
I've been accumulating some sad, beautiful, and meaningful sentences, hoping to get help?

2024-09-15 05:46
If you think that sentence is good, send it to me, okay? Thank you. Also, I want some good or good novel titles. Thank you. Thank YOU very much Well, after reading the question of one of the replies, I remembered that I forgot to add one point, which is, can it not be related to love? Because I'm still a student, I don't think these sentences are appropriate. Let me give you an example (Looking up at the stars, discovering that the stars are unreal). That's all. About youth, about childhood, about time, about life, thank you.
1 answer

Some sad sentences in online novels can resonate deeply with people's emotions. Here are some suggestions that may be helpful: Loneliness is a beautiful power that can make a person stronger. - Spring Tree of Jiuzhou In the dark abyss my soul is crying and your departure is my only comfort. - Anne baby The loss, helplessness, and pain of suddenly losing something that you once had were indescribable. - Higashino Keigo Love is not the whole of life, but love is the most important part of life. - Haruki Murakami In the silent night, a lonely heart is calling me, but you are no longer by my side. - The girl with a soft voice Life is like a journey. Some people will only accompany you for a while, and some will accompany you all the way to the end. - Bai yansong There are many helpless things in life. Sometimes we have to face the pain of loss. - regions south of the Yangtze River Sometimes we have to think about the past and the future in solitude. - little four Life is like a gamble. Some people choose the right direction at the beginning, while others are still fumbling. - bonfire drama princes In this world, only those brave people can find their own way out. - unknown I hope these sentences can help you better express your feelings and think about life.

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1 answer
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I want some beautiful and sad sentences
1 answer
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1 answer
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1 answer
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1 answer
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Give some beautiful, sad sentences
1 answer
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provide some beautiful or sad sentences.
1 answer
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1 answer
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1 answer
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