

Where Is The Baby?

Music blared loudly from speakers. The dim lit room was filled to the brim with party freaks. Everyone gyrated and whined to the beats and movements of Taylor Swift's song, BLANK SPACE. But at the bar stand, a frustrated young girl of about twenty- four sat having a drink and shaking her head to the song.

She took a hard gulp at her drink and sighed. Her name is Ava Addison. A third rated novelist in Carmel Valley, San Diego California. She's an orphan. She was adopted by Addison Campbell's family as their first child. She has a sister, Evelyn Addison who hates her with so much passion. Reason being that she took away her parental love away from her.

Sitting and looking so frustrated at the bar stand made her look so pitiful, because of all the shit going in her head. She tried so hard not to think about her fucked up life but she couldn't help it. Today was such a bad day for her. Her angry boss at the flower shop, and the nagging of her boss at the coffee cafe where she works, was so unbearable today. Coupled with the troubles her writing is giving her. She can't believe she had to wipe out one of her favourite story from her laptop after three months of sleepless night.

She sighed as her mind recalled Thomas, her boyfriend, her first love...so hard to say but, he's her boyfriend who can't remember or see her anymore because of an amnesia that he has. To crown it all, he's dating her sister, Evelyn.

Fuvked up life! She thought to herself and sighed again. "Can I have another drink?" she asked the bar man, Dammy, who eyed her. "You're drinking so much today. Bet Thomas is giving you a lot of trouble these days." he said refilling her glass.

She sniffed. "Thomas haven't been taking my calls for two days now. Guess he's hanging out with my sister." she said and shrugged. She shook her wine glass while staring at it and the wine danced vigorously inside the glass.

"Eiish! You're heartbroken?"

"That's a no no Dammy. Tch!" she smirked and then frowned the next minute. "Work today wasn't smiling at me. And my writing is getting more fucked up than I ever thought." she said and took a sip.

"I see. "

She emptied her glass one more time. Her eyes were getting blurry. She is not drunk yet, she told herself as she asked for another fill of her glass.

"You're getting drunk Ava."

"Not yet." She raised her right first finger up shakily. "Just one more glass." she said and dug her fingers into her hair. Her head was beginning to spin. Her eyes closing. She could barely see Dammy. The sounds from the speakers were hazy in her ears. She tried rubbing her eyes but no, it wasn't working. She rested her head on the table and dozed off.


In a dungeon, Ava was awakened by the sudden coldness of the blurry dungeon. And on top of it all, someone poured a pail of water on her to wake her up.

Wearing her silky nightdress from last night, Ava's curves were explicit to the others. She was very drowsy and confused. What is this place?

How did she end up here? She looked around. Except for the hefty man who had an empty pail in his hand, no one else was in the dungeon with her. She became scared. She clutched herself due to the severe cold, she looked on at the man.

"Where am I?" she asked but there was no answer. Just a heavy glare and then silence. How scary those eyes were.

How did she end up here? Have she been kidnapped? She curled up herself and tried recalling anything that might've brought her here but her head was too blank to reason.


a handsome man approached her. She peered at him. His face looks familiar. Have she seen him somewhere before? Maybe at the coffee cafe or at the flower shop. She couldn't tell but, the face was so damn familiar. If only she can think very hard, she can remember where she might've met him before.

"Is this her?" he asked the other man, pointing at her and speaking in a very low voice while the other man nodded. "Yes sir, this is her."

"You mean, " he peered closer at her face. "You mean, she is the one? Ava Addison?"

"Yes sir, it's her."

She became more tensed. Okay, hold on, Her? What happened to her? How did they know her name?

"What did I do? I didn't hurt anyone. I didn't do anything!" she yelled, trying to claim innocence.

The man brought out a pistol and pointed it at her. Liz gasped and grew nervous. She shivered. The cold suddenly dissapeared from her skin. She was perspirating.

The man's eyes never left her body. He stared from her face to her hands which she lifted up to the air in surrender and her legs which she outstretched due to fear.

He stared at her curvy body and pulled closer to her with the pistol nearly touching her forehead. She nearly peed on her body when she felt the pistol kissing her temple. She half closed her eyes waiting for the worst.

"Where is the baby?" he suddenly asked. Huh?? She opened her eyes and blinked twice. What baby? She was confused.

"I'm asking you!" he yelled and she shuddered. "I don't know what you're talking about. " she replied. Her heart almost flying out of her chest.

"You don't know what I'm talking about? You kidding me right now. I won't ask you again, where is the baby?"

"I..I...d..don't have any baby. " she stuttered. Her lips were shaking as she spoke.

"I'm asking you for the last time. Where is the baby you had three years ago?"

Liz was stunned. She had never had a baby. She had a baby three years ago? That's ridiculous! She have been single all her life except for when she dated Thomas. Asides that, she have never slept with anyone, so what baby?!!!