

Why Was He Everywhere??

That man was clearly touching her. The dream about a man raping her in a dungeon was so weird. Ava couldn't stop feeling the warmth of his skin and the pain in her private part. She loathed herself for having such a dream. She checked the time and it was past six already. So she grabbed her iPad and unlocked it. She logged into her IG account and scrolled through the news feed. That's when she saw a piece of news on her IG newsfeed.

The man in her dream was the

interviewee of a report, Mr. Wyatt Griffin, the CEO of DMF company. A company after every young girl's heart. If only she was allowed to work there, she'd never worry about money for the rest of her life. DMFC is the only company in California that speaks money. The way they expanded their perfumery into Hollywood industry and even for scriptwriting is something to admire about. But why was he in her dream? She checked out the man's profile and his interview reports. And interviews with Television broadcasting companies.

"How is DMFC the leading business in perfumery? Film making and Scripting for film?" a female interview had asked him.

His handsome nature sat up on the couch and adjusted his suit jacket. He crossed his legs, "Well, DMF company know what he's doing. It takes only someone who has a heart of business to run a business. You can't throw in yourself at something which won't bring value and profit to your name and business."

"Okay, how about your upcoming twenty-eight birthday. Rumors has it that your family wants you to settle down. Is that true? Will our young entrepreneur succumb to marriage pressures?"

"Well, as long as getting married into a wealthy and well connected family will bring in money to DMF, I don't see why I won't get married."

Ava pressed pause on the video playing on her iPad screen. She saw this documentary yesterday, before she went to bed. Maybe that's the reason why he dreamt of Mr. Wyatt Griffin.

If that was not the case, how would such a successful businessman have anything to do with her? Why would Mr. Wyatt, a successful businessman like him, handsome, tall, killer gazes and to crown it all, rich and powerful family to back him up, have anything to do with her? It's a dream. It must be. She assured herself.

Ava got off her bed and a fierce pain tugged in between her legs that she nearly screamed. She couldn't stand upright. She trudged slowly to the bathroom where she had a warm bath and prepared to go to work.

Ava set out to the coffee cafe very early, hoping to write before her boss shows up at the cafe. She was a novelist and enjoyed writing somewhere she can observe people. That's the major reason why she chose to work at the cafe because of it's serenity.

In the cafe, she marvelled at the coolness of the weather. She smiled at the weather and then sat down. She set down her laptop on top of the desk and unlocked it. She clicked on her writer's app and cracked her fingers and took in a deep sigh. Then she began to type;

*"Arilla have seen a lot of weird dreams but nothing can be compared to the one she saw yesternight. The feel of someone ripping off her dress, touching her forcefully and against her will, is too real to be called a dream..."* she stopped as two teenage girls walked into the cafe. Time she get up and start her morning routine.

She stood up as the teenagers settled down into a seat.

"How was your night pretties?" she asked the girls as she went to the counter smiling.

"It was perfect. Good morning." one of the girls said chuckling while she smiled back at her. She grabbed her pink Apron with the cafe's tag on it and wore it. She tied the laces around her waist and approached the coffee making machine.

Then she listened into the girl's conversation as she washed and cleaned the cups and mugs for coffees.

"Wyatt Griffin is getting married! It's not so sure yet but, it's been all over the news since yesterday!"

Ava's eyebrows perked up on hearing the name, WYATT GRIFFIN.

"Really? The woman is so lucky!" the other girl pouted.

"Yeah! I wish he was getting to me. He is too perfect for any woman. Look at this, " she gave her friend, her phone. " See his picture?"

"Whoa! "

"Someone took a picture of him this wee hours of the morning and posted it on IG. Rumours have it that he's in San Diego."

She cupped her mouth; "San Diego? What's he doing here?"

"Can't tell. But isn't he looking so cute in a casual look? I just I can marry him."

Ava was speechless. Why was he everywhere?

Even as she finished her work for the day and headed home, he saw his face on a mug ad. And even on the billboard.


He was wearing a handsome smile and had this look which made her shiver terribly. It was the same gaze he gave her in her dream.

On the street, as she sat at the taxi bay to catch a bus or maybe a taxi to go home, he saw his face pasted all over the taxi stand. Why is she seeing his face so much today? She peered closely at his face. Wyatt Griffin...she read out his name. She suddenly felt as if his picture was looking sternly at her, so she looked away.

A little girl of about five, approached her smiling. She made to smile back but as she saw the little girl's backpack, her facial expression changed.

It was him again. Why is he everywhere?! Did she really have a dream?