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Escravo das Sombras

Crescendo na pobreza, Sunny nunca esperou algo bom da vida. No entanto, nem mesmo ele antecipou ser escolhido pelo Feitiço do Pesadelo e se tornar um dos Despertos - um grupo de elite de pessoas dotadas de poderes sobrenaturais. Transportado para um mundo mágico em ruínas, ele se viu enfrentando terríveis monstros - e outros Despertos - em uma batalha mortal pela sobrevivência. Para piorar, o poder divino que recebeu possuía um pequeno, mas potencialmente fatal efeito colateral...

Guiltythree · Fantasy
727 Chs

Reincarnated As A Mosquito

Get ready to swat away tears of laughter and brace yourself for the most buzzworthy adventure of the century! Meet Ben Franklin, the world's foremost expert in attracting bad luck and the unlikeliest hero you'll ever encounter. From stumbling over his own shoelaces to triggering fire alarms with a single glance, Ben's life is a never-ending comedy of errors. And if you thought his luck would change in the afterlife, think again! Even the god of opportunity couldn't resist the magnetic pull of Ben's bad luck charms. Just as Ben was about to embark on a new adventure in the great beyond, fate took a hilarious twist. A glitch in the universe turned him into a mutant mosquito, reincarnated along with the very reincarnation system itself! Now that's what you call a bug in the matrix! The absence of a reincarnation system in the universe has resulted in a cosmic crisis. With dead souls wandering aimlessly and lifeless babies popping out like deflated balloons, it's up to our unlikely hero to solve the mystery and save the day! Now armed with six legs, buzzing wings, and an insatiable thirst for adventure (and, let's not forget, blood), the legend of Ben Franklin, the most unlikely hero in the insect kingdom, began. With his quirky sense of humour and insatiable thirst for justice, he embarked on a hilarious and unconventional quest to save the universe, leaving behind a trail of itchy mosquito bites and bacterial infections in his wake. ....................................... Weekly PS and Golden Ticket challenge- 1. 100PS = 2 extra ch on Sunday 2. 30GT= 1 bonus ch on Sunday  3. 200PS= 5 ch mass release on Sunday 4. 50GT= 2 bonus ch on Sunday.  Hope you guys can complete it, - 

Xero_5825 · Fantasy
126 Chs

Reborn As a Goblin With Simulation System

After Dick Grayson's untimely demise, he found himself reborn, not as a human, but as a goblin - frail in stature yet lustful and cunning by nature. A newfound life greeted him with an unusual twist: the Goblin Life Simulation System. This system, ethereal and mysterious, offered him a choice that would shape his new existence. "Congratulations, you have traversed the boundaries of a new worlds," a voice, as old as time itself, echoed in the void around him. "Before you start the simulation of rebirth. Please select your birth mother from these options: A. Saint of the Holy See of Light, a beacon of purity and grace. B. Daughter of an Imperial Noble, born into a life of privilege and power. C. A Seductive and Charismatic Succubus, whose allure is matched only by her cunning. D. A Pure Forest Elf, one with nature and the ancient magics of the forest. Choose wisely, for each brings its own destiny." The air around Dick seemed to shimmer with anticipation, the weight of his choice palpable in the stillness. "Now, select your place of birth," the voice continued, its tone imbued with an air of solemnity. A. The Large Goblin Lair, teeming with life and the harsh struggles of goblin society. B. The Giant Goblin Lair, a place of fierce warriors and unyielding survival. C. The Goblin King's Lair, where intrigue and power plays abound. D. An Ordinary Goblin Lair, humble yet filled with opportunities for the cunning. Each option seemed to unfold in his mind's eye, vivid and distinct, beckoning him to make a choice that would set the course of his new, otherworldly life. #Reborn #Goblin #Elf #+18 #Adult #Magic

Rqmk · Fantasy
154 Chs

Marido de Casamento de Prova: Precisa Trabalhar Duro

Na noite anterior ao seu casamento, seu noivo fugiu com sua amante. Frustrada, ela agarrou o homem que estava na frente do Cartório, "Presidente Mo, sua noiva não chegou e meu noivo fugiu ...Posso sugerir que nos casemos?" Antes do casamento, ela disse, "Mesmo que compartilhemos a mesma cama, nada acontecerá entre nós!" Depois do casamento, ele disse, "Se não tentarmos, como saberíamos?"

