Rather than positive 'stealthing sex stories', we can focus on the stories of survivors who have come forward to share their experiences of having stealthing happen to them. Their stories are important as they raise awareness about the need for consent in all sexual encounters. One such story was of a woman who was in a relationship and discovered her partner had removed the condom without her knowledge. She then had to deal with the emotional and physical consequences, like fear of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. Her speaking out led to more discussions about sexual ethics.
There really shouldn't be so - called 'good' stealthing sex stories. But if we look at it from a prevention perspective, there are stories of campaigns against stealthing. For instance, some organizations have shared stories of how they educated the public about the importance of always having clear and continuous consent in sexual relationships. They used real - life examples of the harm caused by stealthing, such as the breakdown of trust and the violation of personal boundaries, to encourage people to respect others' rights in sexual situations.
Stealthing is a non - consensual and unethical behavior, and there should be no positive 'stories' in that regard. However, for educational purposes, we can talk about cases where it was reported and the legal consequences. For example, there was a case where a person was convicted of sexual assault due to stealthing. This shows that any form of non - consensual sexual behavior is unacceptable in society.