
you love me too

Tao Jingan has always believed that doing the right thing is more important than doing the good thing. Then she met Shen Xihuai. She had three impressions of Shen Xihuai: good grades, rich family, and a good match for her girlfriend. One day, this old classmate asked her if she wanted to marry him. Tao Jing'an thought, screw it, she thought in her heart that this is not right, as to whether it is good or not, only after marriage will we know. After the wedding she realized that she had been cheated and that he had been in love with her all along.

lemon31 · 现代言情
20 Chs

Chapter 14

The bidding session for the audio commercial was on Friday and Tao Jing'an was sent to it, with Leah and the new intern accompanying her.

  The results came out two days later, and Microburn won the bid, unsurprisingly.

  At the regular meeting on Monday, Demy officially assigned the project to Jing'an, and finally had enough space and resources to make a feature film.

  After the meeting, he left the person behind and saw that she had a dark blue under her eyes, remembering that earlier, in order to come up with a plan, she led the group to work overtime and probably hadn't slowed down yet.

  "When this project is done, you can take a few days off."

  Jing An did have the intention to take a long vacation, from the time she joined the company until now she has not been able to spend time with her grandparents, she also really needs some time to change her mood.

  Just a short time after sitting back at her workstation, she was called back by Demy along with Paige and Leah.

  Demy briefly explained that an old client from the US had just sent her an invitation to work with her, and because she knew Paige well, she wanted to work with her.

  Paige had to go to the U.S., so the project she was working on had to be assigned to someone else.

  "Joanne, do you have any problem taking over the medical equipment exhibition and the promo of Yuanzhou Real Estate?"

  Jing An froze and immediately nodded again, "No problem."

  When she was previously assigned the project of Yuan Zhou Real Estate, she hesitated whether she should take the initiative to apply, but Paige was more active than her and indirectly helped her to make the decision, but in just a few days, the project fell to her again.

  She took a moment to walk away and heard Demy across the table say through gritted teeth, "Joanne, I've read your work log, so don't think I don't know how you're making me up."

  Demy probably misunderstood that she wasn't too happy about the temporary addition of work assignments.


  Demy snorted, "You said you imagine me as a cabbage when you don't want to hear me talk."

  Jing An opened her mouth, before she did imagine Demy as a cabbage, vegetables abroad sometimes more expensive than meat, she only occasionally eat a meal, mouth and tongue can not be satisfied, then overcome mentally, she used to imagine the people around her as something she wanted to eat. Now that she's back home, she doesn't have to obsess about the price of vegetables, and Demy has switched from cabbage to dragonflies. The dragonfly's compound eyes are large and bulging, occupying the vast majority of the head space, which is very similar to Demy when she is angry.

  Jingan did not have time to speak, Demy leaned back and announced that the temporary meeting was over, so that everyone should do what to do.

  He had a bigger temper than usual and sat there more and more like a dragonfly.

  When a few people were out the door, Demy spat out a dirty word from his position in the dark.

  He felt shameless, he had just lashed out at Tao Jing'an because he had overlooked the hickey on her neck.

  When he was in Silicon Valley he knew that Tao Jing'an had many suitors, and he was only one of them. At that time he did not have the heart to even formally pursue her, and Tao Jing'an did not show any affection for him, or rather, she did not show affection for any man. He took some chances with this, but before he could act, he went back home for practical reasons.

  As long as a man, there will be times when the lower half of the body is controlled, he used to have very nasty thoughts, occasionally unintentionally passed by Tao Jing'an, smelling the scent of her body, he would think, in the end, who can taste Tao Jing'an's body.

  Now he knew that someone had tasted it, but he didn't know who it was.

  Tao Jing'an had been rejecting him, and now she apparently had someone to date, which upset him a bit.Damnit.

  Naturally, Jing'an knew nothing about this and sat at her workstation for a while before getting down to work.

  She would imagine Demy as a dragonfly, Paige as a peacock, and Leah as a falling night rain.

  What about Shen Xihuai? What would Shen Xihuai be?

  As soon as the name appeared in her mind, she was immediately alerted to it and forced herself not to think further.

  After a busy day at work, I arrived home and sat on the sofa for a while.

  In the refrigerator, there is a pre-bought cauliflower, which will go bad if not used.

  Jing An flipped through the book for a while, but finally got up and went to the kitchen. First wash the cauliflower, soak into the rice water, use the cooking machine to stir and then into the pot to boil for an hour. Now is not yet the flowering of the plum, she had to throw in the dried petals, together with the refrigerator to freeze. When the stone flower juice cooled to jelly, then put in the mashed orange flesh, orange peel can add texture, also throw some in.

  Before putting the ginger, she had a moment of hesitation. She doesn't quite remember Shen Xihuai's taste, but without ginger, the jelly's sobering effect will be greatly reduced. She moved her hand, and quickly put in the ginger paste and mixed it well. The jelly boxes were also bought in advance and sealed in separate containers and then kept in the refrigerator.

