
Chapter 7: Raising a Corpse

How could it be possible? This was the first time I was at a loss in the three years I had been in this business. If she wasn't a ghost, she wouldn't have been able to send out such a bewitching look that made Liu Kun dizzy and made me feel overwhelmed. Besides, how to explain the paper money and blood tea!

The woman looked at me with an extremely strange smile, and slowly broke the copper coin sword apart, dividing it into eight copper coins, holding it in her palm for a while, and then opening her hand, the copper coins disappeared.

I looked at her palm in surprise. It looked like a magic trick, but I knew it was definitely not. In the past three years, I have basically finished reading the ancient Taoist book in the store, but many of the spells are not good enough and need to be practiced deeply. This strange situation, how come there is no record in the ancient book in my family? I strongly suspect that my great-grandfather has hidden a trick that has not been passed down. This old man, there is no outsider in our family, what are you hiding?

"My magic is not bad, right?" She smiled and clenched her hands again, and when she let go, there were a few more white teeth. "These teeth are for you. You are a wise man and know what to do. If you like me, I will find you tomorrow night and repay you."

A strong chill rose in my heart. She is still a ghost after all. This is not a magic trick at all. Those teeth are clearly ghost teeth. If there is any magician who can conjure up a few ghost teeth for me, I will call him grandpa from now on. Looking at her smiling eyes, I suddenly found a slightly raised black spot between her eyebrows. At first, I didn't look closely and thought it was a black mole. At this moment, my whole body was shocked when I saw it. I remembered that she was a living corpse!

Since ancient times, Taoists have had the idea of ​​raising corpses, but that is all evil magic. Since the Maoshan Orthodox Taoism was established, all crooked ways have been excluded and regarded as evil ways. These evil Taoist arts have been hidden among the people, and sometimes they do evil. Raising corpses alive is one of them. The cultivation process of this art is very complicated, and it requires a very high level of cultivation to complete. Use a corpse that has died no more than half an hour ago, take out the heart and brain, soak it with infant blood, and use spells every day to cultivate it for a year.

However, the success rate is not high. Often, some people have difficulty raising a living corpse after a lifetime of cultivation. In the ancient books of Maoshan, it is also called the living dead!

Once this kind of living corpse is cultivated, it has the characteristics of surviving in both the Yin and Yang worlds. It can not only enter and exit the underworld, but also appear in the sun, and is not afraid of any Taoist magic objects. It is very scary. It is said that from ancient times to the present, only a magician in the Song Dynasty raised a living corpse, and no one has ever succeeded.

There are also grades for raising corpses alive. Because the heart and brain are nourished with spells and infant blood, when they are reinstalled into the body, it is inevitable that marks will be left on the skin, the most obvious being the center of the eyebrows and the chest. The lowest level zombies will have protruding black spots on the center of the eyebrows and chest. The higher the level, the smaller the black spots and the blurred marks. If it reaches a high level zombie, it will completely merge with the skin without leaving any trace.

This woman has a thick foundation on her face, especially on the center of the eyebrows, which is obviously to cover up this blemish. Looking at her chest, the edge of the black spot is faintly visible from the ruggs. It looks like a mid-level stuff at most.

Living corpses do not mean that they cannot be subdued if they are not afraid of Taoist magic tools. There is only one way to deal with such evil things. Use the most filthy feces and blood to hit the center of the eyebrows and chest, and the living corpse will be cracked and turned into a rotten corpse. This method can be said to be a Maoshan folk remedy. Many righteous disciples do not know it, and those evil magicians and zombies will not know it.

I smiled slightly, stretched out my hand to take her ghost tooth, indicating that I accepted this proposal, and would leave immediately after getting the money and no longer meddle in other people's business. I stood up and saw Liu Kun still staring at the woman's body stupidly, with a look of complete obsession and inability to extricate himself. I ignored him and walked straight out the door.

The woman followed him outside and said with a smile: "If you want my body, draw a rose flower on the door of your shop after dawn, and I will come to you at night.''

I nodded, turned around and smiled awkwardly: "People have three urgent needs. I can't hold it anymore. Where is the toilet?" I asked knowingly. There is no toilet in the Yinzhai. There are only a few houses here and an empty courtyard.

"There is no toilet. Please go to your own place. I don't mind." She smiled and looked at my crotch without any shyness.

I couldn't hold my face, so I quickly turned my back to her, unbuttoned my pants and urinated happily. At the same time, the thumb nail of my right hand pinched the scab on my index finger, and blood flowed out again, dipping it in the urine. After putting on my pants, I turned around and smiled: "Can I hug you for a while, otherwise I may not sleep well when I go back tonight."

She looked at me with a sidelong look and smiled: "Why are you men so impatient? We agreed to do it tomorrow night."

"Just hug me."

"Okay, it's a deal. Hug me and leave immediately."

She took the initiative to come over and open her arms, hugging me tightly. Seeing her defenseless attitude towards me, she didn't take me seriously at all.

Her body was very warm and exuded a strong fragrance, which made people feel ecstatic. I was amazed in my heart that the living corpse was so fragrant and no different from a living person. If I can't find a girlfriend in the future, I will just keep one.

My hand touched her chest restlessly. She snorted and grabbed my hand and said, "It's getting late, you should go back."

I looked at her with a smile, without saying anything, and my right index finger hit the black spot in the middle of the rugou. Her face changed suddenly, and she said with a short breath: "You...you..."

"What about me?" I struggled slightly and broke free from her hand. At this moment, the living corpse had been cracked, and she had lost all her strength and even had difficulty breathing. I took the opportunity to raise my hand and hit her forehead with my index finger.

The woman looked at me with extremely terrified eyes, opened her mouth and screamed, and at that moment, her eyeballs turned into gray dead fish eyes, her body became cold and stiff, and exuded a pungent stench of decay. I hurriedly pushed her away, and the body was lying straight on the ground. The silk pajamas disappeared, and turned into rotten clothes that had been weathered for many years. The whole body and face were rotten, and the white teeth and two black eye sockets made people look.

I spread out my left hand and looked at it. A handful of ghost teeth turned into a pile of stones. Damn, I also have a bad eye.

Liu Kun woke up and knelt on the ground and vomited acid. In an instant, everything around changed. The house disappeared strangely, replaced by the dark night, and blurred graves appeared in sight. His grandmother, we are in the cemetery, and I don't know which grave this Yin house was transformed from.

"Ah, I'm finally back."

"Just now I saw a beautiful woman waving at me, but I couldn't catch up with her."

"Ahem, the director is here, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Ah, director, why are you holding me?"

"Damn it, I thought it was a girl."

I heard a chaotic shouting behind me. I looked back and saw a bunch of black shadows standing up from the graves. Although I couldn't see their faces clearly, I knew they were the missing policemen. They were lured into the graveyard by this living corpse and were confused. Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise I would have ended up like Shen Bing and his two colleagues.


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