
Worlds Unbound: A Gamer’s Quest

The power of the Gamer System was something I had only ever dreamed about. Now, it's a reality that's brought me into the very Universes I've longed to explore all my life. The question is, how far can I climb? And just now many lives will it take for me to experience them all?

Daoist57YPnD · 漫画同人
29 Chs

Chapter 10: A Perverted Friendship




- Kuoh Academy -

Walking through the school gates the next morning, I spot a flash of red in the corner of my eye. Looking over at the Occult Research Clubhouse, I'm not surprised to see a familiar face staring out at the crowd from a second-floor window. '[Observe].'

Rias Gremory - Level 57 - Princess of Destruction

Devil - High Class

Affection: 0 | Obedience: 0

It's interesting that she's 4 levels higher than Sona. But Sona never really was as powerful as Rias in the anime. From what I recall, Sona only really wanted to get stronger so that the 72 Pillars would take her dream of creating a Rating Games school seriously.

And while I applaud Sona's pragmatism, I refuse to consider joining her Peerage with how she deals out punishment. It's one thing to punish someone who follows you for doing something wrong, it's another thing entirely to physically harm them -even if it's spanking- to get them in line.

Obviously, others will have a different opinion that I do, but it's my life that's on the line. If I had to choose between her and Rias, I would pick Rias every time. Even if Rias is entirely too spoiled.

From this distance, I can already tell that Rias is a lot stronger than me by the power radiating off her. And if there's such a noticeable difference in strength between her level and mine, I'm almost afraid to learn what her brother Sirzechs' level is and just how powerful he'll feel like.

Trying not to stare, I continue walking towards the school building as I feel her eyes slide over me without interest. It was actually quite difficult to look away from her. Even that momentary glance was enough to confirm that, just like with Aika, the anime really undersold how beautiful girls in this Universe are.

Sitting down in my seat, I tune out the teacher's rambling as I let my mind wander.

Currently, I've left my Spirits and Summon back at the house to keep an eye on things while I'm away. It's not like I can just randomly show up to school with glowing animals and a man who looks like some type of yakuza bodyguard.

Going forward, I actually don't mind leaning in to the Japanese style that the Game has got me started on with my house and Servant. It would be pretty cool to create some kind of pseudo-Shogun empire of Summons at my beck and call. And if nothing else, it might give me some brownie points with the Yōkai Faction and Shino Pantheon if I ever get into contact with them…which I'm really tempted to do.

Yasaka was tied with Rossweisse and Grayfia as my biggest crush when I watched the anime. And if the anime failed to show just how beautiful Rias actually was, I can't even begin to image just how gorgeous the big-titted foxy Milf is.

But how would I even go about making contact with the Yōkai? It's not like there's a magical hotline that'll connect me directly to her.

As much as I don't want to get involved with the main storyline, I may have to if it provides me the opportunity to make contact with the Supernatural world. I still won't be allowing myself to fall into a peerage though, because that's just not happening; I refuse to be anyone's servant or slave, no matter how attractive my "King" might be. But that doesn't mean I can't have a working relationship with them.

Hearing the bell ring, I slowly pulled myself out of my seat, stretching my limbs as I try to shake off the last few hours before heading out into the hall. I had actually looked to see what it would take for me to unenroll from Kuoh Academy, and it turns out the Game won't allow me to do it until after the story starts.

Sorry, there's nothing I can do about it.

It's another one of the hard-coded thingy's.

'That's alright, it shouldn't be much longer before it all begins anyways.' Which, if I'm remembering things correctly, should be in about a week.

Not exactly a lot of time.

Which is worrying, because I'm still only at Level 2 after my first Dungeon run last night, and I haven't had the time to go back in it with school taking up most of the day.

Luckily, it's already lunchtime, and I just have to make it through another three hours before I can go back to grinding out levels. With any luck, I can get myself to Level 20 before the story starts. I still have the Quest to reach Level 10 sitting there, almost taunting me with the promise of its reward.


[Finish the Tutorial]

Objective: Reach Level 10

Reward: [?]

Yeah, yeah. I see you there. Now stop it…go away.

Are you talking to me, or yourself?


Oh, okay!

I do that all the time too!

'I…don't know how to respond to that.' Sometimes it's better to just forget something ever happened, and move on. Which actually works out really well, because a certain perverted girl is coming this way. As she approaches me in the hall, I stop to face her with a friendly smile.

"Hi there…you're Sora, right?" Aika asks, her eyes noticeably glancing down at my groin from behind her glasses, before a small blush colors her cheeks.

"I am." I nod politely. While I want to keep a low-profile and not draw any attention to myself, I'm not going to act like a dick to push people away. That's just not who I am. What I am…is a massive, unrepentant pervert who is very much picturing what Aika looks like naked right now. But hey, she's a pervert too. "And you are?"





"If you wish to access more chapters in advance... It's available on my Patreon with a 20-chapter lead over WebNovel."
