

It Was A Dream

Mr. Wyatt Griffin was confused. This slender looking woman have got to be kidding. How can she not know what he's talking about? Why is she having that look of innocence on her face? Why is she trying to pretend not to know what he's talking about?

He turned to Max; "Are you sure this is Ava Addison?"

"Yes, I'm so sure sir."

He turned to her with full fury. Maybe because the gun isn't so close to her skull, that's why she is taking him for granted. He pressed the pistol to her forehead.

"I really don't know what you're talking about." her voice squealed. She was shaking with fear.

"You don't know what am talking about?Are you saying that I'm lying?" he turned to Max, "Tell her what she is." Mr. Griffin ordered him.

"Yes sir. She is Ava Addison. One of the lowest paid writers in California. She is struggling between two jobs, one at a coffee cafe, where she sits and writes all day in the evening, and the other at a Glacier's flower shop. She is an orphan. But she's adopted to Addison's family. She has a younger sister called Evelyn..."

Ava shuddered as she heard him speak. How did they manage to know her so well?

"She have written so many low rated works. Applied for several writing companies but none accepted her. So she writes and post them online waiting for any one who do negotiate or buy from her." he said further while she gaped at him.

Each piece of information about her was so right. But she never knew him before. How come he knows so much about her.

Mr. Griffin glared at her; "Isn't that you?"

"It's me, but, I don't know what you guys are talking about."

He was getting impatient. He conked the gun and kept his finger on the trigger. She became terrified. "I've been

single all my life. How would I have a baby? I don't even know you."

He was getting more pissed. Her denial infuriated him the more. Why is she lying? "There's only one way to find out if you're saying the truth."


He dropped his gun and took hold of her dress. She struggled under his grasp as he stripped her off . She stood naked. This can't be happening...she thought as she stared on at him breathlessly while he searched for God-knows-what on her belly.

Mr. Griffin stared at her bare body. One way to find out if this girl is lying is, if there's no scar on her belly. He believed the scar on her belly was valid

proof. He didn't even have to search for it for long because it was so visible on her belly. Just below her belly button.

He smirked. He knew it. This bitch is a big liar! "Then how did you get this scar? If you never had a child?" he asked.

"What scar?" she replied with a question looking at herself.

"You don't even know what am talking about yet? huh?" he touched her skin and her eyes flared up. Though, she was shy, the warmness of his palms on her bare belly got her body singing. "What's this scar over here?" he asked whispering as he shifted away from her.

"Oh." she mouthed. "I got the scar from an appendix operation." She replied touching her scar but, he could see between her white lies. He's not dumb!

He came close to her again while she stepped back. Her smalls bxxbs jiggled as she walked while his eyes followed her. She wished he didn't come close. Her back pressed against the wall while he hovered menacingly, infront of her.

His eyes burned into her silky skin. She was so shy wearing nothing. "I need to confirm that."


"I need to be sure that you're not lying to me." he said and tried to touch her.

"No! leave me alone!!" Ava yelled pushing him, though, he didn't bulge. He held her arm but she wriggled away.

"Don't touch me! I said that I don't know what you're talking about! You've got the wrong person! I have no baby..." He sealed his lips with hers to make her stop yelling. He rolled his tongue against hers. She struggled while he pushed his tongue deeper into her throat. He sucked her upper lips. His lips suddenly grazed the bare skin of her breast, his tongue kept flicking out trying to tease the peak.

She could barely catch her breath, so her struggles became faint. She now battled between giving into this whole new feeling which overwhelmed her and not succumbing to it. And in the end of every thought, all she can think of, over and over again is that SHE WANTS HIM NOW!.

"Oh..." she moaned as her centre makes contact with the undeniable evidence of his desire, and her hips rock against his. She managed to get her hands out of his grasp. She touched his chest. Geez! So rigid. And the abs, she trailed her fingers through them. She suddenly felt like burying her face on his chest and a take a deep breath in.

"Umph."she moaned. Her hands wanted to curl around his neck but he pinned her hands against the wall once more. His hands traced an electric path up her spine, then reached for her butt cheeks. His hand was heading to her private part when she suddenly screamed and sat up from her bed.

It was a dream. She looked around her dark room and then reached for her light switch. She flickered it and the room was flooded with light. She was not in the dungeon but in her apartment. She breathed heavily. Was that a dream? She felt her bed. She touched herself. This is her room. Yeah, she looked around her room again and recognized everything she kept in every corner of her room.

But what sort of dream was that? She could still feel his kisses and touches on her skin and yet, it's a dream. But why was it so real??