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Love Me, My Omega!

Tristan Lee, a dominant alpha through and through, meets Justin Vincent Alvarez—an omega who has never gotten his first heat in his 22 years of life. A fateful encounter between the two intertwines their fates, making them meet over and over again, just because Tristan helps Justin in his first heat. With the things tying their fates together, read how their love story will unfold. _____ The face that I have been longing to see all this time made my heart skip a beat as if I fell in love with him over again. His cat-like icy blue eyes stared at me as if he was looking into my soul, while I felt like I was drowning in them. I was getting sucked in again without any care for what has happened before—for what broke me into thousands of pieces. Just a single look from him made me realize how much I still love him after all this time. "Justin..." I called his name. "Yes?" He responded, feigning innocence as if he doesn't know how much that eye contact affected me. He had a different kind of effect on me that no one could ever compare to. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what I was about to do. I don't feel hesitant in doing this at all. Instead, I feel nervous that he might reject me. He must have hated me a lot after all that. But I can't afford to lose him again. If I do... I might really lose myself this time. "Please love me, my omega." _____ *R18* NOTE: This story contains sexual content and vulgar words that may not be appropriate for some readers. Cover art: @tamailustra Next book: "The Alpha's Downfall" is now up! The story takes place in the same universe.

surprisinglypretty · LGBT+
195 Chs

Duy nhất là em

Khương Cửu Sênh là một ngôi sao nhạc Rock đang ở đỉnh cao thành công, một cô gái xinh đẹp, lôi cuốn, tao nhã, thâm trầm và có chút lạnh lùng. Cô gặp Thời Cẩn, một bác sĩ cuồng sạch sẽ, tự nhận là fan cuồng não tàn của Khương Cửu Sênh, gây ấn tượng mạnh với cô bởi bàn tay quá đẹp của anh, bởi cô mắc bệnh cuồng tay mức độ nhẹ. Cuộc gặp gỡ tình cờ của họ trong thang máy chung cư đánh dấu một câu chuyện tình cuồng nhiệt, ẩn chứa trong đó đầy những bí mật về thân thế của hai người, những cuộc đấu tranh của các gia đình tài phiệt, từ đó dẫn đến chuỗi những cuộc trả thù đẫm máu và tàn nhẫn. Nhưng trên tất cả là sự đấu tranh của Khương Cửu Sênh và Thời Cẩn để bảo vệ tình yêu, công lý, chính nghĩa, chống lại những thế lực đen tối, những vụ buôn lậu, ma túy, rửa tiền, đem lại bầu không khí trong sạch trong các phi vụ làm ăn, và một cuộc sống yên bình, ấm áp mà cả hai đều mong muốn. Với sự can trường, mạnh mẽ, thông minh của một cô gái yêu nhạc rock và một tính cách lạnh lùng, tàn nhẫn, sự tài giỏi không gì là không làm được, nhưng luôn muốn hướng thiện vì người mình yêu của người đàn ông si tình đã chứng minh sức mạnh tình yêu sẽ giúp họ vượt qua mọi khó khăn, cùng hoàn thiện nhau để có được hạnh phúc mãn nguyện nhất.

Gu Nan Xi · Urban
474 Chs

Thanh Xuân Bắt Đầu Từ Khi Gặp Anh

Bảy năm trước họ chia tay, anh biến mất không lời từ biệt. Bảy năm sau, cô chuẩn bị kết hôn anh lại xuất hiện, dùng mọi thủ đoạn để ép cô lấy anh. Một tờ chứng nhận kết hôn buộc chặt hai con người tưởng chừng đã mãi mãi mất nhau. Và từ đó về sau cô bé lọ lem trở thành nữ hoàng... Hoắc Miên, cô gái giản dị với chỉ số thông minh cực cao đã hút hồn Tần Sở - Tổng giám đốc tập đoàn GK đẹp trai giàu có. Tình yêu từ thuở thiếu thời trải qua bao sóng gió mới kết trái ngọt nhưng họ nào đâu biết, giông tố mới chỉ bắt đầu mà thôi…

Baby Piggie · Urban
1724 Chs

[BL] Eros and Ellis: A Brother's Secret

The promise took place in an orphanage where the two boys first met and promises were made that will break them apart as they grow older. But as years passed by, people change, things had changed, Eros and Ellis have different career paths and different lifestyles, would their promise be, their awaiting fate? ••• [Shoutout to the one who drew/edit the cover! Please message me if you see this. It’s so beautiful! Thank you so much! xx]

