
Woman with the Tiger Eyes in the Beast World

Sienna travelled to another world when she found a beautiful crystal in the sea. This wild land is ruled by warriors, who can change into ferocious beasts. Females are scarce in this world, they have more males to ensure their protection, but not every tribe treats them well. Sienna first meets an Ape prince who likes her to be his but scares her halfway to his village. She ran from him but he tried to get her back by force. The huge snake retrieves her for himself as for his food. She decided to play a game of wits with him, to give her 3 chances to escape. She will encounter a tiger Lord, who is so smitten with her, that he will gladly die for her, the wicked and exotic Scorpion King, the cold and dangerous eagles and the Black Dragon who can destroy all others. Sienna will need to use all her wits and beauty to tame these beasts. This story is not as gruesome or violent as regular Chinese stuff here, because I'm European, so it is kind of easy to read but it still has hot content, twists and an interesting storyline. The setting ranges from ancient, medieval to almost modern. I had to move this book to novels as it is not fanfic, I made the mistake with the settings and I will keep updating there as well for you who have been reading here for some time. This story in the novels is called Woman with the Tiger eyes in the Beast Warrior's World. Thank you so much for reading. Also this is uncontracted story, so enjoy the free reading:-)

Mili6na · 作品衍生
317 Chs

Woman with the Tiger eyes

Sienna was standing in the middle of the ancient stone-built arena. Her long golden hair twirled in the wind, blue eyes scanned the wild crowd. The turquoise-blue silken dress hugged her curvy body lightly. The two beasts were locked in a vicious fight. Two blood brothers who wanted to claim her. Lord with a sword behind his waist was holding her hand high." You will belong to the winner, they will fight to the death for the right to mate with you!"

Sienna bit her lips."Kind burly tiger or a rude handsome snake?"

Welcome to the beast warrior's world!


The crystal from the flooded cave

Sienna was walking on the beach. The sea was quiet and the day was hot, the light breeze went around her blue chiffon dress and her long golden hair were twirling in the wind slightly. It made her look serene.

She took a deep breath."Finally free! I can enjoy my holidays however I want!" She was seeping with wild feminine energy! After the latest break-up, she felt freedom in her heart. "It is time to start over again." she thought excitedly.

Sienna had a few relationships in her life, she was 28 years old with a lot younger look and a curvy hourglass figure. Her strongest features were her eyes, they reminded many of her friends of the eyes of the tiger, they were blue and slightly flicked. They shone wildly when she was upset. Sienna had a strong soul, she loved life, so her eyes just reflected it. She had full and sensual lips, which were attracting men to her even more; she was kind of used to the attention.

Her body was strong, she liked to do boxing and martial arts, but it was soft to the touch, she was always an "in-between type of girl" not skinny, but not too fat, she was a grown woman and projected confidence. She walked gracefully and straight and when she entered a room, she always get a gaze from others, it was mostly her presence, the way she carried herself.

Sienna was well educated and could talk with anyone about anything really; she liked to be entertaining, but not overly friendly. She was witty but sometimes pretended to be dumb, just for fun. She liked arts, history, fashion, fighting and dancing, she got loads of interests and loved to read. Sienna loved to design dresses. She worked on having a few fashion shows in different venues. Life felt good and freedom just made it better!

Sienna was carefully walking in between the rocks on the secluded beach, the tide was unusually low today, and it gave her a chance to explore more than days before. She noticed the rock formation, with the entrance in it, it was normally under the water and Sienna was excited to see what it looks like from the other side!

She went inside and saw a pretty light coming from the top, making it look dreamy, the pool of seawater was still inside the rock. "It has different light."Sienna smiled and made a few photos on her phone. Suddenly she saw something sparkle, so she dropped her bag on the dry rock and went thru the water to check it out. She picked up a quartz crystal big as her palm. It was looking like a nest of towers with little lines inside of it!

