
Worlds Merge(Dropped)

[Will have the following worlds: Marvel, DC, X-Men, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Twilight, The Transformers, The Vampire Diaries, and SCP Universe] [A/N: Note that I was heavily inspired by ScribbleHub's Dream Engine: Beta Tester... D.C. Comics by Galen, I recommend you check out his masterpiece] What happens when Jason is forced to reincarnate into a world where the danger lies at every corner? Whether it be Gods, Cosmic Beings, Mutants and Super-powered individuals, Masters of the Mystic Arts, Masters of Chi and Cultivation, world destroyers and builders, what can one man hope to achieve? Luckily, he has a system to help him through his journey!

Unholy_Angel · 电影同人
9 Chs


[A/N: Before I forget, I going off the books, not the movies for the Percy Jackson Verse(or otherwise known as the Camp Half-Blood Universe, note that I am also reading the books at the moment, currently on the first book, The Lightning Thief]

As I followed Chiron into the Camp I noticed that there were people training, sparing, talking, and quite a few looking at me.

"Why are they staring at me?" I asked Chiron.

"It's been a year since we last got a Demi-God, the other campers are curious," Chiron answered before leading me to Cabin 11, which I knew as the Cabin of Hermes, where all of Hermes's Children live and where all of the unclaimed Demi-Gods stay.

"This will be where you will stay until your parent reveal themself, here, let me introduce you to this cabin's counselor, Luke, son of Hermes."

Walking out from said Cabin, was Luke, a young man with blue eyes and sandy blonde hair.

The same Luke who would, in the future, become the thief of both Zeus's Master Bolt, and Hades's Helm of Darkness in an attempt to start a civil war between the Gods and even worse, Luke is the servant to the Mad Titan of Time, Kronos.

And that is all bound to happen if it hasn't already.

You see, Luke hates the Greek Gods.


I don't remember, but I do remember that according to him, his father, Hermes, the Greek Messenger God, did not love him nor care for him, that's about all I remember.

Leaving my face blank of all emotion, I shook Luke's Hand as he welcomed me to the camp and led me into the Cabin, leaving Chiron to return to whatever he was doing.

"You must be new, my name is Luke, son of Hermes and Head Counselor of Hermes's Cabin," Luke introduced himself inside the large cabin where he led me to an empty bed that he said was currently unclaimed.

Once I was informed of my responsibilities and settled in, I claimed the bed for myself and decided to get myself some rest.

Due to my constant encounters with the monsters, I usually didn't get any sleep, which led to me getting a Fatigue Resistance, which greatly helped me resist the temptations of sleep.

It also meant that due to my lack of sleep, I got exhausted faster and my alertness greatly decreased making it even more dangerous to fight.

If I fought a week longer, I would have collapsed from exhaustion during battle.

Although I didn't get much sleep recently due to the increasing amount of monsters, I did manage to hide myself a few hours a day with magic to get a couple of hours of sleep when the monsters were not so common.

So, without even realizing it, I slept a whole day before waking up again due to hunger and thirst.

Using Nature's Supplement to help restore my body of its needed minerals and water, I got up from my bed and decided to explore the camp.

It was early in the morning and not that many people were awake.

Those that were awake seemed to be exercising or training, and I even noticed that a couple of them were Satyrs.

Half-Man and Half-Goat.

If I remember correctly, the jobs of Satyrs are to monitor every school in America for new Demi-Gods and either protect them until an appropriate age for them to come to the camp or if the Demi-Gods were in danger, bring them to Camp any means necessary.

I also knew that in the forests surrounding the camp were Weak Monsters, Wood Nymphs, Tree Nymphs, and many more kinds of creatures.

It was a great place for the Demi-Gods to train and I know it would be great training grounds for me.

Especially since the usual weaker monsters have now been replaced with much stronger ones.

But as I neared the Forest, I was annoying banned from going out of the camp for the time being until 'The Monsters' weakened in strength.

Without much care, I used Chaemelon and Nature's Passage, a simple but useful spell that helps me travel through nature and keep anyone from tracking me unless they can also command or ask nature.

[Nature's Passage - You pass through the jungles or the concrete jungle without leaving a trace. No hunter can track, you unless they also have the domain of nature at their call]

The two simple spells helped me easily sneak past the Demi-Gods guarding the entrance.

Once outside the Camp, I began madly fighting any Monster I found throughout the next couple of days, using the meat of some of the monsters, I managed to get a cooking skill.

While I did not need to eat due to Nature's Supplement I still eat every so often since it's hard to completely give up eating food.

Would you stop eating modern food simply because you no longer needed to eat?

I wouldn't.

Besides, it's nice to have a full stomach every once in a while.

By the time 4 days passed since I entered the forest, I noticed that teams of Demi-Gods seemed to enter the forest and begin looking for something.

Not caring about what they were looking for, I continued to hunt and train while also training my stealth by avoiding the search parties.

As the days passed I noticed that I thinned out the monster population quite a bit due to my overhunting.

Sitting against a tree above the forest floor, I examined my body to find that I could train and grow at a much faster pace due to my Healing Factor and Nature's Supplement.

My body was much stronger than the average man but I was currently stuck with my current physical strength due to my young age.

I was currently only 8 Years Old after all.

Now then, I guess I should take a break and get some rest and let the monsters recuperate.

[A/N: Hope you enjoyed]