  Then she made herself a sandwich and tried another jelly afterwards.

  The next day before work she opened the fridge and quickly counted the jellies. If she carried two a day, she could eat them for 20 days.

  After twenty days, she should probably delete Shen Xihuai's contact information.

  And during the twenty days, she decided to allow herself to occasionally think of Shen Xihuai.

  Paige had already left for the United States, and small projects came one after another. The two interns around her hadn't quite gotten up to speed, and she needed to spend extra time checking the details they were handling.

  She doesn't have time to cook for herself, so she occasionally goes to the cafeteria to eat a bowl of noodles, or invites the two interns downstairs to eat Huaiqing local food. She ate quickly and went ahead to the next door to queue up for coffee for the group. ωWω.GoNЬ.οrG

  The original head was looking down at the program, suddenly felt someone waving across the street, looked up and saw Zheng Muxiao was smiling at her, then raised the phone in his hand.

  She looked down to check, Zheng Muxiao sent a message: "Just finished a meeting, we may have to work together after a while."

  Jing An was slightly surprised, every time she looked at Touch's information, she would also pay attention to the wind direction of Spot, and Spot was in the news with Touch for the last time because his family was also preparing a reading product that would soon compete with Touch.

  She was not sure and did not ask for details, "To consider our company?"

  Zheng Muxiao did not hide, "Yes, made a reading app, Aioi wants to cooperate with you."

  Jing An was relieved and replied, "Looking forward to working together."

  She carried the coffee back to the company, finished reading the documents at hand, then went downstairs to get the car and rushed to the granary entrance to stare at the scene.

  After taking over the project from Yuanzhou, she thought about whether she would see Song Xiaolu again at the last dinner, and the answer she gave herself was no, but the fact that Song Xiaolu had already appeared twice at the site took her by surprise.

  In fact, she had learned about Song Xiaolu from the news before her colleagues gave her the science. Not only Song Xiaolu, and touch - or people or companies that have a relationship with Shen Xihuai, she has paid attention to.

  The Song family made its fortune in real estate and has some ZF background. Two major landmarks in the city were built by his family, one is the Huaiqing TV Tower and the other is the 77 Building named after his birthday, while the 1212 project that Song Xiaolu spent several years preparing is about to break ground.

  Two years ago when Touchdown had financial problems, the Song family was one of the groups that lent a helping hand.

  Jingan thought he would show concern for Berkeley and the wine, as he did when they first met, but the truth was that he didn't. Song Xiaolu was also very busy, coming and going in a hurry each time, and only had time to say a few words to her.

  This time she didn't see Song Xiaolu on the set either. She went to confirm the shooting progress with the production director first, and then watched the monitor for a while to make sure there was no mess on the set before rushing to the next shooting location.

  The first song on the road is "Won'tGetFooledAgain" by The Who.

  Shen Xihuai often listens to the Who, this is the response he gave in an interview with the magazine.

  Stopped at an intersection by a red light, Jingan allowed herself to think of him with abandon.

  She misses him, a want that does not rely on Touching on his recent news to relieve, those patterned sentences cold, and his person some similar, but she also knows that he has a not so cold side.

  He doesn't seem to be in Huaiqing these days. One moment the news says he's in New York on business, buying a celebrity mansion on the way, and the next he's in Guangzhou, preparing to buy a famous game development company. Longer ago, in Touch's earnings call, when reporters asked again about the universe, Shen Xihuai still did not reveal too much, only that even if Touch's layout in this area temporarily lags behind other companies, but once the technology is implemented, Touch is fully capable of catching up later. These words undoubtedly brought him a scolding on the Internet again.

  He seems to be busy all the time, this time may also be still socializing, he should not avoid drinking, but he seems to be extremely measured and will not let himself lose consciousness. This is the time when sobriety jelly can be most useful.

  There is not much sobriety jelly left in the fridge.

  The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing. And that night Shen Xihuai always did not say a word, leaving without any lingering, and did not take the initiative to contact her after leaving. She always felt that he was a little angry and a little resentful, and later this resentment was confirmed, but it seems to be much more than that.

  She approached Zhou Taoyi again a few days ago, and Zhou Taoyi laughed at her: "You couldn't get over it before you returned the watch, but now that you have returned it you feel depressed, baby, I said before that you needed to face your feelings for this 'Mr. Watch', and you denied it, saying it was because the watch was too expensive, well, I chose to believe you, but Now I think you need to think about it again. Change another person, may not really put ForOneNight on your mind, but honey you are not, you had your heart for his look before you slept with him, and you are still highly concerned about him afterwards."

  She didn't tell Zhou Taoyi that she had slept with Shen Xihuai for the second time and that this time she felt even better than the first time. She suspected that she always thought of Shen Xihuai because she needed to satisfy her physical needs. Zhou Taoyi said she had high vision, and she now believed it somewhat; she probably only had strong physical desires for someone with a good face and body like Shen Xihuai.