Passion Honey · Urban
552 Chs

The Last Villain Hunter

Prime Comics, owned by the mysterious General Dafour Maltimore rules the comic industry. The release of the new comic, Villains' Era sends the company into chaos when the characters suddenly emerge to life, a phenomenon that puts its reputation at stake. Ares Maltimore, a third generation descendant of Maltimore has lived a careless and luxurious life until he's forced to take over Prime Comics. Amidst the chaos, a strange system haunts him, bestowing him the role of a Villain hunter for the world is in danger....

YTA_79 · Fantasy
92 Chs

ONS: Grávida do Bebê do CEO

Jeanne tinha apenas 18 anos quando sua madrasta e meia-irmã a incriminaram e fizeram com que ela perdesse tudo. Ela foi expulsa de casa pelo pai por tentar resistir. 7 anos depois, Jeanne voltou em busca de vingança com um filho misterioso ao seu lado - George. As pessoas zombavam dela por ser mãe solteira e chamavam o filho dela de criança sem pai. “Quem você está chamando de criança sem pai? Você não vai gostar de me ver bravo,” ameaçou George. “Abaixe o facho, George! Não estrague a diversão! Eu ainda não me diverti o suficiente,” disse Jeanne, querendo aproveitar sua vingança, deixando o menino sem palavras. Jeanne conheceu mais tarde o famoso Quarto Mestre Swan em um baile de caridade. O homem de boa aparência e temperamento frio a chamou para um canto e disse: “Eu gosto de você.” Todos ficaram chocados, inclusive Jeanne. “Eu sou mãe solteira e tenho um filho. Tem certeza de que gosta de mim?” ela disse. “Eu na verdade... gosto do seu filho!” Todos ficaram chocados quando o Quarto Mestre Swan casou-se com Jeanne, mas apenas ele, astuto, sabia que havia conseguido não apenas um, mas dois, importantes jogadores para esse jogo de xadrez que ele estava jogando.

Unopen Mind · General
793 Chs

Lord of the Time: I Can Reincarnate Infinitely

Caleb suffered an accident while driving a car that claimed his life. Only to reincarnate in an entirely different world. He thought that it was his second chance to climb the peak of life. However, he died in his second life at the age of five years old tragically. Then he was reincarnated again! He died in his third life at the age of fourteen years old; he died due to various reasons ranging from natural disasters to machinations of people. It was a vicious cycle of dying and reincarnating. His initial confidence and vigor were replaced by horror and fear. He can't seem to get past 18 years old! He noticed a pattern that he was dying before he could even reach adulthood. He didn't know whether his infinite reincarnation was a blessing or a curse. "Who can tell me why can't I get past 18 years old!?" The feeling of dying, again and again, pushed him to the brink of insanity. So Caleb made an oath that he would strive to live past 18 years old and break the vicious cycle! For that, he knew that he needed to give his everything, and do things he didn't want to do, to survive! 'Wait how the hell did I get reincarnated in the body of an orc? Not only humans, but I can also reincarnate as a monster!? What's next? A slime? a goblin?' Caleb stared dazedly at the sky, full of questions. ... Caleb has reincarnated time and time again billions of times. After acquiring enough knowledge, combining different power systems of countless worlds, and strengthening his soul, he found a way to godhood. This is the story of a normal human living a true, eternal life! An actual god! ... Buy My Privilege For: Tier 1- Advanced 7 chapter for 100 gold coins Tier 2- Advanced 10 chapter for 200 gold coins

