your story a lots of potential but if you use that story in a good way you are not even making your words in a right way whatever you are using is not doing it's job and you are skipping many things many time ok don't skip the timeline you should be able to add something in that line some sentences some word so we can know what he was doing at that are to make your story even bigger ad something like while he was doing some kind of incident happened that's why he gain some kind of power by giving a logical choices just like and interferes of a God but he is interfering in his own life you will not understand what I am trying to say so he can become what will become God the most powerful to me for that he need some kind of help and he can do the help for get the help on his own the plot is that he is helping his own just starting stages the wou ldhave been a good story but this kind of story is never return or if somebody does try that they just f*** up in the middle and leave the story because they can't think anything because I have read some similar story
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LIKEnah you could straight up go off the rails or take over the main role completely this just seems like he's living in stages and broadcasting events from the side never really taking part in anything but training I mean he's not Even protecting the earth and a much as you say they aren't to his level that still seems like a sorry excuse like would you believe me if I said I had no clean clothes so I couldn't go out I had to do laundry you don't ignore a fly because it not on your level you kill the bug to make it stop buzzing by your ear
Hellycomic:Yes , I am mainly skipping Goku starting part , considering Kairos as the MC , otherwise many will think who is really the MC. so skip those starting of Goku but getting to the main story . This story will also have Dragonball Heroes and then extra chapter based on imagination .