_shay · LGBT+
203 Chs

Sebuah Pengakuan

21+ FREY : “Awasi Zulian dan jangan pukul dia.” Permintaan kakakku terdengar cukup mudah. Yaitu untuk mengawasi sahabatnya di kampus dan menjaga tanganku untuk diriku sendiri. Dan ini tentunya sangat mudah. Bahkan jika Zulian adalah seorang kutu buku. Aku selalu berpikir ini sangat lucu, aku tidak punya waktu untuk berpikir dengan diriku sendiri. Hanya ada satu tongkat yang harus aku fokuskan tahun ini, dan itu adalah tongkat hoki ku. Tujuanku setelah lulus adalah untuk mendapatkan kontrak kerja. Hal terakhir yang aku butuhkan adalah pengalihkan perhatian dari semuanya. Di dalam atau di luar. Hanya saja, mematuhi aturan lebih sulit dari yang aku pikirkan. **** ZULIAN: Semua orang membuatku bingung. Dan tidak lebih lagi seseorang yang bernama Frey Geraldi. Aku hampir tidak berbicara sepatah katapun dengannya sepanjang waktuku mengenalnya, tetapi kali ini, Aku menginjakkan kaki di kampus, dan dia tidak akan mungkin akan goyah. Aku tidak pernah bisa mengantisipasi langkah selanjutnya. Dan setiap kali kita bersama, langkahku selanjutnya adalah sebuah misteri. Aku ingin menyerah padanya, tapi itu mungkin aku harus berterus terang tentang sesuatu yang belum pernah aku pedulikan sebelumnya.

Richard_Raff28 · LGBT+
286 Chs


(Boy Love) ----------------- Someday you find someone and then they make you feel like the whole world but suddenly, you lose them just because... But you must find a way to get them back! Kaiden would never in a million years allow his feelings for Jake to get swept under the carpet but then even if he must love his heart's choice, there are toxic family demands to live up to. Short book

Flaming_ash · LGBT+
137 Chs

Người yêu kết hôn 1 tặng 1: Giám đốc xin vui lòng ký nhận!

Chị cô kết hôn, cô lại từ một đứa không cha không mẹ một đêm trở thành thiếu phu nhân của nhà giàu quyền thế nhất của thành phố T. Trong đêm tân hôn, hắn vừa lạnh lùng vừa vô tâm nói, “Dù cho cô giở thủ đoạn gì gả đến Mục gia, thì trong mắt tôi cô chẳng là cái thá gì cả!” còn cô vô cùng bình tĩnh và nói một cách vô tình, “Mục thiếu à đừng đánh giá cao bản thân mình đến vậy chứ, cả thân thể cùng tiền của anh, tôi đều chướng mắt!” Sau khi kết hôn - ban ngày Mục đại thiếu tiêu tiền như nước, ban đêm thì “Em nói em chướng mắt anh ở chỗ nào chứ, hả?” Lạc Thần Hi càng cảm thấy phiền phức hơn, tàn nhẫn vứt giấy ly hôn, “Thời gian vừa qua thật khó khăn mà, ly hôn đi!” Một giây sau, cô công chúa nhỏ ôm hành lý hình dán hellokitty chạy đến, vui mừng ôm lấy đùi cô, “Ma ma, có phải chúng ta chơi trò bỏ nhà ra đi hay không?”

