
Review Detail of Septem in Alternate (Naruto FanFic)



Everything about this story seems good so far. ( Ch. 11) The direction of the story is going in a different than most of the Naruto fan-fics that I've read and that is a good sign. The only thing that comes to a critique would be that the MC giving out information to Minato and Kushina, that he is from a different world, and that Yamanaka ANBU reading his mind, and giving that information to the Hokage. I have read some fan-fics that introduce the fact that they are from a different world and that fan-fic usually doesn't usually go well and drops in quality, but maybe you could pull it off. I'll save this in my library and read it when it updates a little more. Hopefully, your writing turns out well.

Alternate (Naruto FanFic)





I hope you like what I have in store my good sir. My writing quality is merely mediocre so please dont place too much stock in it. Nevertheless, I do hope you enjoy the read