Title: 'Breaking Free from Boredom'. The story could be about a young man, let's call him Tom. Tom has been in a relationship for a while, and when he hears 'break up with your girlfriend i'm bored', it strikes a chord. His relationship has become routine. His girlfriend, Emma, is always so predictable. He decides to break up with her. At first, she's angry and confused. But Tom explains his need for change. After the break - up, Tom travels and has all sorts of new experiences, finally feeling free from the boredom of his old relationship.
They can also do some handicrafts. For example, making jewelry out of beads or knitting a scarf. It not only kills time but also allows them to be creative and have something unique in the end.
For something modern, 'The Girl in the Wall' is a good choice. It has unexpected twists and turns that'll keep you on the edge of your seat. The build-up of tension is amazing when you're bored.
Fantasy fanfiction is a good option. These often have magical elements and unique creatures that can capture your imagination and keep you engrossed when you're feeling bored.