
Wolves and Vampires

After the Massacre of his Pack, he was found a boy in the woods. He was taken in with wolves and became a member of the pack. He had to search for vampires who murdered his parents that's where he fell in love with his enemie's daughter. Love and Revenge with Advanture are Three Different Things.

milliyfah · 奇幻
38 Chs

New Orlands

5 hours earlier before Full Moon In the woods Layla was walking with Eco. They finished Washington they were in other forest walking all by themsleves Layla was tired.

"We will camp here for tonight"

"No we will keep on walking untill we enter New Orlands"

"Do you know how far it is to walk to New Orlands?, we have to take a break"

"Then lets use our super speed to run like hell"

"If you want to go be my guest but am camping here"

"No your'e not" Eco stood straight to her and faced her eyes.

"We will continue on walking untill we enter New Orland forest are we clear Layla?" Eco was compelling her.

"Yes" Layla continued on walking..

"There good girl see"

"You are piece of shit you know that? you couldn't run out of tricks"

"Yet we are walking" Eco laughed They continued on walking, the walk and walk for almost four hours they saw A dark forest ahead of them.

"Finally New Orlands Home Sweet Home" They entered in the forest and started walking they reeached at the point where Layla got tired again.

"Thats it am done am camping here" It was very dark.

"No we are walking" They saw A full moon rises Eco smiled.

"Wow someone will turn into a wolf now" Eco started hawling teasing Layla but Layala didn't turn she was shocked she couldn't turn nor feel any pain.

"Why aren't you turning?"

"I don't know either" Layla was trying to turn her eyes into wolfs but she couldn't turn, she tried to turn into a complete wolf but she also couldn't turn. Eco started laughing at her Layla punched her hardly onthe face.

"Sorry I needed to confirm My hand to hand combat" Eco wanted to hit her but Layla held her hand and kicks her hardly Eco falls.

"That is for compelling me" Eco wanted to turn but she also couldn't turn.

"My God My powers are gone"

"What is this place have become" All of them lost their powers they felt something they started hearing whisperes.

"What is that?" Layla was hit with someone invinsible. she fell down and fainted. she was bleeding on a head. Eco took out her knife

"Who is there I demand you to show yourself" She heard whispering around her than she was also hit and fainted. They were taken away... The other day early in the morning Layla opened her eyes.

"Morning sunshine?" She saw they were in chain inside the cave they were tied together her left hand with Eco's right hand Layla wanted to stand up Eco pulled the chain

"Seems we are a stuck forever" Layla took a stone beside and tried to break the chain.

"You are wasting your time I've tried like a hundreds time now, its unbreakable"

"I'd rather try to break this then stuck with you forever"

"Wow and what did I do now?"

"You are not to be trusted Eco and you know that"

"Excuse me Layla you were the one who stabbed me from the back remember you betrayed me on my sleep"

"Then why didn't you kill me when I was a sleep while ago?"

"I am not like you Layla am not the back stabbing woman"

"What happened to you while you were locked up Eco this isn't how I remember you?" Eco smiled.

"You don't want to know whats on the otherside Layla believe what I went through it's hard the only that you would wish is to rip your own heart and feed it on yourself"

"I don't know how did you ended up there?" They suddenly heard whisperes again.

"They are here again" Layla was shocked.

"Who are they why can't we see them?"

"I prefer of a what not who, what ever these things are they are invisible to our sight" They saw A stone coming their way Eco pushed Layla away that stone passed between then and hit the wall.

"Come on show yourselves, if you really do have the guts why hiding yourselves" Eco shouted Those beings showed themselves Eco and Layla were shocked what mets their eyes were un predictable.

"What kind of monsters are they?" Layla asked.

"Orge An ugly, oversized humanoid creature with great physical strength and little intelligence"

"The world has come to an end"

"No Layla we are just the beggining".

"So you can speak I thought you were muted all along"

"Ofcourse we can speak Eco"

"You know us?"

"Hell yeah we do, An Omega, and a Hybrid we know all about you and your history"

"We are not a threat here why tying us with chains?"

"You think you can just come in New Orlands as you pleased"

"This is our home you cannot keep us from home"

"Was your home Eco long time ago but not anymore, things have changed and you have no place here"

"We have a place we will come whenever we want this is our home and you can't take it from us even if it means to fight then we will fight to protect it" Orge laughed.

"Fight? how can you when you don't have any powers here Layla, here you are just human beings you are neither immorat nor supernatural Let me tell you one thing Layla we are coming for Washington soon once the ring completes we will bring hell in Washington and all supernaturals and immortals will die" Those Orge vanished and became invisible again Eco was shocked.

"So this is what you have trying to tell me about?"

"I am not sure, We have to find Caroline she is the only one who can help us out"

"Wait, do you think they have left, how do we know they are not watching?" Eco tried to use her powers to break the chains but it was useless.

"What do we do now?"

"We escape tonight" Layla was out breath.

"Hey Layla you okay?"

"We shouldnv'e have taken your immortality away Caroline knew this will come"

"Hey hey don't you go down on me okay, I don't want to lose you now, you are the only who can get us the answers we seek" Layla was slowly losing air so of a sudden.

"Layla come on you have to stay alive" Eco started giving her mouth to mouth air but it couldn't work. She started punching her chest very hard.

"Come on" She punched her very hard Layla took a heavy breath and woke up.

"Good girl don't you dare die on me"

"Water I need water" Eco started shouting

"Hey we need water here, If you plan on keeping us alive then you should atleast take care of us she is dying we need water unless you want to kill us then just get it over with already" A bottle of water was thrown inside with half water in it. Eco took it she opened and gave it to layla. Layla took a few sip.

"Save yourself too Eco"

"Its alright I can manage"

"We don't know how long we will be here and we need our strength back so you have to take a sip too" Eco took a sip.

"So we gonna wait here till they show up and do nothing to save our asses?"

"If you have a plan Eco then now it's the time"

"Lets walk out of here come on" They stood up and started walking searching their way out of the cave they walked and walked and walked but they couldn't reach the end.

"Am tired and thursty too" Eco sat down.

"I have been wondering that we are circling at the same place"

"what do you mean?" Layla cutted a piece of her cloths and stung it on stone.

"Come one more shot" Eco stood up and they started walking again but they ended up showing at the same place.

"Crap!, I will kill them If we get out of here"

"Save your energy Eco".... Sometimes later it was tonight they were very thursty Three Orges showed up and held them out.

"Hey where are you taking us?" They brought outside the caves they saw 5 more Orges and a circle drew by blood they were putted in the circle.

"What is this what are you doing to us?"

"The ring is almost complete but It cannot be complete unless we have wolf's blood and a hybrid's blood now you are going to sucrifice yourselves for mankind, we will build this earth it will be a beautiful universe"

"Born out of blood" Orge laughed.

"They will never know, because you won't be alive to tell them" Two Orges were going helding axes to kill them. Their heads were held down ready to be slayed. Eco looked at Layla

"Any last words Layla?"

"Welcome to New Orlands Eco. It's been a pleasure to have you by my side" The axes were released ready to slayed their heads off.