  The red light soon jumped, Jing An returned to her senses in time and continued to rush to the set to work.

  It suddenly rained during the night, and I worked late at the company until 10:30, when I happened to meet Demy when I went out, and they chatted while going down to the parking lot.

  The company's main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem, and to make sure that the company's business is not overlooked.

  "You're too contradictory, you want to make money while you can't let go of some unnecessary principles, sooner or later you'll have to go back to Silicon Valley."

  Jing An was a bit unconvinced by this, but couldn't refute it.

  She has a cosmetic brand project pressed for more than two months, the other party does not seem to pay much attention, three days can not find a counterpart, but a proposal to a pile of people out of the prick, the idea proposed four or five rounds, Chinese style cyberpunk hand-painted oil painting have tried again, the other party always said no, but can not say a reason to.

  If not for their high budget, the company therefore attaches great importance to this project, Jingan may have politely suggested the other party to find another job in the third round.

  "The next time it doesn't work, hire outside help, don't be too stressed, the last time we worked together was like this, they are willing to delay, we have nothing to rush."

  Demy's consolation Jing An An led, she got into her Ford, several times to start but could not get the car to move a move.

  The car will get old, people will get tired, Jing An sits in the car dazed, head is still thinking about the company is not clear enough brief.

  Demy drove over and asked to get into her car to try to start it, but it still didn't work.

  "Let's go, reject me so many times, this time directly under my nose planted heel, do not send you can not say."

  Jing An said thanks, and after listening to a song "AngelBaby" intently on the road, Demy turned the music down and asked about the two interns.

  "Isn't that male intern a bit difficult to deal with? Obviously has a crush on you." And again, "But you should be experienced in dealing with situations like this, and I'm one of the ones you're dealing with."

  Jing An laughed helplessly, "Actually, he's quite good, but I don't really like his attitude at work."

  "Seen enough, not pragmatic enough, there will be some speculative elements, Paige also said not very like him."

  Paige has never been the only one to flirt with others, but she has always kept her sense of proportion well in hand, without being offensive. Accordingly, her acceptance was high, but the way this intern spoke caused Paige to frown frequently, only to have the intern stop in time without waiting for her to roll her eyes, and even apologize sincerely that she was just joking.

  "Just give honest feedback to HR when the time comes, there's no shortage of people at Microburn who want to come in."

  Listening to another song, the car stopped at the bottom of the apartment building.

  Just about to get out of the car, Jingan turned back, "Demy, how did you make up your mind to come back in the first place?"

  Demy raised his eyebrows slightly, "Haven't you seen me at my most wretched? If it wasn't urgent enough, of course I'd be doing the job I love."

  He said lightly, "Moneytalks, life doesn't have a choice."

  Seeing Jing An did not speak, he laughed, "recently in reading your weekly meeting last week mentioned the Circle of Justice, I have been a little unscrupulous in order to make money, but after reading a part of it I backtracked, I just exploited myself and others, not to the level of exploitation, I have to say that I only exploited myself, so I am not immoral, and you, may use are Not really. This is the difference between me and you."

  Jing An didn't agree, "You think I'm too noble."

  Demy laughed again, "Then maybe you took advantage of it too, but I can continue to advertise with peace of mind, while you can't quite, and that's where you idealize."

  Jing An didn't immediately deny it this time, but only asked, "So do you want to do movies again?"

  Demy asked in return, "How about you?"

  "Not yet."

  "My answer is the same as yours."

  There was a moment of silence in the car, and the rain overhead seemed like broken beads hitting the roof of the car.

  "Tao Jing'an," Demy suddenly called out to her by name, "what do you think of me?"

  Jing An was stunned and heard him say, "Forget it, I have the answer to this one, I have another question, you have a boyfriend now, right?"

  This second question Demy also has an answer, just want to confirm with Tao Jing'an once, but heard her reply: "No."

  Demy was unfazed and only raised his eyebrows slightly.

  When she shrugged her shoulders, he said calmly, "Then I misunderstood."

 Jing An wanted to say something else, but nothing could be said. She had already rejected Demy, and he was no longer acting otherwise. As for the "boyfriend", she did think of Shen Xihuai the first time Demy raised the question, but Shen Xihuai is not at all.

  She suddenly got a little annoyed, and when Demy sent her under the eaves with an umbrella, she thanked again and said goodbye, and hurriedly turned around and went upstairs.

  Demy stood in the rain for a while before sitting back in the car, started the car, turned the car around, the tires splashed the rain on the ground out.

  The rain is not going to stop, but is getting heavier and heavier.

  The black car underneath the apartment, hibernating in the parking space is still standing still, only the wipers are working diligently.

  The man in the car retracted his eyes, reached out and opened the window, and then turned out the cigarette case.

  When you finish smoking a whole pack, the car goes away in the rain.