
Worlds Merge(Dropped)

[Will have the following worlds: Marvel, DC, X-Men, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Twilight, The Transformers, The Vampire Diaries, and SCP Universe] [A/N: Note that I was heavily inspired by ScribbleHub's Dream Engine: Beta Tester... D.C. Comics by Galen, I recommend you check out his masterpiece] What happens when Jason is forced to reincarnate into a world where the danger lies at every corner? Whether it be Gods, Cosmic Beings, Mutants and Super-powered individuals, Masters of the Mystic Arts, Masters of Chi and Cultivation, world destroyers and builders, what can one man hope to achieve? Luckily, he has a system to help him through his journey!

Unholy_Angel · 电影同人
9 Chs


With a flash of light, I awoke someplace else.

As I adjusted to the bright light of the sun, more screens appeared before me.

[Due to your Divine Parent, you have unlocked the Magical Domain of Death]

[Due to your Divine Parent, you have obtained a new skill, Minor Generate Wealth]

[Your Status has been updated!]


Name: Vale Dawn

Race: Demi-God (Human/God)

Age: 8 Years

Titles: [Demi-God of Hades]

Magic Domains: [Technomancy], [Nature], [Synthesis], [Death]

Spells: [Minor Spatial Storage], [Minor Cosmic Energy Manipulation], [Minor Thu'um Mastery]

Skills: [Minor First Aid], [Minor Healing Factor], [Minor Danger Sense], [Minor Generate Wealth]

Karma Points: 0


Suddenly with that, knowledge and information began flowing into my mind as I realized I was dressed in the enchanted clothes I purchased and holding the spear in my right hand while standing in the middle of some unknown forest.

The knowledge that I obtained was on how to use magic, how to use my skills, and also how to use my Spatial Storage that currently had only the book on the Thu'um.

I chose to learn the Thu'um from the Elder Scrolls for a couple of reasons.

One, once trained the Thu'um is absurdly overpowered and useful in a variety of situations.

Second, it's not required to use Dragon Souls to learn and master the Thu'um.

And lastly, It can be taught and passed on to others so long as my understandings are deep enough.

And I also chose to purchase Cosmic Energy Manipulation because honestly, it's quite powerful as well.

And instead of just purchasing a Cosmic Energy Ability that the Eternals are known for using, I instead decided to just get the energy manipulation so once I trained enough I could recreate all of their abilities from Cosmic Energy.

And for the Magic Domains?

I just learned them since they would be useful for whatever kind of environment I ended up in.

The Magical Domain of Nature would allow me to cast spells that mimic and ask nature to do a variety of things that occur naturally in the world.

The Magical Domain of Technomancy on the other hand would allow me to cast spells that have a wide variety of uses in a Modern or Advanced Modern Society.

So while there is a chance that Technomancy might be useless if this world is primitive, I should be able to use it to recreate much of Earth's technologies.

And for my other skills, I just got them because they would help me survive.

For example, the Minor Healing Factor while weak at the start would grow to rival that of Wolverine's or Deadpool's Healing Factor.

This brings up yet another thing I should mention, turns out skills can rank up and become stronger, and while I could have purchased stronger versions of my skills or domains, I instead chose to have quantity over quality in this case, besides, the skills would grow in quality in time.

The clothes I was wearing were quite simple, I was wearing a black T-shirt, blue jeans, underwear(of course), socks, and combat boots.

And the spear I wielded was of simple steel and was sharp to the touch.

Taking a deep breath, I focused my attention on the energy around me, and with but a thought, a strange golden spear formed in my other hand.

And with another thought, the golden spear crumbled into energy and disappeared.

Then with another thought, balls of cosmic energy started forming and floating around me and began to twist and turn as their shapes changed to accommodate spikes, blades, and more as they orbited around my body.

Then disintegrating them with a thought, I felt a wave of fatigue across my body making me almost topple over from exhaustion.

All of my skills and abilities were like muscle, in time they would grow in strength and power while allowing me to use them for longer.

As of now, my body was not strong enough to handle the stress of manipulating Cosmic Energy too much.

As for my spells, they used a different kind of energy than Cosmic Energy, so I would have to train the spells and magic in order to use it effectively as well, and just like with the Cosmic Energy, I would not be able to cast many spells in a short session without becoming exhausted.

I assume that if I overtax myself by using too many spells are Cosmic Energy Constructs, I would most likely pass out, which in this unknown world, could be fatal, so I will have to be careful.

After all, I do not know what kind of world I am in beside one that houses plant life.

For all I know I could be in a world filled with tribal societies that kill people on sight, or even a modern world if I am lucky enough, but for now, I guess I will just stick to surviving and learning all I can about this new world I found myself in.


At first, I thought I was crazy and that this was all an elaborate dream, but now that a few days have passed since I arrived in this world, I don't doubt that this is real.

Especially since I still feel sensations such as Pain, Hunger, Thirst, and more.

In these last couple of days, I have found that the local Fauna and Flora to be exactly the same as the ones I was used to from Earth.

As for my location?

I have no idea where I am, but I have found a river, so I am just going to follow it till I find civilization.

Little did I know, something was lurking in the river and waiting for the opportune time to strike after it caught my scent...