
the description of scenery in a novel

2024-09-04 19:00
1 answer

Scenery description was one of the indispensable elements in a novel. Through describing the environment, scenery, atmosphere, etc., one could express the background of the story, the mood of the characters, and their emotions. The main functions of scenery description were as follows: 1. Description of the background: By describing the environment, it will introduce the time, place, climate and other background information of the story so that the reader can better understand the background of the story. 2. Shaping the characters: Through describing the scenery, the readers can better understand the character's personality and inner world. 3. Pushing the plot forward: Creating an atmosphere by describing the scenery, hinting at the development of the plot and the direction of the character's fate, which serves as a foreshadowing and catalyst for the development of the story. 4. Increase the literary effect: By describing the scenery, it can improve the literary effect of the novel, such as enhancing the expressiveness, appeal, and artistry. The following points should be noted when describing scenery: 1. Focus on the main point: The description of the scenery should focus on the main point, that is, in some way emphasize the most important elements in the story, such as the emotions of the characters, the turning point of the story, etc. 2. Beautiful language: Scenery descriptions should be expressed in beautiful and appropriate language to enhance the literary effect of the novel. 3. Unique perspective: The description of the scenery should be expressed from a unique perspective, such as the perspective of God, the perspective of the parties, etc., to enhance the expressiveness of the novel. Pay attention to seasons and climate: When describing scenery, you should consider factors such as seasons and climate to make the scenery description more realistic and appropriate.

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