MadScythe · Fantasy
506 Chs

O Alfa: Conquistando a Filha do Inimigo

## CONTEÚDO MADURO! ## “Por que você tem cicatrizes?” De repente, Iris mudou de assunto, enquanto olhava nos olhos de Cane. Ela ainda estava agarrada às mangas dele. “Seu pai me deu”, respondeu Cane. Ele pensou que Iris não se lembraria dessa conversa quando acordasse. “Deve ser tão doloroso.” “São.” “As cicatrizes vão sarar?” “Não acredito que sim.” A noite realmente te tornava vulnerável e te fazia dizer coisas que nunca admitiria quando estava claro. A obscuridade amolecia seu coração. “Que pena. Você tem uma alma quente.” Iris franziu a testa levemente. “Eu não tenho mais uma alma.” Ele vendeu sua alma pela liberdade de seu povo. Agora, não restava nada dele. “Sim, você tem, mas está com tanta dor.” Iris piscou. “Sua fera está em dor. Você tem tantas cicatrizes.” “As únicas cicatrizes que tenho estão no meu rosto.” Iris balançou a cabeça fracamente. “Não estou falando do seu rosto. Estou falando da sua alma. Que pena, você está com tanta dor... o que meu pai e irmão fizeram com você deve ser doloroso...” E depois disso, Iris fechou os olhos e adormeceu. ====================== Ela é filha de um alfa que matou sua família, dizimou sua alcateia e também fez de seu povo escravos. Agora, ele alcançou a vingança depois de dez anos sendo tratado como escravo e estava vivendo uma vida que ninguém poderia imaginar. Vida semelhante ao inferno. E dez anos depois, Alfa Cane consegue derrubar e matar o alfa que tornou a vida de seu povo pior do que a morte. Era hora dele fazer os filhos do alfa pagarem pelo que o pai deles havia feito. Apenas... Iris era uma rejeitada e era muito diferente de seu pai.

i_want_to_sleep · Fantasy
734 Chs

Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Every human on Earth was transformed into a summoned monster and was summoned to another world. Every summoned monster only had one life and was gifted with ability right from the start. The abilities ranged from Wind Blade to Fireball, Ice Arrow, Guardian Shield, Heal, Illusion, and so forth. Li Xuan was also summoned to another world, but his ability was the Unlimited Revive System. Whenever he revived once, he would get another ability. That was the birth of the most fearsome summoned monster in that world. He would simply self-destruct if the fight wasn't in his favor and he would start collecting new abilities by doing so. When Li Xuan finally grew to become an untouchable being, he had formed a contract with a princess by accident. On that day, the princess stood on the city wall and looked at the wave of monsters that was charging at her city. She sacrificed herself out of desperation to save her people and the sky suddenly turned dark. A figure that was as terrifying as God itself tore through the sky and looked at the lives that were beneath him. The world turned quiet as they looked at the being with their widened eyes. Even the millions of monsters that were charging towards the city were stunned by the being's appearance.

One Punch Cute King · Fantasy
470 Chs

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

In the mystical world where dragons reign supreme, Bruce who just found himself in a body of baby dragon which stands as a stark anomaly. Unlike his kin, he is born devoid of the magical talents that dragons hold in high esteem. His mother, disappointed, labels him a 'waste dragon.' Yet, unbeknownst to all, Bruce possesses a secret strength: the ability to absorb magical powers from objects imbued with magical essence. Bruce then began his journey on a captivating adventure as he seeks to prove his worth in a world rife with danger and wonder. Each object he consumes transforms his perceived weakness into formidable strength. When Bruce devours the heavy shield of a Berserker, his Dragon Scale Iron Element fortifies, enhancing his natural defenses. The ingestion of an alchemist's poisonous concoction unexpectedly boosts his Dragon’s Breath Toxin, allowing him to unleash a deadly breath attack. Most impressively, consuming the staff of a thunder master bestows upon him the sought-after Thunder Magic Ability, enabling him to strike his adversaries with fearsome electrical attacks. As Bruce's newfound abilities emerge, so does the recognition of his true potential. From a ridiculed outcast, he evolves into a respected figure within the dragon realm. However, with great power comes new challenges. Bruce finds himself navigating the complex politics of dragon society, forging alliances, and facing both old and new enemies. This is not just a story about a dragon's physical transformation. It is a tale of resilience, cleverness, and an unyielding quest for greatness. It challenges the conventional understanding of power in a world where strength and ability define one’s place. Witness the metamorphosis of Bruce from a disregarded waste dragon into a legendary figure, redefining the essence of true dragonhood in a realm where power reigns supreme. #Dragon #Magic #Goblin #Nonhuman

Rqmk · Fantasy
145 Chs


A regular student enjoying his high school life playing idle games on his phone gets isekai'd into a different world with a game-like system and mechanics. He was given the power of "auto-battling" as his innate unique skill. We will follow his journey as he explores this new world. Character Progression Page can be found in the Auxiliary Volume. The Cover Page is generated from Gencraft.

Shuri_Suki · Fantasy
257 Chs

Evolution of Slime to Peak

Do not Read this!!

