

2021-11-18 加入Global






  • Rey_Achiel
    Rey_Achiel2 years ago
    回復 Ilyas21

    It depends. Is my idea still working or not. But, just pray that you don't run out of ideas

  • Rey_Achiel
    Rey_Achiel2 years ago
    回復 JMK

    No. This story is not a harem. Mc will only have one partner between Nami, Vivi and Hackok.

  • Rey_Achiel
    Rey_Achiel2 years ago
    回復 Babydeath

    Ares did not reveal his power information to anyone else. Only Ares Gyuuki's friend told him.

  • Rey_Achiel
    Rey_Achiel2 years ago
    回復 z_vitalikus

    In addition, if you are bored with this story. Well, already left. Isn't that easy enough? I write because I really want to write. I let go of the idea in my mind. How you like it or not is up to you. You have the right to comment.

  • Rey_Achiel
    Rey_Achiel2 years ago
    回復 z_vitalikus

    I'm not good at writing down strength developments. I prefer to write that the main character of my story is overpowered. Moreover, Ares himself already understands how the world of One Piece is. If he is not strong, he will be eaten by the strong. More specifically. Ares has a desire for adventure. Ares is not a person who likes to fight. Ares prefers to solve problems using his brain rather than fighting. Therefore, in the next chapters. Whenever there was a problem, Ares didn't immediately solve it with force. Ares would definitely think of a way to stop himself from having to kill everyone just because he hates him. Ares is a character who has his own benchmark. Which if they're innocent, well, innocent. Not like the characters usually made by Chinese writers. As little as kill, innocent people are even killed. People who had surrendered were instantly killed. Everything is solved by destroying or killing something.

  • Rey_Achiel
    Rey_Achiel2 years ago
    回復 z_vitalikus

    I think Ares doesn't teach everyone. If he taught everyone, surely the other Marines would be taught by him. Ares himself was not someone who would teach others easily. Only, the people Ares acknowledged would be taught by him. For example, if Akainu or Borsalino asked permission to come, what island? Do you think Ares will allow it? No. He won't allow it. Ares will only be friends with people he acknowledges. The rest, he would only treat them as acquaintances.

  • Rey_Achiel
    Rey_Achiel2 years ago
    回復 uncreativeguy

    Possibly Vivi but might turn into Nami and Hancock. However, this story is not a harem. Therefore, there will only be one pair at the end.

  • Rey_Achiel
    Rey_Achiel2 years ago
    回復 Requien

    for you. However, others who are not too familiar with the anime need it.

  • Rey_Achiel
    Rey_Achiel2 years ago
    回復 kratos99

    Don't just punish just one person. There are still many in the Navy that are good people. They still have a good heart like Coby and various other Marines. Don't just because your Akainu condemn the Marines as a bad organization. Just think about it, if Ares destroys the Marines, Pirates will definitely run rampant. This will make many people suffer.

  • Rey_Achiel
    Rey_Achiel2 years ago

    Hi everyone, writer here. Well, I hope you guys like it. For those who don't like the story, well, don't read. There are still many good stories in webnovels. In addition, please respect the author. Try to create your own story. It's not easy to make a story even if it's a fanfiction. If indeed you are not satisfied, why don't you make your own story instead? Try you guys and make the story the most interesting until everyone says you are amazing.