Thủy Tình · Urban
1724 Chs


21+ Yang paling Chriss rasakan saat ini adalah kesempurnaan dari apa yang telah diberikan oleh kedua pria itu kepadanya. Dan Chriss tahu betul pada saat itu bahwa dia akan melakukan apa saja untuk mempertahankannya. Apa pun itu. Empat tahun berada di luar negeri, seniman Julio Dante kembali pulang untuk mulai membangun mimpinya memiliki studio seni dan galeri sendiri. Tapi saat dirinya sudah siap untuk melupakan kegelapan masa lalu untuk selamanya, kegelapan itu datang kembali. Satu-satunya hal yang mencegah mantan polisi Michael Clark memakan senjatanya sendiri setelah kehilangan sesuatu yang tak bisa dibayangkan, yaitu perannya dalam sindikat bawah tanah yang berusaha mendapatkan keadilan bagi orang yang tidak bersalah dengan mengambil nyawa orang yang bersalah. Lalu mengakhiri kehidupan artis muda yang melakukan kejahatan tak terkatakan terhadap korban yang paling rentan seharusnya menjadi hal termudah di dunia. Jadi mengapa dia tidak bisa memaksa dirinya untuk menarik pelatuk senjatanya? Setelah bertahun-tahun bertempur dalam perang yang tak berujung dan memakan korban jiwa, Chriss Bryan pulang untuk bertempur kembali, berurusan dengan kenyataan bahwa saudara perempuannya yang melarikan diri dari rumah delapan tahun sebelumnya telah hilang dari dirinya untuk selamanya. Dia membutuhkan jawaban dan satu-satunya orang yang dapat memberikan jawaban kepadanya adalah seorang pemuda yang berjuang untuk menyatukan kembali hidupnya. Tapi dia tidak pernah berharap untuk merasakan sesuatu yang lebih untuk artis angker itu. Chriss dan Michael. Yang satu hidup dengan penuh aturan, dan yang lain membuat aturannya sendiri. Yang satu mencari keadilan melalui hukum sementara yang lain mencari keadilan dengan senjatanya. Dua pria ini, satunya terang, satunya gelap. Akan menemukan diri mereka satu sama lain ketika mereka dipaksa untuk berdiri berdampingan melindungi Julio dari kejahatan tak terlihat yang tidak akan berhenti untuk membungkam artis muda itu selamanya. Tapi bekas luka setiap pria ini sangatlah dalam dan bahkan kekuatan tiga orang mungkin tidak akan cukup untuk menyelamatkan mereka... Bagaimana kisahnya? Jangan lewatkan setiap BAB nya.....

Richard_Raff28 · LGBT+
265 Chs


Aksa. Seorang laki-laki yang banyak di kagumi oleh para perempuan. Bagaimana tidak. Tubuhnya yang tinggi, warna kulitnya yang putih, hidungnya yang mancung dan warna kedua bola matanya yang cokelat membuat wanita yang melihatnya langsung terpana olehnya. Apalagi Aksa adalah putra tunggal dari keluarga konglomerat yang mempunyai banyak perusahaan di dalam maupun luar Negeri. Namun bukan berarti itu semua menjadikan Aksa sebagai seseorang yang suka mempermainkan hati wanita. Dia hanya mencintai satu orang wanita di hatinya sejak dia duduk di bangku Sekolah Menengah Atas. Wanita itu bernama Cantika. Semuanya sudah Aksa lakukan hanya untuk Cantika. Apalagi kedua orangtua Aksa sudah sangat menyukai Cantika. Karena Cantika terlahir dari keluarga yang kaya raya juga seperti keluarga Aksa. Tetapi setelah berjalan selama 2 tahun, wanita yang sangat dia cintai selingkuh darinya. Dengan alasan jika dirinya masih mempunyai perasaan oleh mantan kekasihnya. Itu semua membuat Aksa merasakan patah hati yang teramat mendalam. Semenjak itu Aksa tidak pernah berpacaran lagi dengan wanita lain. Hingga akhirnya datang seorang wanita yang sangat memperjuangkan Aksa. Yaitu Bulan. Bukan tanpa alasan wanita itu memperjuangkan Aksa, tetapi hanya karena Bulan mendapatkan tantangan dari teman-temannya. Isi perjanjian itu adalah jika dia berhasil mendapatkan hati Aksa, maka semua teman-temannya akan memberikan hadiah kepadanya.

