
Wrath of Artaxia: Road of the Divine

The Abyss, where everything that is lost eventually ends up. With a price, power, knowledge, items, anything you desired could be traded with the abyss. The Great enemy of the world who was to powerful to be killed and was subsequently sealed by both Heaven and Hell. And with the goal of sacrificing the world for the power of the abyss, the great enemy of the world of Artaxia held the crown and led the Abyssal troops to attack the world, for reasons only known to the enemy. "You know what Abyssal Lord?" A man in dark blazing attire wielding a sword in hand prepared their blade against the hordes of the Abyss controlled by the enemy charging at the beautiful world behind him. "We can't allow this" Followed up by a woman with bright and wavy clothes that flowed behind her while holding a long spear with both hands. "So Abyssal Lord!" Awakening their Heavenly and Hellish forms of greater strength, their voices turning into something more ethereal. The Man and Woman held their weapons at the surging tide of all consuming black and white, Magical Swords and Spears appearing behind their backs as other shadowy figures ran from within the distance. "Face the Wrath Of Artaxia! And Let us Journey! Onto the the Road of the Divine!"

TreeBriarWood · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

A Brand new life

The Prince of Hell opened his eyes.

"Congratulations my Queen, it's a healthy young boy!"

Hearing that unfamiliar voice enter his ears as the piercing light entered the eyes of the undeveloped body, he could at the edges of his vision make out the person who had birthed him.

'It succeeded'

Smiling at that thought, his undeveloped mind tried to control his newfound body as the chubby limbs of his attacked whatever was in their way.

"He seems healthy my Queen, What are you going to name him?"


Hearing the tell tale sounds of crying come out from his mother, the newly birthed prince of hell tried to comfort his mother.

Which only seemed to worsen things as evident by the full out bawling.

Feeling the softness of a human body engulf all his senses as the warmth of a mother was transmitted to him, he instinctively felt something was wrong.

That feeling was further amplified when he felt wet tears of sorrow plop onto his young body.

Because logically there shouldn't be a need for such sorrow as the only things that could warrant such sorrow is either death or they were going to be parted soon.

That was until he felt the warmth that engulfed his body slowly move away as the blurry figure in front of his eyes handed him off.


Strange words he couldn't recognize appeared in his head as his mother slowly backed away.

"------ ---"

'Why are you leaving?'

"Sc---- --- ------"

From the furthest bluriest edges of his vision, the Young prince tried to look at his mother who was slowly disappearing into the wind.

Than just as the female who gave birth to him was about to disappear to the point he couldn't see.

A tall man who he presumed to be his father charged into the room while looking incredibly frantic.

That was all that the Prince of Pandora could recall.

Because of his young body.

He was already incredibly tired having to sustain thoughts that were from a grown ups mind in the childish one.

So, without fanfare.


The Prince of Hell, now a Prince of Artaxia.


Fell asleep against his wishes.

'I need... to... understand!'

'Wa...it...' As his already blurry vision got blurrier, his mother seemed to turn around as the man he presumed to be his father seemed despondent.

Before his consciousness could dip below and fall into the realm of dreams, settling into the comforting darkness.

He barely heard the words his father spoke.

But they were ones that he knew well.

"Your name is--"

Hearing the words from the last vestiges of his consciousness the Prince thought about how convenient it was.


'Huh, that's my previous name...'

Falling unconscious, time quickly passed by like the blink of an eye.

Because time, waited for no one as the sands of time continued to fall down the hourglass.

Ten years had passed since Scoria had been birthed from the womb.

What was once a chubby baby with no hair and was nothing but a cute lump of flesh and bone.

Had now grown to become a young child who acted nothing like a child.

Deep dark Black hair that looked like something had scorched it to it's current form covered the Childs head in a messy black.

And Ruby Red eyes that looked as if they were carved from gemstone.

Sighing into the palm of his hand, Scoria looked out of the window in his young form while staring blankly at the scorching landscape.

He was currently located in the Flaming castle of the Kingdom of Morgast.

Known as the Moving city of Lava and Iron, The Kingdom of Lava was located in the core of the moving city that was in the shape of a giant spider.

Watching said giant spider made of stone move one of it's eight legs forwards at a time to a nearby Dormant Volcano on the verge of becoming an active one was one of his past times.