Sienna held it against the light and watch the rainbow light coming out of the crystal, "So beautiful," she thought." Where are you from ?"She asked loudly. Sometimes she used to speak to herself and did not mind it, most artists did it anyway! The light in the crystal went more intense, became strong and it overcame the cave. The extremely strong flash of white light suddenly made Sienna close her eyes, she hold the crystal to her chest instinctively, she felt the gush of wind and then everything went quiet for a moment.

"Wow, what was that?"Sienna opened her eyes carefully, she did not recognize the cave anymore, it was cold and dark! She gasped and looked around. The slight ray of light caught her glimpse, so she followed it to the opening of the cave. She looked down in shock."There is actually a forest outside? What? How did this happen?" Sienna looked at the crystal in her hand. It changed the colour to black. " What is this thing?" she asked herself. She put it against the light again. The black crystal started to droll, only black dust was staining her white hands.

Sienna tossed the dust into the wind. "So weird. "she shook her head. She climbed down from the cave carefully. It was quite difficult in her long dress and sandals.

She stood at the bottom of the rocky cave formation. There was a huge forest in front of her. "Ok, let's take a breath. How do I get home from here? I'm not sure what happened, but it looks like that crystal bought me here. If I find another crystal like that I might be able to come back. I need to find some help. Hopefully whoever lives here, will be nice." she sighed.

Sienna stared into the forest. She saw a stream of crystal clear water. "Let's follow the water." she thought, "It always leads somewhere, hopefully." she start walking down the path.

The forest was full of noises, the birds were singing and flying around, and the big canopies of leaves were hanging down. The stream had pebble stones around its edges, so Sienna kept walking on those, there was no way she can pass through that dense forest. It was quite tricky as the stones kept sliding as she stepped on them, so it was quite an exhausting walk.

Sienna walked for around an hour. Then she stopped to wash her face and drink some of the water. It looked clean enough. Then she sat down to rest a bit. It was hot and moist in that forest. It reminded her of her trip to New Zealand. She loved the forest smell. "Hopefully I will not meet any dangerous animals, I wish it is safe as New Zealand." she thought a bit worriedly.

Suddenly she felt really strange like someone is watching her, she turned around, but saw nothing, she shook her head, but still felt some presence. She started to feel really uncomfortable, so she stand up and started to walk down the stream. She turned her head often but did not see anything, so she calmed down.

The stream was looking more like a river now; it was getting wilder and bigger with the big stones cutting the water. The droplets of water were glistening in the air and Sienna watch it in a daze. But when she turned around to check again she froze; there was a huge white ape behind her watching quietly. It was looking like that strange yeti-type wild ape bigger than a gorilla; it was not from her world, she was certain. Sienna loved to read books about animals and never saw anything like this! The ape had a silvery chain on his neck, " Probably it belongs to someone." Sienna thought.

Sienna straighten up and gulped. She glanced at it and turned her head, she did not dare smile or looked into its eyes, because she did not want to provoke it. She heard the voice in her head "You don't show your teeth to wild animals". Sienna did not like monkeys and apes at all, she knew they can be strong and injure people, especially the big ones. She turned her head slowly to check on it but the ape was not there again. Sienna crouched down and picked a palm-size stone. She held it in her hands and began to walk again.

Sienna walked slowly, checking behind her often. Suddenly a noise broke in front of her, the leaves of the forest opened and a few men with spears appeared right in front of her! They were tall and burly with large muscular chests, blond long hair, and deep grey eyes. Their skin was tanned with blond hair on it. They looked very similar to each other and reminded Sienna of Nordic warriors. Their faces were painted with long blue stripes. They wore light dark blue silken-looking wide trousers, with a colourful scarf belt and lots of trinkets around them.

Sienna counted seven of them and froze..." I'm dead!s too many of them. I have no chance. Let's not provoke them." she thought. Her heart was pounding wildly. She dropped the stone from her hand to the ground. The warriors surrounded her and did not look very friendly at all, she just stood straight looking at them.