WriterMaybeI · Fantasy
85 Chs

Ex-esposa grávida do Presidente

Sabrina Jewel descobriu que estava grávida depois de muitos testes de gravidez. No mesmo dia, seu marido, o poderoso Presidente do Grupo de Empresas Jewels na cidade de NY, Robin Jewel, trouxe outra mulher para casa depois que Sabrina suportou suas aventuras com inúmeras mulheres e tentou ser uma boa esposa. “O que? Depois de todo o esperma, você não conseguiu engravidar nem uma vez. Nem mesmo um aborto espontâneo. Ela fez o seu trabalho por você,” Robin jogou a culpa em Sabrina. O mundo de Sabrina desmoronou bem diante de seus olhos. Ela deixou sua família por esse idiota, mas não mais. O pai dele sabia quem ela era, mas Robin nunca se deu ao trabalho de pesquisar sobre ela durante os três anos de casamento. Como ele engravidou outra mulher, pra ela já deu. “Eu já tive o suficiente, Robin. Ou ela vai embora ou eu vou…”

Glorious_Eagle · Urban
500 Chs

Meu Marido Acidental é um Bilionário!

Keira Olsen se casou, mas não sabia que seu marido repentino era o homem mais rico! É uma filha ilegítima que não pode ser reconhecida. Ela vem se debatendo e lutando para subir na vida, lutando para sobreviver desde a infância. Ele é o filho do destino, de pé alto e poderoso. Os dois são mundos à parte em status. Todos estavam esperando Keira ser expulsa pela porta, mas tudo o que conseguiram foi uma postagem do homem mais rico em sua conta de mídia social: "Minha querida esposa, podemos não nos divorciar?" Todo mundo ficou confuso. [Protagonista Feminina Forte, Infiltrada, Dominadora, Confronto Poderoso, 1V1]

Mr. Yan · Urban
261 Chs

An Extra’s POV

“Otherworlders… we beg you to save our world from ruin.” Rey and his classmates get summoned to another world, and they’re given Skills and Classes based on their limited Karma. Everyone gets multiple Skills and a decent Class in order to survive the new world. However, Rey decides to invest all his Karma on a single Skill, leaving him with the weakest Class. Unknown to everyone, though, he has the potential to be the strongest. ________ Original Character Arts of the characters are in my Discord Server, so please join to have access to them Link: https://discord.gg/5HRA6ZUa7y Join our Subreddit too: https://www.reddit.com/r/Magecrafspellcraft/s/jd6bWa6zsN I hope you all enjoy the story. Thank you!

Magecrafter · Fantasy
610 Chs

Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths

Su Ming was reborn as a white wolf. He thought he would live a normal wolf life until he started to realize that the world was changing. The snow leopards’ teethes started to grow longer and sharper, the brown bears could now turn their arms into as hard as stone, the golden eagles could summon lightning and even the goats could now emit poisonous gas. Just as Su Ming had no idea what to do next, a notification appeared. [Known Evolution Paths] 1. Moon Herd Silver-clawed Wolf 2. Frost Bosch Wolf 3. Ancient Battle Mark Wolf

Oak Peter · Sci-fi
488 Chs

Chimerical World System

"What...Just Happened?" He was flabbergasted as he was suddenly saved. "I just saved you and as your savior I demand a reward!" The girl with pale blue hair and golden eyes spoke with a certain arrogance. "Huh-" "Come with me! You are the final puzzle piece." And before he could ask more, more people appeared and he had to sigh. 'Its a game right? Or was I reincarnated?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the enchanting realm of the Chimerical World System, a virtual wonderland with infinite possibilities, millions of players have embarked on their quests for glory. Saad enters the game as Kael Emberflame, under some unusual circumstances. However, what initially appears to be a vibrant adventure soon takes a curious turn. Does Kael hold the key to Saad's ultimate success, or is it a doorway to something much bigger than what he originally thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Update: Everyday

Han_Sirang · Fantasy
102 Chs

Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

------------------------------------------------- MC: I am a dragon? Cool! Also, MC: Wait, most of the dragons died after centuries of being hunted for their expensive materials, and when beings called players descended with their powerful systems and immortality, they hunted down rest of them ... and I am the last one... I am fucked!!! ------------------------------------------------- Join our MC, a former player on his journey not to become a legendary rank item, in a world of the game that he used to play. ------------------------------- Release schedule: 1 chapter each day Bonus chapter goals: 500, 800, 1111 ----------------------------------------- Official discord: https://discord.gg/pWfgFHwvh4

