at the base entrance and show his card to enter, but the gatekeepers were already familiar with him so he didn't show them for too long.

Alfie made his way to a parking spot where a few soldiers whose main job was to drive officers around, and he simply got a ride before he head straight to the main building for the strategy room.

Making their way there, Alfie was able to hear about a new company joining them in the base, a whole company made up of all girls.

Obviously the Amazons, Steve must have took the responsibility in taking care of them and getting a place for them to stay.

Which means Princess Selena was also there at the meeting.

When they made it there Alfie tossed another wad of cash to the driver who was shocked at the amount, it was as much as a Captains annual pay.

But Alfie didn't care, he has done some work with Don Caló which earned him a few bucks, not to mention that fighting the Stidda family was a big turf full of money.

In other words Alfie was as rich as a gang boss, at least ones that are actually packing.

Alfie made his way into the building and into the room after a few turns and walked in as everyone was quiet other than Steve who was standing up and presenting an idea he had for the operation.

When Steve saw Alfie he stopped talking and stare at him, which prompted everyone else to also look back and saw Alfie who was just...free of worry.

Seeing every eyes on him Alfie knew he had to have an explanation, or else it might just be unbearable.

"Ummm...there was an old lady who was having trouble crossing the street...so I had to help her get home…" Alfie said wishing his glasses are more tinted.

"Al we started about 4 hours ago." Steve said holding himself back from scolding in front of everyone

"She lived about four hours awa-" Alfie wanted to finish his excuse but he was interrupted by the Colonel.

"Just sit down." Colonel Phillips said as he turned his head back to Steve signaling him to start.

"...as I was saying, with the mountains it's not gonna be easy to just execute a straightforward attack, but we can use the mountains to our advan…" Steve continued.

Alfie look to the left to see Selena with Erza and Rona.

They were all staring at him either from his late entrance or for some other reason.

Alfie didn't mind the judging stares and picked his hand up to wave.

Two of them didn't react, but Rona beamed up a smile and waved her hand excitedly until she saw Selena side glancing at her, which froze and and turned her earlier excitement to pure professional by bowing her upper body and nodding.

That was all Alfie needed to see to know that they know about him and Rona going out during the night.

Alfie knew that Selena was gonna need an explanation from him after the meeting, but that's something for another time, for now Alfie just got himself a seat and something for his leg to put up on and relax while listening in.

A few officers who are "All work and no play" looked at Alfie with serious expressions with different thoughts.

But unlike the cultivation worlds they just brought their focus back in Captain America and didn't think about Alfie again.

The things Steve proposed was that he would go in alone first, which was immediately taken down as being ilogical and stupid.

It was just like in the movie, Steve wanted to get close to Red Skull before the whole army attacks to catch him and not let him escape like he was able to do on many occasions.

Alfie didn't speak up on this meeting and let everyone do their thing.

A situation Rose up between a few commanders and the three Amazons, the Commanders commented about the Amazons equipments.

About how it is not a good idea to send in a few women with bladed weapons and shield, Selena's response to that was that their two greatest heroes go to battle with a sword and shield.

Selena had sassy and smartass comebacks to the few commanders that were full of themselves, Alfie couldn't hold it and laughed his ass off at the face of the few Commanders.

But when Steve is present, he is most likely gonna try to put the fire out.

"Alright that's enough, there is no need to worry about Princess Selena and her people, we are already planning on figuring out something so this discussion is for another time." Steve said as he put his hand out to signal them down.

But Erza has different plans.

"Why is it that you hold the highest ranks yet they (Alfie and Steve) are the strongest and most intelligent out of you all?

I have read about foot soldiers who have done more than any of you and deserves more yet remains a lowly soldier.

If you were in a different circumsta-" Erza paused as Princess Selena put her hand on her shoulders stopping her from any more.

"Please continue on." Selena said as she looked to Steve.

Peggy was there and like a spy, she has been observing Steve's reaction since they arrived to see if she can see anything 'unusual.'

But so far she hasn't seen any weird actions or feelings between any parties.

When she heard that Steve along with Alfie were vouching for a group of women to join the war she was skeptical, and when Steve arrived bringing three beautiful women it would be a lie to say that her heart didn't stop.