Arummsukma · Fantasy
388 Chs

My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Ashton is an Alpha who hides who he is due to the fear of being feared, and Caleb is an omega who hides his identity since he hates the way omegas are mistreated. Both of them gave up on the thought of ever having a relationship, even if they find their fated mates. What happens when these two meet and their biggest secrets unfold. Will this bring them closer? Can they fight their feelings despite not wanting to? ~~~~~~~~ "The way spoke in front of them, you almost had me convinced that you liked me", Ashton snorted. "I do". Caleb confessed. With widened eyes, Ashton struggled to ask, "Is this... another one of you jokes"? "No. I really like you. I have liked you for a long time". He said, biting his lips, awaiting the rejection. "I thought you hate Alphas". Ashton wondered. "Not you". Caleb declared. ~~~~~~~ How will their story develop? Get into it and find find out for yourself!! [WPC-145: GOLD TIER WINNER] [MATURE CONTENT] check out my another story, 《Vampire who fell for his hunter(BL)》 ---------- PS: If you want to connect with me: Feel free to message me in:- 1.Discord. ID: sillymlk#8687 2. Instagram ID: @silly.mlk or @zuozhe_jiemei 3.Discord group: https://discord.gg/rJPDJQA 4.Twitter: @Sillymlk 5. Blog: https://sillymlk.blogspot.com 6.Buy me a Ko-fi? http://Ko-fi.com/sillymlk 5. Check out its trailer in YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/BgXPlxYUGxc

sillymlk · LGBT+
329 Chs

Opposites Attract, they said

What great love story doesn't start with two people that absolutely hate each other? Meet Elijah Quinn. Quiet, composed, and mostly just keeps to himself - your definition of a typical high school nerd. He comes from a financially well-endowed family, to say the least. Always the top achiever in class, he keeps interactions with others to a bare minimum, if not at all, and is completely oblivious to the fact that many girls lust after him. Now meet Lucas Kim. Your typical high school playboy. He is well aware of the long line of people waiting to get a turn with him and wears that fact with pride. He is usually seen with a group of loud and rowdy boys who walk around like they own the place. He is known to have slept with pretty much all the girls in school. Two very stereotypical-sounding people in a very stereotypical school setting. Or so you would think.

noticemesenpai2000 · LGBT+
40 Chs

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

After having been abandoned on the beach as a baby Ocean has lived the best life possible. He is the school's star swimmer. He is the most popular and a shoe in for the student body president. He is an honors student. And he even has the hottest girl in school as his girlfriend. But everything comes crashing down around him when the hot new Makai Rivers transfers in their senior year. Makai begins to steal Ocean's popularity, his number one spot on the swim team, even his girlfriend dumps him for the new guy. All of this just infuriates Ocean. So, why is it that Makai seems to follow Ocean around like a lost little puppy? Why can't he get this super annoying and super hot guy to stop following him? What is it that he truly feels toward Makai. And What is it that is different about Makai? Why is it that they're both so drawn toward each other? ******************** MATURE RATING ******************** This book is a LGBTQ story with mature content. There will be scenes that contain the following: ADULT LANGUAGE UNDERAGE DRINKING VIOLENCE SEXUAL SITUATIONS FOLLOW ME AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 **THE AUTHOR OWNS NO RIGHTS TO THE IMAGE ON THIS COVER, IF THERE IS AN ISSUE WITH ME USING THIS PLEASE CONTACT ME WITH ANY CONCERNS**

Deni_Chance · LGBT+
500 Chs

Love in a place where fingers mean world [BL]

“He was standing at the edge of the rooftop, looking down at the ground. It looked like paradise. Full of trees, lawns, kids playing happily outside. He looked at them with jealousy. Why can’t he be like them? Why did he have to suffer so much? ’I would jump somewhere else…’ A deep voice sounded behind him, changing everything.” Not everyone can live a happy life. The two of them shared a similar fate. They were exhausted from living in such a world that didn't favor their circumstances. One was abandoned, one was abused. One day, they had a sudden meeting at the school's rooftop. At that moment, fate interfered, tying the strings of their destinies. That very fate worked to make a journey that they could travel together. However, their meeting did start off on the wrong foot. They haven’t become friends. Would the plan that fate wove for them be fulfilled when they are destroying each other? Will their relationship overcome all the problems?

Eoli · LGBT+
174 Chs

Danger Zone [BL]

"You got to choose, me or him?" x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x Aiden Matautia, a hidden heir of the Matautia family situated in Switzerland, has escaped his own country to study in a much lesser place to be discovered. Unbeknownst to his knowledge, the young heir will meet three men that will change his life, either for the better or for the worst. What will happen to him once he met these people? And what adventures await to him in a foreign yet beautiful country? Read along and find out! x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x WARNING! The Alternate Ending is not for the faint of heart! Don't read if you are not into it. -COMPLETED, dated August 31, 2021 -This novel has won the Silver Tier of WPC #159 Female Lead - Love Is In The Air! -The cover id originally made by my friend, rosella0214. Thank u for the beautiful cover!

