
World of Supernatural(Twilight,Noblesse,Underworld,Dracula,VD,Orig..)

Fate sometimes brings more surprises to life, as Jay found himself as one of the most powerful fictional being (Cadis Etrama Di Raizel from Noblesse), where more surprises await him. A world infected with various fictional beings from different fictional worlds would be interesting. Noblesse(alternative reality) X Twilight X Vampire Diaries X Originals X Underworld X Teen Wolf

AmouxCreationsX · 电影同人
28 Chs

Chapter 25

The vampire struggled in Raizel's grasp, attempting to break free. Annoyed by the vampire's resistance, Raizel decided to subdue him. With a swift motion, he slammed the vampire to the ground, creating cracks in the concrete beneath them. The impact left the vampire weakened, unable to rise. Raizel grabbed him by the collar and tossed him aside, near his meal.

Raizel lowered his head to look at the bloodied face of the vampire, saying, "I was wondering why there is an all-of-a-sudden increase in animal attacks." Then, Raizel glanced at the dead man and remarked, "I never thought I would meet a night walker." As he glanced back at the vampire, then he felt a strange energy emitting from the ring the vampire wore. Raizel grabbed the vampire's arm to take a closer look at the ring. 

Feeling the odd energy emitting from the ring, Raizel asked the tired vampire, "Strange ring? What is this?" The weary vampire, slowly trying to heal his injuries, murmured, "Daylight Ring," catching Raizel's attention. Raizel then smiled and raised the vampire's head to look at him. His eyes started to glow with a red hue as he effortlessly read the memories of the vampire. However, the smile faded as he couldn't find what he was looking for in the vampire's memories. Raizel sighed and began to use telekinesis to remove the daylight ring from the vampire's hand, but suddenly the vampire resisted, gripping the ring tightly with his finger.

Raizel felt the urge to hit the vampire's face for resisting him, but he refrained upon seeing how bloodied the vampire's face was from the earlier face slam, not wanting to dirty his arm. With glowing eyes, Raizel said, "You shouldn't have resisted." His fingers tore apart as the ring flew to Raizel's arm, causing the vampire to struggle to contain the pain.

Raizel got up and started walking away, knowing he didn't have to kill the vampire himself when the vampire could do it on his own. Unbeknownst to the vampire, he had been brainwashed to commit suicide the following morning by walking into sunlight after disposing of his victim in the woods.


Bouncing the ring in his hand, Raizel walked out of the empty alley only to encounter a bike speeding straight towards him. The rider and the passenger screamed for him to move aside as the rider slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting Raizel. Leaving them gaping in astonishment, Raizel simply leaped high enough to evade the bike, not bothering to notice who was riding alongside the street.

Raizel casually waved his hand towards the stunned onlookers as he walked away. While Raizel paid little attention, Bella couldn't help but notice him, especially the unique earring that sparkled in the moonlight. Bella called out, "Wait!" as she ran towards him, stealing a glance back at the rider with hesitation.

Raizel turned to see who was calling him and noticed Bella approaching him. He hadn't expected to see her out so late at night, but the scene reminded him of a moment from the "New Moon" movie. Remaining silent, Raizel gazed at Bella, who slowed down as she neared him. He could sense her fear, yet she dared to come closer.

Crossing her arms tightly, Bella nervously said, "Hi."

Raizel responded simply, "Hi, Bella."

As if searching for an excuse, Bella continued, "I just... wanted to make sure you were okay."

Raizel turned to leave, saying, "I'm good, bye." But Bella called out to him again, "Wait."

Glancing back at her, Raizel waited as she gathered her courage. Finally, Bella requested, "Can we talk?". 

Raizel questioned her as he turned to her side, "Now?"

"Yes," she replied, looking directly at Raizel.

Just as the bike approached, Raizel tilted his head slightly, his eyes briefly glowing before returning to normal as he looked back at her. She couldn't help but notice how Raizel's eyes seemed to glow at will, which only added to her nervousness.

The bikers rode past without acknowledging either of them, making Bella look puzzled. But Raizel grabbed her attention, saying, "Bella?"

She nodded, still feeling uneasy. "Can we change this place?" she asked.

"Sure," Raizel agreed.

As they made their way onto the street, neither Bella nor Raizel spoke a word until they were both out in the open.


Fellow readers,

It looks like I took longer than expected to release the next chapter. Anyway, I was just confused about where Raizel should go next after returning from Lukedonia and causing a mess. Should he head to Beacon Hill or Mystic Falls? This is what's bugging me right now. I'm doing a poll on Patreon, and you can vote as well since it's public. Vote for your choice, and for more chapters, access my Patreon.

link: patreon.com/AmouxCreationX
