
The one 'True' Lord

A bright light filled the area as both the King of hell and the Queen of Heaven looked at their children.

The King looked upwards to the sky just as the Queen looked down to the ground.

Even though they were incredibly separated by not only one realm but two, it seemed as if their gazes were magnetically attracted to each other.

And they saw each other for the first time.

Sensing each others similar intentions and the events happening at the time they couldn't help but laugh.

Causing the people surrounding the King and Queen to jump in surprise at their rulers laughter.

Speaking to the air the king spoke first causing immense confusion to his subordinates.

Not that they could care as they were facilitating the princes soul incarnation.

"It seems fate has a funny way of playing with life hmm?"

"It seems so"

Ignoring the rulers incredibly strange words that without the proper context seemed like they were going insane.

The secretaries who knew that their rulers were probably talking to each other glanced up and down respectively.

Although they couldn't see each other.

Ignoring that break of character the secretaries both secretaries waved their arms and shouted simultaneously. 

"Demons and Devils!"

"Angels and Engels!"



An army of remaining Demons and several Devils shouted to the skies the same way a similar army of Angels and Engels raised their weapons.

The remaining Angels and Demons raised their swords of fire/ water.

The Engels and Devils raised their spears in unison made of light/ darkness.

"Starting the Soul melding ritual!"

Several of the remaining demons in robes cut their hands and let their blood drip down onto the ground.

Angels holding their swords slit their wrists and let their bloodied swords pierce the ground.

[Soul Melding Ritual

Melds the souls of two different people to make a brand new soul, with the features of the main soul.

The memories and Habits are seamlessly melded together to make those close to the affected subject to be none the wiser.]

As the ritual formation glowed and encircled the floating Prince/ Princess the Secretary of Heaven shouted.

"Create the veil of Heaven and Earth!"

The Engels who were left behind took a step and flashed their crystalline wings, the light from their wings lighting up the skies.

[Veil of Heaven and Earth

A veil that covers the eyes of the world from finding anything wrong, and protects the one chosen by the veil.

The very heavens and earth move to protect the chosen one, giving several opportunities to them and those close to them.]

The Secretary of Hell swung his hand and shouted to his fellow Devils.

"Twist the Strings of Fate!"

The Devils receiving their orders opened their pitch black crow wings and their spiked tails dragged their shadows out of the ground.

[Twisted strings of Fate

Twists fate so that it is more inclined to protect the chosen ones and protects any attempts to locate and find the chosen one.

The strings of fate move to protect the chosen ones, manipulating causality to make impossible feats possible.]

Both formations from heaven and hell activated as they protected their chosen ones from the inevitable retaliation.


Both factions belonging to Heaven's Lyxia and Hell's Pandora started to activate the various world altering rituals at once.

Causing a grand commotion that alerted the great powers in the realm of Artaxia of something grand beginning.

From underneath the ground several red strings left it, stringing together various things together.

A blue veil seemed to settle on the very earth itself, causing whirlpools and tornadoes to form sporadically.

For those who were blind, they could see that in the near future chaos would fill the world.

For those who were deaf they could hear the world begin to cry of the future and its chaotic the possibilities.

For those who were mute they could speak of the changes that the world was beginning to have.

And no matter their race, species, origins, status, mood.

They could all agree.

From the lowest stable boy tending to the horses and the horse owners.

To the beggars in the slums getting tipped by a nearby person.

To the merchants getting mobbed by bandits and the bandits themselves.

To even the highest kings speaking to their court of nobles.

They could all see, that a great change unknown to them was beginning.


In the darkness a figure covered in pitch black liquid that seemed to phase in and out of existence looked up.

Glitching in and out of reality a man kneeled to the unknown figure.

Kneeling on all fours to the figure in chains and spikes, the man alongside several others didn't move.

The figure sensed the commotion happening in Artaxia and spoke.

Lifting a gloopy/ glitchy finger and pointing to the image of Heaven and Hell.

The figure spoke in words that none sane could understand.

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"Understood milord"

Getting off from the ground the man who didn't show his face suddenly looked to the unknown being.

"I and the Order will do your bidding."

The man looked nothing close to normal.

Besides the robes that were on his body dyed in tones of black, white, green and purple all over.

Which honestly was an affront to the eyes.

Black goop slowly left the mans eyes like rivers of tears, only showing the whites in his eyes the figure in chains and spikes nodded.

Bowing to the unknown figure the man disappeared.



A man in similar robes bowed to the man who got up from his kneeling to a statue bound in chains and struck by spikes.

"How was the divination with the Lord?"

The Pope of the religion turned around and adjusted his robes before starting to walk.

"The Lord says that we must attack the realms of Lyxia and Pandora to stop whatever they are planning."

"Yes Pope" Following the man with black marks on his face and inverted pupils, the man spoke. "But why?"

"We must make sure that the heretical realms that deny the divinity of the one true lord and turned on his gracious hand face their due"

"For the lord"

Nodding to the other man the Pope opened a pair of doors leading on to a balcony.

Placing his palms on the edges of the railings on the balcony the Pope looked downwards and a smile graced his lips.

"Followers of the one true lord!"

"OOOAAAA!!!" Cheers resounded from beneath the balcony as the people shouted to the skies.

Ignoring the skies which turned into the bluer than usual in the color of the heavens, with the earth becoming redder than usual in the color of Hell.

An army of figures wearing armor in black and white shouted to the sky, highlighted in tones of Purple and a sickly green.

"The realms of Heaven and Hell! They turned against the one true lord and sealed them with cowardly tricks!"

Screams of rage and disbelief resounded through the people beneath him as the pope continued to shout.

"But still the one true Lord was willing to forgive them and ordered us to ignore them!"

"However the heretical realms who have turned against the True Lord of the world have seen this as cowardice and are doing something to harm them"

The people below burst into a greater rage and fervor.

Screams of how could they, weren't they angels? and such things resounded through the lips of the people.

"So the one true lord! Has ordered!"

The Pope paused and Pointed to the skies before pointing down to the earth.

"Followers of one True lord! We will now wage war against Lyxia of Heaven and Pandora of Hell!"

"Sacrifice their unrepentant souls to the ONE TRUE LORD FOLLOWERS!"


