
you love me too

Tao Jingan has always believed that doing the right thing is more important than doing the good thing. Then she met Shen Xihuai. She had three impressions of Shen Xihuai: good grades, rich family, and a good match for her girlfriend. One day, this old classmate asked her if she wanted to marry him. Tao Jing'an thought, screw it, she thought in her heart that this is not right, as to whether it is good or not, only after marriage will we know. After the wedding she realized that she had been cheated and that he had been in love with her all along.

lemon31 · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


When Shen Xihuai arrived home, it was already late at night.

  The day was getting cooler, the house was not heated, he took a cold shower and came out, sat on the sofa and sneezed.

  When I was studying, I was keen on reading some books, but after I got busy with work, I didn't have much energy, so I took a book with me for half a month and only opened it a few times.

  He was too lazy to wipe his hair, he leaned on the bed and brought the book he had read 1/4 of the way to the front, the title is simple and brutal, "Absolutely laughing at the abandoned doctor's journal", in which a fashionable female patient asked her daughter: "Honey, do you know what economy class is?"

  The little girl replied, "Yes, Mommy. It's the part of the plane that's especially bad."

  Shen Xihuai could not laugh, in the eyes of others, he and this mother and daughter were kindred spirits. If the airline can slightly widen the leg space, he will be willing to fly long distance to sit in economy class, otherwise the legs flexed will be very difficult to suffer.

  He flipped through the pages, imagining how other people would react to the book, and then turned to the original and read a few pages before realizing that the domestic translation had secretly changed the author's sexuality.

  Unable to focus, he tossed the book aside and lay down with his hair wet, his arms crossed over his forehead, images passing through his head every now and then, he rolled over and began to blindly pass the 1625 classified records.

  The next day, I woke up and the cold I was about to get over seemed to get worse. The original is not much mood, click on the phone to see, more upset, simply throw away.

  The first thing you need to do is to work overtime last night to meet the expectations of the public, with only a secret story of a luxury family to win the attention of the people.

  The news that the hero and heroine are not in the same frame, but easily connected by a series of the usual vocabulary, "sister as a cover," "successively into the store," "deliberately staggered time away from the store" "bound to spend the night together" ... illustrated, fierce.

  The phone messages one after another, Chai Biwen's phone also unexpectedly called, Shen Xihuai ignored it, after three consecutive brain-burning meetings, he closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa to rest, fingers pressed the temples.

  He looked carefully at the sales report of 1625 in the meeting just now. Compared to the online e-books whose prices are not so friendly, the prices of 1625's records are pressed and pressed by him, and they are extraordinarily pro-people compared to other record companies, so even though the Internet is full of curses, it does not change the fact that the sales volume is rising steeply.

  Some people thought he was doing online reading to do his part for reading for all, but in fact, he started the project from a businessman's perspective, and buying the rights to niche books was only one of the strategies. On the contrary, he doesn't expect the record store to make a profit, and his purpose can be seen in the unlimited demo section that he deliberately opened, as he wants more people to be able to listen to high-quality, excellent music for free. But even if it's completely selfish, he's not used to doing nothing, so it's not surprising that the record label has made a good start.

  After a few days of intense work, he simply went to his assistant to hand over his work and give himself a couple of days off.

  He arrived home on the couch, unable to sleep at first, and then drifted off to sleep.

  This sleep until the next day at noon, Xitong brought binbin over, he just washed up, his head still heavy, not much energy, the silly dog came in the door and jumped up, sticking out his tongue to his face and clothes licking wildly.

  He reached out and pushed it away, binbin came over again, eyes glowing, squeezing his arms and wagging his tail, he patted his head and casually tore him a bag of cookies and threw one into his mouth.

  The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public, such as the Internet, the Internet, and the Internet.

  Shen Xihuai tone light, "love to come not." And head down and continue to have a hitch with binbin play.

  After looking around, Xitong did not have any gains, which is to sit on the sofa, her dog son obviously has an uncle forgot his mother, leaning on the handsome man in light-colored pajamas not to leave.

  Xitong used to say that her own brother was a public flirt, but behind the gentleman behavior.

  There are several times they go to the bar together, a few of the boys are very good-looking, over to hit on one after another, there are also the opportunity to boldly mooch off. Sry has always been cold, directly to the face, Xiao Lu brother usually cheerful, this time also black face, on her brother, the hand deliberately wear a fake watch, and so people refuse to go, the table to people in front of the display, laughing and saying that the table is not cheap, several million a piece. The people who can go there are considered to know the goods, see him so seriously, only to feel that this person is the old man's hat, it is too late to avoid the three.

  But not everyone is fooled, regardless of whether they know that this is the touch of the big son in front of them, a single fake watch is not fooled, someone knows more about people than the goods, even if it is really a fake watch also admitted, so the hard to Shen Xihuai arms, Shen Xihuai used to leave a line to people, but someone arch not, he had to re-set that iconic cold face.

  Xitong was beside him at that moment, forgiven for being used to it, and was frozen with a shiver.

  Even her own sister also felt that this unpredictable man is getting stranger and stranger, one moment can talk to you nicely, the next moment as if you owe him five hundred million dollars not to pay.

  He is very irritable, and desperately want to hide, but the emotions in the body is unstoppable.

  The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. At that time she was in junior high school, sneakily when he was not here to come, but tried several times the password can not open the door.

  The first year of the program was the second year of the program, but he suddenly said he wanted to go to the U.K. The LSE undergraduate program only takes three years, so he went there in his sophomore year and started his freshman year from the beginning.

