The word 'comice' is pronounced as 'k蓹藞mi藧s'. It's not too difficult once you break it down into individual sounds and practice a few times.
Pruning a comice pear tree involves cutting back overgrown branches and removing dead or damaged ones. It's best done in late winter or early spring.
First, choose a suitable location with good sunlight and well-drained soil. Then, plant the tree at the right time and provide regular watering and fertilization.
You can pollinate comice pear by hand using a small brush to transfer pollen from one flower to another.
You can put the comice pear in a paper bag and add a ripe banana. The ethylene gas released by the banana helps ripen the pear.
Comice pears usually get pollinated in a couple of ways. One common method is wind carrying pollen between flowers. Another is when animals like birds or small mammals accidentally transfer pollen as they move around the orchard.
The word 'comic' is pronounced as /藞k蓲m瑟k/. It's not too difficult once you get the hang of it.
The correct pronunciation of 'mange' is [m忙nd蕭]. It's not too difficult once you get the hang of it. Just remember to blend the sounds smoothly.
The word 'comically' is pronounced as /藞k蓲m瑟kli/.
It's pronounced as /藞f瑟k蕛蓹nl/. Just remember the stress is on the second syllable.