The French equivalent of 'non-fiction' is simply 'non-fiction'. But in some contexts, you might also come across 'ouvrages non fictionnels' or '艙uvres non fictionnelles'.
The French term for 'science fiction' is 'science-fiction'.
The Spanish term for 'non fiction' is 'no ficci贸n'.
You can say 'non-fiction' in Italian as 'saggistica'. It's used to describe various types of non-fiction literature like biographies, history books, and more.
You can say '闈炶櫄鏋勭被浣滃搧' (f膿i x奴 g貌u l猫i zu貌 p菒n) to mean 'non-fiction' in Chinese. This term is commonly used to distinguish works that are factual and not fictional.
In French in pulp fiction, 'double cheeseburger' could be 'Double hamburger au fromage'.
In French,'story' is translated as 'histoire'. It's a common word used in various contexts related to tales and narratives.
In French, 'novel' is translated as 'roman'. It's a common word used in literature and language contexts.
The phrase 'non-fiction books' in Spanish is 'libros de no ficci贸n'.
The phrase 'non-fiction books' is 'libros de no ficci贸n' in Spanish.
The French term for'realistic fiction' is 'fiction r茅aliste'.