And when Steve introduced the princess with her Queensguard she kept an indifference stare at Steve, but Steve knew it was anything but indifference.

She both hated and liked the situation.

Beautiful women and Steve knew each other? She did not like that.

Strong Women joining the war is stronger than most of these men? She loved that.

She finally wouldn't be the only woman holding her own up there, now there were about 142 who are trained warriors since birth.

So in that situation her respect went out to the group of women while an alarm rang out in her head to watch Steve.

Throughout the meeting Steve didn't show much intimate reactions to the three women as it seemed purely professional, so she was in relief but she still hasn't put her guard down.

Steve may be different but in the end, to her he was also a man, tempting situations could change the best of men.

As the meeting went on Alfie suddenly showed up, and like always he caused a commotion, Peggy then later caught the closeness of Alfie and the three.

The Princess and the one with the fearless look seemed to have some differences with Alfie while the pretty one with light brown hair was happy to see Alfie.

To Peggy she couldn't help but be curious, but that isn't important now.

Soon the meeting was paused as everyone took a break, the sun was setting and everyone went to get a proper meal.

Alfie ran away before anyone hd the chance to look for him or for the three women to Chase him down.

As everyone was making their way out Selena caught a glimpse of James, and in turn Luna.

For the oast couple of days Luna had been with James just roaming with him as he tries to get drunk and eat with him.

James shared his food with Luna, it didn't appear as distasteful to him as others saw it, other than Alfie, James was the one who understood her te most, maybe he understood her more than Alfie due to his animal instincts and his wolfish traits.

So sharing food with Luna was like sharing with another women who was like a close friend...except she would try to hog all the food.

And as Selena saw Luna she rushed to hug the big wolf when someone appeared in front of her.

"Hello, my name is Peggy, for now I'll be the one to take care of you and your people while I will also get to know more about you if you don't mind." Peggy said with a smile.

Of course she wasn't put in charge of taking care of the Amazons, Steve was, but who was Steve to Peggy?...no one to her, at least she tells that to anyone who asks.

"And we are honored to have a strong woman like you to take care of us, only a woman of your stature is qualified to take care of us." Selena said as she dipped her head.

To the Amazons they hold Peggy in high regards for the fact that she was the only women in the room with these so-called "commanders."

"Please allow me to introduce myself and my friends, I am Selena Gord, this is Erza Crown, and Rona Meadus." Selena said as she turned around and signaled to the other two respectively.

"It is an honor great warrior Peggy." Erza and Rona said at the same time.

Rona with a delightful smile and Erza with a serious expression.

"Oh um, no need to add all the honorifics, you can just call me Peggy, Peggy Carter." Peggy said.

She was glad that the three had good thoughts of her rather than the same attitude they showed these men.

In the end it was all about women sticking together.

"Very well, then you may call me Selena."

"Oh I don't know if it's appropriate to do that." Peggy said unsure.

Erza and Rona don't seem to have a problem with it as they are also friends with the princess, but casually calling her by her name in front of her people might bring out some disagreements to some of them.

"Mr.McBride has taken it upon himself to call me whatever fits his mood." Selena said.

And that was true, Alfie has called her princess, Selena, or even Queen despite knowing she isn't the queen.

This caused the Amazons to refute his words but it only fell in deaf ears. Selena knew about Alfie's personality and didn't take it to heart.

"Yeah but that's...that's how he is, please excuse his idiocy. He may seem unbearable but he is a good man inside." Peggy said almost gritting her words.

"There is no need for any worries, I understand the characters of Mr.McBride and know that he means well." Selena cleared it up.

"Now please, if you'd follow me, I will take you t-" Before Peggy could finish Luna barked and ran to Selena.

Erza and Rona were alarmed at first until Selena spread her arms as the wolf jumped at her as Selena easily picked her up like a baby.

This action astounded Peggy and a few others who were still in the room, to easily pick up a grown wolf like she just did was unnatural.

The only ones who could ever pick the wolf up easily are ones like Steve, Alfie and Sergeant James.

Alfie and James were seen doing that a lot when Luna was having a bad day and wanna bite someone's ears off.

What's more surprising is that Luna liked Selena as she licked her face as Selena sang in laughter.