AnonymUser · Fantasy
508 Chs

I Reincarnated As An Immortal Bat Into Another World

Bong Jum, humanity's last hope, died on the final floor of the tower and transmigrates into another world as an immortal bat of a weak race, finding himself in a new reality. He needs to evolve into a higher race to gain the power to utilize his immortality; otherwise, he will have to either hide or be tormented by powerful foes. [ALERT] [Transformation Interrupted] [Initiating again....] [Failed again...] [Finding a suitable species and transforming from the beginning...] [Found species name: Bat] [Transforming the body into a Bat] [Transformation Completed] Using his power as a Vampire, he will turn humans into Vampires and create his own Kingdom with the power of the System that he acquired when he reincarnated. His loyal servants, under his command, will do his bidding, and he will rise as an Emperor of the new world, where both humans and Vampires could co-exist once again. Or will it be a world dominated solely by Vampires? Disclaimer: This web novel is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and settings are products of the author's imagination. The story is intended purely for entertainment purposes and does not aim to offend or hurt anyone's feelings. Reader discretion is advised.

Promezus · Fantasy
150 Chs

Re: Player

Being thrown into the game-world of [Call of the Black Magicians], Adam was forced to survive with no prior information. Except for his memories of the Game-World and his name, he did not have any memories of his previous life. But fret not, even though the Game-World had many perils and was on the verge of extinction at every next step, it also had its beauty and magic, one to die for. With the authority of [Player], he could save and restart until he achieved his desired result.  He could learn skills of the ‘NPCs’ and achieve the results like the ‘Players.’  He could literally solo the entire game world to achieve his desired results. Whether he wants to save the world or destroy it, he could do it… as many times as he wishes. Even the [Black Magicians] won’t be able to do anything about it… probably. But was it all there was to it? [Beta Version 0.1 will begin in 6 Months: 29 days: 23 Hours!] I guess not… … Description: In the World of Zarraf, their lives Gods, not all Gods are good and certainly none are without motives.  They rule the world’s 7 nations:  The Nation of Light and Sun The Nation of Water The Nation of Fire The Nation of Life The Nation of Earth The Nation of Moon The Nation of Wind Each ruled by a goddess that has their own stance in their ruling.  But that is only the first page of this world. The second page colors the Ancient Gods of Corruption, Rage, Curse, Death and Hate. The third belongs the Seven Sins’ Incarnations that are ready to succeed the Ancient Gods. The Fourth is of the Witches who stand against all Gods equally. And the Final Page colors the [Immortals] or otherwise known as [Players] that will be summoned to bring Chaos to this world. A World that was meant to be destroyed. Such is the fate of the world of Zarraf, as powers beyond the realm of mortals threaten the dynamic equilibrium of their existence. In the end, the world was prophesied to be destroyed by one cause or another. Nothing could prevent looming destruction… Or so... It was supposed to happen… … Hey, Author here to give a quick glance at a couple of things that are normally asked. Harem? Yes Romance? Yes System? Obviously Smut? Oh yes! Adventure RPG? Yes. Power Creeping? Not really. Overpowered? Depends on how you see it Smart MC? I guess so.  Wise MC? Yes Something you need to know before you read The MC has the ability to [Save] a point (there are some conditions), with which he can return in time. So basically, he is an immortal. Though that doesn’t make him invincible from the start, rather he grows by making correct choices. The World is dynamic and pretty much anything can happen anytime. (It’s just my way of saying that there will be twists… pretty much unexpected ones as well).  And then there will be solutions to those unexpected situations as well, depending upon the absurdity of it. (I won’t have any more plot armor since I gave him a pretty big buff of immortality, so everything will be connected and won’t just happen by luck. Everything will be cleared by the end of an arc, so you need to be patient before deciding on it.) It has a mix of everything. Thriller, Adventure, Action, Smut, Romance, Slice of Life, etc. so there is that as well. ……. [Mature Warning: This Novel Contains R-18 Content!] https://discord.gg/2swHXduWg3

Ethel_Imaginations · Fantasy
207 Chs