It depends on the source. If you find it on a well - known and legal e - book platform like Kindle during a promotional free period, then it's legal. But if you're getting it from a random website that is not authorized to distribute the ebook, it's illegal. Copyright holders have the right to protect their work and downloading from illegal sources is a form of piracy. There are consequences for engaging in such illegal activities, including potential legal action.
Downloading comics illegally is not a good idea. You could check out popular digital comic book stores or the official website of the publisher. Sometimes, libraries also offer digital access if you have a membership.
Game of Thrones was a very popular American TV series that could be watched on many platforms. The following are some common ways to watch:
1. Watch it on TV: Game of Thrones can be broadcasted on many TV channels such as HBO and Netflix.
2. Watch on the website: Game of Thrones can be watched on Facebook, which provides exclusive streaming of Game of Thrones. In addition, the website also provided the rental and download service of Game of Thrones.
3. Watch it on TV: Some countries and regional TV stations will also broadcast Game of Thrones on local TV screens.
4. Watch it on video-sharing platforms: Some video-sharing platforms such as Youtube and Vimeo also provide content for watching the game.
No matter which way you choose to view it, it is recommended to search and compare the clarity, update time, and content of different platforms.
Sorry, but finding legal places to download the A Game of Thrones comic book can be tricky. It's best to purchase it from authorized digital stores or libraries to support the creators and avoid any legal issues.