Scoria sighed in boredom

But there wasn't much he could do to solve this boredom.

Despite being the Royal heir, Scoria had two other brothers who were also heirs to the throne.

So the burden of authority on his shoulders was small.

Not that he could escape it.

His father, having assigned experienced and trusted tutors to teach him about several things regarding the socialites, Economy, History and basically anything that was required of him to run the kingdom in the off chance that his brothers perish somehow.

Chuckling at the shocked visage of his father who seemed to have a heart of stone when he had seen the progress he had made in doing his learnings.

Soon enough, after proving that he somehow already knew these things he was left to his own devices in exchange for the burden of attention for being a genius.

Which was easily ignored by the boy as he already was lauded as a genius in the entirety of hell once, it was much easier to be lauded as a genius in the kingdom than an entire realm.

The problem was besides being granted newfound freedom.

There was literally nothing to do.

He wasn't allowed outside the castle walls or into restricted areas.

Going to places where the kingdom's people worked in the castle was out of the question as the 

So besides staring at the slowly changing land or going to the library to re read the many books in the tall shelves.

There was nothing to do.

The good thing was that soon he was coming of age and he would be tested for his talent at the age of ten.

Grinning as the time neared he clutched his chest and felt the burning heat unnatural for a human body and wondered how to train his body in this realm.

'Should I travel down the path of the sword my father taught me? Or should I use my current fathers path and use the path of Hell magic?'

"Young master" A knock on the door. "The coming of age ceremony is about to begin."

"I understand"

Getting off the stool that I used to look outside the kingdom, I glanced back at the closed window where freedom lay before turning to the door.

Opening the door, the maid who was in front of him bowed to the prince of Morgast and gestured for him to follow her.

'With the Innate Heart Fire I can infuse my mana with the aura of flames and with my Burning Lava Blood I can cause my body to plow through my enemies without stopping'


The Kingdom of Morgast.

In the shape of a giant spider and kingdom in name only as the only city they had was the Giant moving spider.

In control of such a powerful strategic resource is the King who was also known by a different name.

The Wizard of Fire and Ash.

A wizard with the blood of the Volcano Spirit running through his veins, the King was an acclaimed mage that could cause Volcanoes to erupt at will.

Controlling flames like an extension of himself, the king was able to defeat all his enemies who were aiming to take the Unique moving kingdom for themselves after the death of his father.

'I am incredible after all'

Making a name for himself at a young age as the Son of the Wizard of Fire and Ash as a genius with incredible intelligence.

Without testing for talent, Scoria could already sense the general state of his new body.

And it was only given that the talent Scoria of Morgast manifested was incredible as he had an innate heart fire and Burning Lava blood.

Both being talents that were great for the path of Magic and the path of the sword.

It granted the young boy a great advantage above his peers.

'Although I'm sure that if I'm given a trash body I could fix it'

Recalling the many knowledges he had saved inside of his head to further his strength later when he might find the special resources, Scoria followed the maid.

As the sweltering heat which ran unmitigated by any obstacles caressed his tanned skin as he walked past Knights of the flame in metallic armor.

He stopped at a large set of double doors that reached to the already tall ceiling.

Looking at the large set of double doors in front of him Scoria gulped down his lingering tension and walked forwards.

Followed by the Maid besides him who opened her mouth and told the Knights in the Veiny yet metallic armor.

"Please tell the king that his son Scoria Del Dmantra is here"

Hearing her words, the Knights of the Volcano.

The Royal Guard of the kingdom both looked at Scoria and nodded and turned to face the large door.

Grabbing the large handles they pushed.

Hearing the loud scraping and screeching noise reminiscent of anything remotely heavy scraping across the ground.

The doors were opened and revealed the large hall where several others were watching in silence.

"Scoria Del Dmantra! Son of Agma Del Dmantra! Is entering the Hall of Fire!"

Entering the hall with brisk steps while being followed by his maid, Standing next to his peers, the Prince of Morgast kneeled to his father.

"I Scoria Del Dmantra, greet my father the King of Morgast"


"I Ellora Laga Nephele, greet my mother the Queen of Stratus"


Next chapter I will talk from FMC view point.

