
Chap16. Breaking Informality.

The delegation of municipal bailiffs, public servants and uniformed men is no longer enough to deter the informal, to the point that they abandon the streets that have invaded disorder.

Do you have another plan? - The alderman objected, who fears that his municipal work will not be recognized.

A less severe one, but yes, more audacious –Commented the Mayor.

The streets, where the focus of the ambivalent social chaos occurs, are the most central in the city; which were attacked relentlessly for several months. Those who pushed ended up bored.

The aforementioned streets no longer raise dust, because the water spilled from the glass: it muddied the area and is doubly impassable. But still about this: the informal merchants place their merchandise extending several urban blocks.

We will start from the outside towards the center of the problem. My good friend – Mentioned the Mayor, to delve into more details:

We have convened several state and other private companies: cable TV, fixed telephony, mobile telephony, home gas, water and sewage, electric power.

Starting today and for several months, they will break those streets right and left! –The Mayor shouted, as if freed from a common evil. –Highlighting:

The strategy of constructive eviction, network expansion, or simple maintenance that has been scheduled: will do for us, what we did not do, for ourselves.

This time, we have finished them! –He concluded, unburdened with himself.

But: And then will they come back? –The Regidor asked again. –Perhaps this will last a year, until your municipal mandate is completed.

You guessed right!

This action is not convincing –The municipal councilor rebuked him, being one of the supervisors of municipal politics. –Clarifying:

I don't see it as a legacy, that nothing can be solved. But as a deliberate action, this temporarily dissipate the informals during your period of government and pass "the problem" to the next government.

It is the sad political reality of our turn –the Mayor hinted-: They will recognize us as a political party that repeated the usual antagonistic mistake. But that's the truth: We never had a convincing proposal for this problem! –Defining what:

All the actions that we proposed to do and that were carried out, over the past four years, never gave the desired result, because of this problem with informal merchants. Scare them away!

Once again the human mind: succumbs to the "strategic" action of an X-Monk.

So, will we be able to access the main water network of the city in what time? –The X-Monk asked.

The estimate is: for the subsequent three months. First, other companies will do small "works" –Cleared the S-Monky, delegate, covertly: among the civil construction workers.

Well let's hope! – Said the Mayor, to continue explaining the plan to neutralize the informal advance:

The entrance to the central streets "where the majority of the invaders are" has been abruptly cut off: there is no longer a direct pass, since the tracks have been broken and large ditches have been opened. At the same time that they have begun to drill sidewalks: for home connections. This is how we will approach the end of street informality!

In the mind of the ruler, a parallel idea occurs. Which is nothing more than a multiverse that opens: to give countless alternatives to the enormous error that was announced; by someone who never planned his work: instead he based his mandate on solution ideas: to obfuscate his voters and shake them in the middle of the street.

He began to see as in a movie: the after these unlikely actions.

The streets were all open, and large excavations were made and after introducing the proposed changes they were filled. But they were not concluded again as in the mayor's plan.


Instead of pitch tracks, the ground was firmed up to place tiny bricks, one by one along all the streets where the street vendors were placed.

And what used to be large pools of fish sanguaza mixed with that of chicken and other edible animals, which were sold in the middle of the street as in an open municipal slaughterhouse.

Now they were ornamental benches, beautifully carved. Aligned in such a way that an aesthetic and glamorous order was seen.

This new floor format is none other than pedestrian. Gone are the tar tracks: they were crammed with large and small transports, between which large loads of merchandise flowed, while passers-by had to be careful not to be crushed.

What was once a multi-colored awning, competing with hundreds of others, creating visual clutter, were now trees, carefully pruned!

Which are cut and adorned in view of national and foreign tourists "which as seen would replace buyers accustomed to the informality of the streets."

We have filled: not only with beauty the streets of the city of Chincha; but of the longed for d environmental. Each tree planted is synonymous with pulmonary oxygenation in the face of all our ills. You could hear them say: the newly elected Mayor. Who was already giving the opening speech:

I congratulate the alderman: Traddad, for the brilliant idea, conceived among potatoes and other merchandise, but at the cost of his own commercial sacrifice: he gave up the place, retiring peacefully.

What no one knew, as always, was Bierny's strategy: he planned to be formal to avoid the disappointment of a populist political offer to a conservative one. And that he conserved: the environment of his city. That is why he was chosen as the titular or principal alderman.