docaqui · LGBT+
271 Chs

Cuộc hôn nhân bí mật đầy ngọt ngào: Vợ yêu bé bỏng của đại gia tài phiệt

Kiếp trước, Cố Vi Vi bị chính người đàn ông mình yêu đem trái tim của cô cấy ghép cho người bạn thân mà cô tín nhiệm nhất. Cô chết đi sống lại, trở thành cô bạn gái nhỏ của tài phiệt đệ nhất Trung Quốc, Phó Hàn Tranh. Cô cẩn trọng từng bước, báo thù kẻ hãm hại mình. Anh ở bên bảo vệ, hết mực yêu thương cô. Ai cũng nói Phó Hàn Tranh là kẻ kiêu ngạo lạnh lùng, bạc tình, vô nhân tính. Vậy chẳng lẽ người chồng hoàn mỹ ngày nào cũng trêu chọc cô tới mặt đỏ tim đập, sủng cô vô pháp vô thiên kia, là giả sao? “Tiên sinh, ở trường học có rất nhiều nam sinh theo đuổi phu nhân.” “Cho toàn bộ nam sinh trong trường nghỉ học, biến trường của cô ấy thành trường nữ sinh cho tôi.” “Tiên sinh, có tin đồn gán ghép phu nhân và một nam minh tinh đang nổi tiếng trong giới giải trí là một đôi.” “Phong sát nam minh tinh kia đi.” (“Phong sát” là ngăn cản mọi hoạt động trong giới giải trí của ai đó.) “Nam minh tinh kia là em trai anh.” “Vậy thì đánh chết cậu ta đi.”

Helen Dương Dương · Urban
2303 Chs

Shameless Ghost King Is My Husband!

“Ah! My… My husband…” "You, my dear wife, is the sweet I craved the most." “You know how to talk,” Ying Yue flushed and felt the bite to his lips. “Ah Yue,” a breathless deep chuckle made his body shivered, “The times I spent with you, touch you, and taste you will never satisfy me.” *** Ying Yue was Heaven’s Chosen, a person gifted to bring peace, balance, and rid the world of evil. He was full of pureness and hope! Only problem? He fell deeply for the shameless Ghost King, Wang Li. Wang Li, a person gifted to bring chaos and death, had waited centuries for Ying Yue. Now that he had Heaven’s Chosen, he would never let Ying Yue go. A beauty like Ying Yue was meant only for him. With their marriage, the truth of their love brought a curse and a prophecy for the Ghost King’s death. The worst part? Ying Yue was the one fated to kill his husband. What should he do to keep this love with Wang Li? What had to be sacrificed to preserve it? Was he willing to? That aside, He had also married a horny shameless king! And he… He dared to declare that he regretted nothing. “I want to take your innocence, your body, your heart, your lips. Everything, my beloved wife. I am not whole without you.” Yep, he regretted nothing. == *WPC 159- Gold Tier Winner* *SMUT starts chapter 16 and throughout future chapters.* Other TAGS: Fate, Death, Childhood Love

MichelleLeeee · LGBT+
228 Chs


Angelo Verde is a spy who investigates the Mafia's underground business. In the middle of an undercover operation, some unavoidable events leave him no choice but to serve Marvel Yerevan, the Mafia crime boss of one formidable Family. The taste of horrible and peculiar experiences in the underworld does not stop him from stepping deeper into the Mafia's territory, all to gain Marvel's trust. Ready to submit, even become a plaything, he will act subservient while secretly taking advantage of his position for the investigation to complete the tasks he is given. But, can he win the mission when he has never been victorious over a personal battle with the boss? EXCERPT I: "Sir, I think you need to change your clothes, or else you will catch a cold." I suggested Marvel, using his half-wet suit of rain as an excuse to get to know him better. The man in front of me was so tall and well-built, his physique exposed both strength and beauty. It wasn't out of curiosity that I patted his shoulder to sweep the wet dots away, but I wanted to create a connection with him. "If you don't mind, let me help you," I smiled. "It's my responsibility to take care of your health and serve you, so let's go to your room and change-" The coldness of fingers touching my cheek startled me, freezing up the rest of my words. Before I could develop a reaction, the artistic form of a man had turned blurry above my dilated eyes when Marvel reduced our distance. Seizing up the air I meant to breathe in, his lips contrived a way to communicate with mine without the need for words. I always asked myself, what should I do to get closer to Marvel, to step into his territory, to make him trust me? I think I know now. EXCERPT II: "It isn't that hard," Marvel convinced me, sure of it. His knuckles slithered above my cheek. "All you have to do is put it inside your mouth and just let it slide above your tongue." His words were followed by a gesture of his thumb teasing my lips until I felt it in between my teeth. Demanding access, it started to push in deeper, stroking my tongue without any sign of reluctance. When his eyes slightly narrowed to hold a smile, the steel blue marbles glimmered, and I couldn't tear my gaze away from this handsome gent in front of me. "You can do it, right?" At first, I wanted to pretend I didn't understand what Marvel was talking about, but my attempt to be indifferent might not work against someone with a character like his, knowing how much power he had, and I realized what his true intention was. I forced my mouth to open, only later did I know that those simple words would change my fate completely. "Yes, Sir."