One of them suddenly came to her. He was very tall and muscular, he was handsome, but his face looked a bit cruel, his eyes stared at Sienna like he wanted to eat her! Sienna raised her head and looked into his eyes. The man gazed into her eyes a bit, then he offered her his hand.

Sienna reached for his hand slowly looking into his eyes. He grabbed her hand halfway and lifted it up. The other warriors cheered. "I hope I did not just get married," Sienna thought. He held her hand tight. Then he put it down and pulled Sienna to follow him." Come, "he said in English.

" What?" Then Sienna noticed is not actually English but she somewhat understands it the same as English. She felt shaken. His hand was warm and strong, it kind of tried to dominate her somehow. He kept glancing at her with that hunger in his eyes. Sienna did not feel like he is someone to mess with, but she did not want to go with him really. He looked too cruel, wild and barbaric. Her heart was beating loudly.

She took a deep breath and smiled" I'm called Sienna...Who are you? "

The man looked at her."Ramse, the prince and general of the Ape warriors. I'm taking you as my woman." he looked at her blue eyes and full lips. He could feel his heart pounce!

"Ok, that is interesting," Sienna thought."At least he is not killing me but..."

"Can you tell me what that means?" Sienna asked," I'm from far away, so I'm not sure what exactly you want from me?" she asked innocently, a little bit dumb and puckering her lips slightly...she knew he gazed at them. And yes, sometimes she was sneaky. "I will try to squeeze as much information from him as possible!" she thought!"

He looked at her with surprise..." You will cook, clean and bear my children and take care of my house!" he said firmly. "Is she mad? "Ramse thought but get distracted with her lips.

"I'm not good at cooking or cleaning," she said..." That is why I do not have a husband you know?" she tried to look innocently dumb.

He looked at her" What do you do then?"

"I sew dresses, do arts, draw. I'm an artist. Women in my world don't need to have a husband if they don't want to." Sienna said.

"I can let you sew dresses, that is a good skill, but all women need to do housework for their men. I have someone to teach you." he nodded.

"I think I'm really unable to do it properly," Sienna said hopelessly.

"Don't try to be stubborn!" he warned her," Females who do not listen get beaten. It will not look nice on your pretty white skin," he said.

Sienna looked at him abruptly and pulled her hand." You will beat me?" her tiger eyes lit up wildly.

"No, the elder women do that, they raise young females to listen", he said plainly. "We just tie them up to a post and they beat them with a stick," he said."All our females listen very well."

"You will watch me get beaten?"Sienna asked coldly.

He looked at her surprised." If you do as I say you will be not beaten, so stop asking so stupidly."Ramse started to lose patience.

Sienna's facial expression turned to a stone."I need to get out of here or I'm dead meat." She thought frantically. She was not able to get her head around cleaning and cooking, it was not like she was not able to do it, it was just never perfect, and so she felt bad doing it for other people. She even got beaten for it in her life before. She did not want to experience it again, so she was on high alert.

" I'm sorry, I told you I'm new here," she said carefully.

" Why are you here, then?" he looked at her firmly.

" I'm looking for a big clear crystal, do you know where I can find one?"Sienna asked curiously.

"You can ask about it in the Crystal City," Ramse said." It is behind the big mountain and a desert, where the sun goes down," he said, "Behave well and I may take you there sometimes."

"Behave well?"Sienna asked really stupidly.

" You will be staying with me, in my house," then he pointed down the river."There is a big waterfall down there, stay away from it. It is a land that no one can pass alive. It is the land of The Hissing Death." Then he look at her with satisfaction and smiled. "I will show you to everyone in the village, and tonight you became my female. "he smirked at her.

"So the city lies at the west, where the sun goes down, if I follow the sun and the mountain peaks, I might be able to find it. To stay here like his female is no way." Sienna thought.

