
You Are My Youth Heart

She waited for him after his disappearance. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Years ago, a love bloom between two friends, Qin Mei Ying and Chen Gui Feng. It all started from being neighbors to falling in love with each other but no one is willing to confess their feelings. Holding onto those feelings for not long, one of them suddenly disappeared. Years later, they meet again but everything have changed very differently. She waited for him. He moved on. She’s emotional. He’s emotionless. She tried. He give up. She slowly put the pieces together. He slowly destroyed it. “I hate you, I love you.” The feelings that they once have are tangled deep inside their heart. Will they ever be able to confess their true feelings to each other or replace someone else in their heart?

_BMoon · 青春言情
26 Chs

Heart Beat (4)

"You're back!" Li Hua rush to Mei Ying's side. She notice an unpleasant expression on Mei Ying's face. Li Hua sense something bad had happened to Mei Ying.

Li Hua asked, "Is it Gui Feng again?" Mei Ying stop in her tracks and her heart begin racing.

"Ahh! I knew it! So it was him that make you look like this. I need to tell Jian Yu to teach him a lesson!" Mei Ying look up in shock to see Li Hua with a full face of anger.

Mei Ying said nothing and hug her silently. She felt tears begin forming in her eyes. "Don't cry, you can't cry!" Mei Ying told to herself as she tighten her embrace.

"This man is getting out of hand." Li Hua begin thinking of what she should do to stop Gui Feng from making her best friend feel miserable all the time.

Li Hua said, "Tch! If he do anything bad to you again, I'll personally beat him for you."

"I appreciate you so much, Li Hua." Mei Ying smiled. They then head back to the classroom.

Later in the evening, students start setting up their classroom booth in the school court yard. Li Hua quietly take Jian Yu to a quiet place to discuss about Gui Feng.

Li Hua said in a angry tone, "Hey. Gui Feng is over doing his actions. He's hurting Mei Ying."

"Ever since we moved here, I do notice that he have been acting differently."

Li Hua crossed her arms and said, "You need to do something about it since you're his friend. Ever since he came, Mei Ying has been feeling uneasy. I don't want Mei Ying to feel like that all the time. I only want her to smile and feel happy."

"I also don't like how the situation is going. I will find time to talk to him." Li Hua stare straight into his eyes as she step in closer to Jian Yu and replied, "Make sure you talk to him. If he ever hurt her again, I'll deal with him myself."

Jian Yu tense up and step back, "Li Hua...calm down. My lovey lover is looking like she is going to eat me."

"Tch! I'm just very mad right now." Jian Yu hold onto her hands and said, "I see that you're very mad but today is suppose to be a happy day. So, please smile a bit, okay?

Li Hua's expression immediately change and she show him a big bright smile. They went back to help out the set up. Some times has passed and parents and friends begin showing up. Everyone seem to be enjoying their time.

There's good food and fun activities for everyone. However, Mei Ying is just there not feeling any happiness. It's even worse when she is being left alone with Gui Feng only with booth. Everyone else has left to enjoy themselves and no one is willing to stay.

"Brother!" He Yang came running to the booth. Mei Ying and Gui Feng both look shock to see He Yang attending the event.

Mei Ying greeted, "Hello, Miss Chen."

"I see you two are in the same class." Miss Chen wonderfully smile.

He Yang asked, "Brother, help me make a bracelet."

"I don't know how to, ask her." Mei Ying replied, "There's instructions there to help, can't you see?!" Mei Ying try hard not to raise her voice.

"I don't have time for this." Gui Feng walk away without saying anything. Mei Ying walk over to He Yang and gladly help him.

He Yang said in a happy tone, "WOW! This is so pretty. It is pretty like you—" Mei Ying quickly said, "Call me sister Mei.

"Yes, sister Mei..." He Yang's cheek goes bright red. "Here Miss Chen, I made you one too."

Miss Chen responded, "Thanks so much. Sorry about Gui Feng's action."

"....It's fine."

Miss Chen and He Yang continue their way to another booth. A little while after they left, Gui Feng came back. They both stand the opposite end of the table and does not even look at each other once.

Jia Hui suddenly came up to the booth. She went straight to Gui Feng with a cupcake in her hands. She look so happy approaching him. "Here, it's for you." She handed the cupcake to him but he didn't seem to care.

Gui Feng responded, "It's fine, you can have it."

"B-but I brought it just for you. Please accept it." She beg him. Then an idea got into Gui Feng.

"I can't accept that but I can accept a kiss from you." Jia Hui froze in shock. She begin blushing, don't know what to do. As soon as Mei Ying heard what he said, she immediately look at Gui Feng if he's being serious.

Mei Ying thought to herself, "Of course, he's trying to make me jealous." However, she try not to be bother by it.

"Are you going to kiss me or not?" Jia Hui shake her head and quickly lean in to kiss Gui Feng on his cheek. Mei Ying felt like all this is happening in slow motion. She watches as Jia Hui kiss Gui Feng. She saw the satisfied look in his eyes.

Jia Hui shot a quick glare at Mei Ying and then left with a satisfied look on her face. Mei Ying then ran out of the booth and left Gui Feng alone. Right after Mei Ying left, comes a couple of students from their class.

"Gui Feng, you can go. We can stay with the booth." Gui Feng then quickly go after Mei Ying.