Puppetstring · LGBT+
222 Chs

Kenapa Aku Sendirian

Seorang anak remaja perempuan dari kecil hingga sekarang ia selalu sendirian, dia di jauhi anak-anak lain bahkan penduduknya sekalipun lalu dia bertemu seseorang yang mirip dengannya! Dan dunia ini terdapat 15 kerajaan yang memiliki zaman yang berbeda-beda. Perjalanan sang tokoh utama akan sangat sulit karena akan dihadang oleh monster-monster yang kuat dan sang tokoh utama harus bisa menerima kenyataan yang menurutnya sulit untuk diterima. Di antara kelimabelas kerajaan terdapat tiga Utusan yang berada di kerajaan yang berbeda-beda dan tujuan mereka masih belum diketahui. Apa hubungan anak perempuan itu dengan zaman yang berbeda dan ketiga Utusan? Apakah dunia ini dari awal sudah seperti ini?

Diyah_Lestari_0977 · Fantasy
143 Chs


Kisah Rintan yang selalu menjadikan Revan sebagai korban bullying-nya. Si gadis cantik yang tidak pernah mau mengalah dan selalu merasa kesal jika ada pemuda yang bernama Revan itu di sekitarnya. Hingga sebuah kebenaran yang selalu ini di tutup oleh kedua orang tua Rintan dan Revan itu tiba-tiba terungkap. Dimana sebenarnya gadis cantik dan pemuda tampan itu ternyata adalah saudara kembar yang terpisah sejak kecil karena permasalahan ekonomi di antara Ayah dan Mama mereka. Akankah Rintan menyesal atas apa yang ia lakukan pada Revan selama ini? Simak selengkapnya disini ya .. Story by : Refi Mariska Art by : Pinterest

Risma_Devana · Teen
300 Chs


Sahabatku adalah mantan anggota tim sepak bola, dan aku adalah guru matematika yang kutu buku . Dia tidak tahu betapa aku sangat menginginkannya. Kembali di sekolah menengah, Michael melindungiku dari pengganggu dan berada di sisiku melalui tragedi. Tidak masalah bahwa dia adalah bintang sepak bola dan aku seorang mahir dalam matematika, atau bahwa aku adalah seorang gay dan dia heteroseksual. Kami bersatu seperti lem--sampai dia menikahi seorang gadis dan melarikan diri. Sekarang Michael kembali ke rumah , dan dia adalah ayah tunggal yang bercerai. Putranya ada di kelas matematikaku, dan aku bertabrakan dengan Michael di mana di saat di kota kecil ini. Ketika dia mulai menjadi bartending di satu-satunya bar gay lokal, aku kacau. tapi bagaimana aku bisa berpura-pura untuk orang lain ketika aku jatuh cinta dengan atlet besar di belakang bar? Kemudian Michael mengajakku ke tempat tidurnya, mengatakan itu hanya untuk bersenang-senang. Tapi aku kecanduan dia begitu tubuhnya ada di tubuhku. Aku telah melakukan perhitungan jutaan kali. Aku tahu kemungkinannya buruk, tapi aku tahu aku menginginkannya. Dan sekarang setelah dia memberiku rasa, aku tidak bisa berhenti memohon lebih.

Seven_Wan · LGBT+
281 Chs