Then she noticed the necklace on his neck, She looked into his eyes and something struck her." Tell me why you are calling yourself an Ape prince," she asked.

Ramse stopped and look at her" Because I can transform into a big ape, I saw you before, that was me," he said." It is our spirit animal, we can change into it when we want to."

"You really stared at me there. You scared me, "Sienna said worriedly.

"I know", he said with curled lips.

Sienna turned and looked at the river."It must be great to live next to the river." she said..."You must swim a lot."

Ramse laughed "No, we don't like that. You can drown in the water easily...is not good." he said.

"Behind that mountain is my village." Ramse pointed and let go of Sienna's hand. He was confident because Sienna looked really docile and was asking curious questions.

Sienna did not want to go to the village with Ramse. She did not want to be forced to stay with him and to be a servant wife. "I must run away and find the way to that city, where are the crystals which can send me home. "Sienna start thinking about how to escape.

They came almost to the waterfall, but then they changed direction. They walked to the jungle, the ground was wet and the weather hot. They were walking through the muddy puddles now, she noticed the ape warriors were walking carefully, they did not want to get much mud on them.

"Your skin is so beautifully white," said Ramse," I will show you off to all when we come there...I will have the most beautiful female." he said proudly." I never saw a female with your blue eyes, we heard about them only in the legends." he nodded happily.

Sienna smiled at him sweetly.

" Be careful walking here, it is slippery, "he said to her.

Sienna glanced at the huge muddy puddle next to her." Aaa." she fall into it as if it was an accident! Then she tried to stand up, but the mud was slippery...so she completely messed up her hair and face, she look like the mud bath person!

Ramse looked at her with displeasure on his face." Why you did do that?" he asked..."

Sienna laughed inside, but tried to look pitiful."I just slipped, I'm so sorry" Sienna shook her head. "If I may go back to the river and wash please, I would not like to embarrass you entering the village in this state." she said." What a clever girl I am," she thought," I go to the river and hide in their forbidden land and bye-bye apes and cruel man!"

"Ok, I will go with you, "Ramse nodded and sent his warriors to the village. Sienna walked quickly towards the river. Ramse went right behind her. He was staring at her bum as she walked. The mud made her dress stick onto her and it looked so good to him! When Sienna came to the water, she just jumped in. "Please, don't look Ramse, I'm shy." she smiled gently.

"You will be mine tonight, is no need to be shy," he rasped and keep staring at Sienna. Her chiffon dress started to clean in the water and was sticking to her body even more. Ramse looked at her full breasts, defined waist and wide hips..." She would be so tasty." he thought.

Sienna washed her hair, and slowly went down to the middle of the river.

"Don't go too far Ramse shouted, "standing at the edge of the water.

"I'm going to wash my hair now," she shouted with a smile, "I need to get a bit deeper."

Sienna could hear the waterfall but had no idea how big it is, there was a curve of stones, so she thought of hiding behind them and checking it out first. "I just hope Ramse can't swim." she bit her lips.

Sienna pretend to be washing her hair, the water was by her chin and the current was slightly moving her away...Ramse was watching her and Sienna smiled and waved at him. Then she noticed some warriors are coming back to Ramse. Ramse turned halfway to speak to them.

At this moment Sienna dipped under the water and swim to hide behind that big rock, she let the current take her to the edge of the waterfall, from another side of the river. It was looking good, and the pool seems to be deep, so Sienna started climbing the slippery waterfall stones on the edge to go down.

She noticed there was a tiny opening and she saw there is a place behind the water. Suddenly she heard Ramse calling her name." Oh no, he must be looking for me already," Sienna sighed and slipped under the falling water.

Hi, thank you so much for starting to read my story, I promise it will be interesting, full of twists and hot. Feel free to comment with your ideas. I will be happy to read them.

English is my second language so please bear if you find any mistakes, I do my best and this is the first book I'm writing.

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