The words for 'fiction' and 'non-fiction' in German are 'Fiktion' and 'Sachbuch' respectively.
To say 'fiction' in German, it's 'Fiktion', and for 'non-fiction', it's commonly 'Sachbuch'. Keep in mind that language is flexible, and there could be variations in different regions or specific fields of discourse.
In German, 'fiction' is typically expressed as 'Fiktion' and 'non-fiction' is often 'Sachbuch'. However, there might be some other terms used depending on the context. For example, 'Roman' can also mean fiction in a certain context.
The most common ways to say 'non-fiction' in German are 'Sachbuch' and 'Sachliteratur'. 'Sachbuch' is more focused on books specifically, while 'Sachliteratur' has a broader meaning encompassing all types of non-fiction writing.
In German, 'fiction' is commonly expressed as 'Fiktion'. For example, you might say 'Ich lese gerne Fiktion' which means 'I like to read fiction'.
The German word for 'science fiction' is 'Science-Fiction'.
The German term for'science fiction' is 'Science-Fiction'.
In Spanish, 'non fiction' is commonly translated as 'no ficci贸n'. It's a straightforward translation and widely used when referring to this genre of literature or content.
The phrase 'non-fiction books' can be translated to 'libros de no ficci贸n' in Spanish.
The Spanish term for 'non fiction' is 'no ficci贸n'.
You can say 'non-fiction' in Italian as 'saggistica'. It's used to describe various types of non-fiction literature like biographies, history books, and more.
You can say '闈炶櫄鏋勭被浣滃搧' (f膿i x奴 g貌u l猫i zu貌 p菒n) to mean 'non-fiction' in Chinese. This term is commonly used to distinguish works that are factual and not fictional.
The French equivalent of 'non-fiction' is simply 'non-fiction'. But in some contexts, you might also come across 'ouvrages non fictionnels' or '艙uvres non fictionnelles'.