  The first time I saw her, she had a fight with her boyfriend and ran back to Huaiqing alone, crying with her brother on the phone before he let her come here for a night.

  The password she can not remember, but apparently a date, by extrapolation, at that time her brother was still in high school. She thought there was something secret in the house, but after running up and down the stairs a few times, she couldn't even find a single hair.

  Then her brother came back from Stanford, the company had a series of problems, and his crankiness seemed to be worn away.

  He is more or less the fault of a gentry, food and clothing will be very selective, but most of the time no frame, good to the people around, oh, her dog son most attentive.

  The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

  Shen Xihuai wanted to pull his hand out, but his sister clung to it and did not let him, he was not too impatient, "Whose dog is it in the end? Where is Sujingyue himself?"

  Xitong smiled like a flower, "I thought you didn't remember his name, he has been busier than you recently, his dog is mine, isn't it? Is not my dog yours?"

  She also put her face on her brother's shoulder, "Brother, can't you be nicer to Su Jin Yue? He is your brother-in-law in the future!"

  Shen Xihuai sneered, "You think he likes to see me?"

  "Then you show your goodwill first, someone has to bow down."

  "Why can't he show goodwill first? And who actually made the face first?"

  "He ..." Xitong snapped, "He's hostile to you! Do not you know yourself?"

  "If you have hostility, you two will be divided."

  Xitong jumped up, "What are you talking about?!"

  "You are willing to marry, he is willing to marry?"

  Xitong was poked at a sore spot and lunged at her brother, "Shen Xihuai! Are you talking human?"

  Shen Xihuai quickly dodged, copied the next jacket, to the sister's head, the two siblings as a child as a fight up, next to binbin happy shouting, the middle to watch the hustle and bustle.

  Shen Xihuai really does not like his sister's boyfriend, occasionally coincidentally bump into each other, the hostility to each other are unspoken, a greeting even after, each are not willing to say a word more.

  The previous study has heard his name, listening to his sister said is the school's high cool schoolboy, he did not look up to, from the name onwards, there are opinions, Su Jin Yue, how not called Nanjing Wuhan?

  When Xitong breeze away, the house is left with him and binbin.

  The first time he took Binbin's head hairpin, Shen Xitong like to engage in these fancy, simply cumbersome.

  The first thing you need to do is to cut Binbin's nails.

  "The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're getting into. I'll take you to cut your hair later."

  binbin spit out his tongue to settle down, not yet finished cutting to run the door to the pearl fish skin entryway cabinet to grab a few marks out, Lamont, not cheap.

  Shen Xihuai is anxious, money even if he spent at least a little effort to move it to a location, but binbin does not understand, he can only think of later from his father to ask back.

  In the afternoon, one person and one dog went out, first went to the pet store, came back to the supermarket to buy meat, to home to binbin made a pot to add meals. He himself has no appetite, only a half bowl of water noodles.

  Although not contagious to binbin, he still swallowed two cold pills.

  The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

  He is not good-tempered, but patient with binbin. He likes dogs, although this is his sister's son who was raised with another man.

  binbin is very sticky, do everything to follow, dogs are as loyal, love him a few points, he will feedback a few points, and even a little more to. Unlike people, like always less reciprocal.

  The first thing you need to do is to get a little blue pill from the school during the exams. He has no academic pressure, but he has a sleep disorder.

  I don't know if it works, but occasionally he would swallow one.

  In order to brew sleep, he went downstairs to find the disc of "The Sea Pianist" and stuffed it into the machine, binbin also popped downstairs and lay down at his feet to watch it with him.

  He sank into the sofa, his eyes fell on the opposite wall, and did not move.

  He remembered the night of Tao Jingan, her voice had broken in the air, but still insisted on his ear to explain: "I did not mean anything else that time, you may not believe, I am not what you think ..."

  He interrupted her words with more vigorous movements.

  Of course he knew she didn't mean anything else, or she wouldn't have never contacted him after that.

  He wasn't stupid.

  She also had absolutely no shortage of suitors.

  The phone on the table lit up at that moment, and binbin reacted sharply, jumping on him with a jerk and a grunt in his nose.

  He picked up the phone, it was Xiao Lu, calling him to join us for dinner.

  The binbin arched his waist and stomach with his head, he turned off the movie and said to the caller, "Shen Xitong said you are quite busy."

  Xiao Lu laughed, "Blindly busy is also considered busy words."

  "The film is finished?"

  "You still remember? Tong Tong said again, right? Shot, the finished film will have to wait a few more days. I have run a few trips to the mouth of the grain silo, and found that this place is better than I thought."

  Xiao Lu what is in his mind, Shen Xihuai than others clear. His interest in Berkeley is not obvious, but deep to paranoia. As long as he could get involved with Berkeley, he would pay more attention to it, and someone had done a survey in Napa and knew a little about the winery.

  He asked Xiao Lu, "You want to tear it down?"

  "Then no, there are a few restaurants that are quite good, they should be to your liking. We don't chatter on the phone, I'm at the mouth of the granary, there is a restaurant we used to eat, you hurry over, after eating I went to your store on the way to support."

  He dialed the naughty binbin back to the carpet, "No, another day."

  There Xiao Lu also want to open his mouth, the phone was first put down.

  He looked down into binbin's dark eyes that were lit up with water, and leaned back.

  "Want to go out and play?"

  Binbin pounced again.

  He put his paws away, "But I don't want to move."