
Rekindled fire

Jessica pov

For a moment, it seemed like all my pains just vanished, only to be replaced with a peaceful settlement in me. I felt safe, I found solace within myself.

The first thing I wanted to find out was if the zombies were still near us.

I felt death before, I felt like my body was ripping in halves like my head was going to split into two. I felt real pain, not one I have once recalled.

My memories aren't that good. I mean after the dream, I've been having difficulties remembering my life. Everything is confusing now.

I don't know if the memories I have come from the dream I had or from the life I had lived.

I've been unable to differentiate between dreams and reality and it's really unsettling. But I know I have to keep remembering my dreams, only then will I know what to do.

One thing I was sure of was that I'm still alive. I mean it seemed like my dream hadn't changed after all. But what would have happened if I had become a zombie?