He saw the former informal merchants, together with their relatives, raising the country's flag high. Which they waved proudly, with a smile on their lips, with clean hands that applauded: to the participation of artists, who came from other towns, to join the national party.

Where there was chaos of merchandise and large vehicular and pedestrian traffic jams, now: artistic and cultural events were organized.

The most remarkable thing was that, from trading on the same dirty ground, huge commercial buildings were now erected, with sliding escalators and electromechanical elevators with transparent windows.

Some buildings housed luxury cars, which went up and down in full view of the now cosmopolitan visitor.

Suddenly, the Mayor patting the Alderman on the shoulders: he woke up from the ecstasy of his vision of a parallel universe. -Saying-:

I haven't asked you to come with me all these years to come sleep in my office. Go to sleep in your office or if you prefer go home!

The alderman had a premonition; which is a great hunch, now he knows: with whom to make an electoral alliance and for whom to shake hands, even signing a vote to decide well.

Already in his house, the Alderman, at the end of the work day, reflected on what he saw, understood and valued.

Suddenly the sight of him, he posed, on a flyer that they gave him in the Juvenile MAP Seminar, where his friend, the merchant Traddad, cordially invited him and who paid the cost of his stay.

And he remembered what: it was there that listening to Bierny, who was the speaker, he received the first supernatural vision. And that he did not want to share with anyone, because his face ended in horror. Both: That everyone asked him if he was okay. And what they recommended to him: that if he was shown something, he had to wait for the imposed gift to mature in his being.

They recommended that you complete the quarterly cycle from then on. But in his case "as in few cases", a single session was enough to receive a gift from the Creator: for having had faith, for believing, for being a good listener, for having principles and values ​​that aligned him with the will of the Creator. .

This Regidor, unknown to others, ended up being called by the Creator to do great works in his community.

But it happened to him, like so many other hearers of the Word of Prophecy: he was not a doer.

The gift of vision occurs among people who will come together at will to interpret imposed, changing and attainable realities.

And you must come together to receive more, that is: to share with others; for only thus does the gift mature.

Rare is the exception if he manages to get along with the Creator on his own, to the point of doing missions alone and never with others.

So, the Regidor: he never communicated, what he saw to others, he never spoke to him: to the merchant Traddad, about what he saw. He never consulted with Bierny as to what he was experiencing. Because he never dared to return to the Youth MAP Seminar. Without a roadmap to start the journey, he would never find the way, much less reach the destination.

Therefore define if he was pure selfishness, jealousy or envy; some unconfessed grudge, one or another resentment that closed him off from dialogue... the sum of keeping silent is one or many bad habits.

In this context, is the trader Traddad. He does not define. He doesn't concentrate.

Thus they are like the wind that comes and goes and is not defined to remain planted, to absorb the wisdom of nature itself and guide it or conduct itself, in such a way that it fills everything with wisdom; until establishing points of knowing: like small shoots of branches, which then fill with leaves: they don't matter if they are green or multicolored. What matters is that there will be a flower, which at any moment will open its petals and the parishioners will come "like bees" to drink its nectar and take the pollen, spread it around each home: and they will make it honey for the honeycomb: like a palace municipal.

And everyone will celebrate the festival of flowers? Bierny asked.

What if everyone drank the nectar of flowers? A young student told him.

Explain: - Bierny appealed for an extension of the poetic phrase when proposing it.

We would be like bees! Said another student.

Fat black stripes and other orange! –Another student from the CreaMYPE Workshop announced a little loudly. Not with the intention of outsmarting some bulky fellow. But he wanted to r to complete the poem.

It is fun to do politics, if we are guided by the Creator, or we listen to the messengers of him. If we manage to heed the call and if we can in spite of ourselves: make it known.

It is exciting to make poetry, if our minds open to nature, if we connect with each other:

If we keep even the innocence of a child. A:

The tender fearlessness about the new feelings of teenagers.

The pragmatic insight of a young adult, about the experience with his peers in a society of change for the better.

Does anyone else want to propose another verse? Bierny asked the study group.

(The alarm sounded, and everyone got ready to continue with their lives inspired by art, poetry and well-told experiences)

It is fun to do politics, if we are guided by the Creator, or we listen to the messengers of him. If we manage to heed the call and if we can in spite of ourselves: make it known.

It is exciting to make poetry, if our minds open to nature, if we connect with each other:


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