
Chapter 6 Policewoman (2)

"I've been in the provincial capital for a long time, and I can recognize the accent there." I swung my right hand and slapped a Type 92 pistol on the table, and then said: "This is a police pistol. The ones bought on the black market are all imitations, and their performance is very different from the real Type 92. I only need to touch it to know the authenticity of this gun. From the action you just ran behind me, you have received professional training. A trained person with a police pistol, if he is not a policeman, then he must be a killer? Besides, killers don't use Type 92 pistols."

She listened to my analysis in detail, her eyes full of admiration. After I finished speaking, she tilted her head and looked at the gun on the table and muttered to herself: "Why does this gun look familiar?" She suddenly realized something, slapped her waist with both hands, screamed "Ah", rushed over and snatched the pistol, stared at me and asked: "When did you steal it?"

"When you fell just now."

"You are a ghost, you steal things more skillfully than a thief, and you know so much." She looked at me vigilantly.

I chuckled: "I'm not a ghost. I was a soldier before, so I'm more familiar with weapons than you guys." Then I stood up and planned to close the shop and go home. I thought there would be no business today, but I actually got a ghost tooth, which was already good. In addition, there was a female police officer sneaking around to make trouble, which made me feel uneasy.

"Soldiers shouldn't know so much about weapons."

"I'm a special forces soldier."

After closing the door, I didn't want to know why the female police officer patronized my shop. Anyway, I didn't commit any crime, and it didn't look like she was here to arrest me. But I thought it was not a good thing, so I had to hide as far away as possible. I said goodbye to the female police officer and hurried back. Who knew she would stick to me and chase me.

"I said, in the middle of the night, a girl chasing a man, is that decent?" I stopped and said.

"It's not decent, but there's nothing I can do. Do you think I dare to walk alone at night after seeing that female ghost?" She was frank.

"Okay, I'll take you wherever you want to go."

She pointed to an alley across the street and said, "My car is parked at the entrance of the alley over there. Please take me there. I just have some questions to ask you."

As expected, she had something to ask me. I suddenly thought of the black pearls and was shocked. Did □□ know about my selling of black pearls? This matter is troublesome to talk about.

Walking into the alley, I felt that the eyes were extremely dark. The moonlight that was bright just now suddenly disappeared. It was pitch black everywhere, and there was a strange smell.

I thought to myself, what kind of evil ghost dared to be presumptuous in front of me, and didn't even look at who was here. If you piss me off, I will pull out all your teeth.

"You..." The policewoman just said a word, and I suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing from behind. I felt something was wrong, and quickly pulled her in front of me. I quickly took out a few copper coins from my pocket and threw them behind me.

There are eight copper coins in total, forming the eight trigrams in the air, then pinching a magic formula in the hand, and pushing forward vigorously, the eight copper coins are controlled by the magic formula and rotate rapidly in the air. The copper coins have been in the hands of thousands of people, and they are the most yang. They are arranged in the eight trigrams, and they are extremely powerful. Ordinary evil spirits cannot resist them.

The gloomy wind disappeared carelessly, and the eyes suddenly felt bright. The moonlight in the sky appeared, and gradually I could see the scene in the alley clearly. There was a trail of bright red blood on the ground where the eight copper coins were arranged.

I felt very upset. I let it run away before I figured out what attacked us, which shows that my magic skills are still a little bit lacking. I took back the eight copper coins and put them in my pocket, and took out a small colored flag the size of a palm and threw it into the air. The flag fluttered above and kept turning left and right. This is the "Three Purities Soul Chasing Flag". Once it locks on the evil ghost target that just attacked us, it will chase it to find out.

"Was there a ghost just now?" The female police asked with a trembling mouth.

I didn't answer, I grabbed her hand and ran out of the alley quickly. I immediately saw an SUV parked on the left side of the alley, and urged her to get in. But she screamed loudly when she opened the door. Two other colleagues in the car were dead, and their deaths were very horrible!


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