
Wolves and Vampires

After the Massacre of his Pack, he was found a boy in the woods. He was taken in with wolves and became a member of the pack. He had to search for vampires who murdered his parents that's where he fell in love with his enemie's daughter. Love and Revenge with Advanture are Three Different Things.

milliyfah · Fantasy
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38 Chs


Nutaila was trying very hard to run but the wolf was stronger and faster it jumped on her Nutaila fell when she wanted to get up That wolf was above her ready to feed on her.

"Milan stop its me" Milan managed to break through he turned back into human Deborah and Camila showed up.

"What a bastard"

"What about Carmen?" Suddenly they saw a white wolf Milan was shocked.

"Is that....."

"Yes your kin now we have to stop her" They started fighting her but Carmen was stronger dur to her first turn she was unstopable and very strong she managed to put them all down A woman showed up with white clothes and used her powers to hit that wolf Carmen fell and turned back into human but she fainted. Camila Deborah and Milan stood up they saw that woman Camila was shocked.

"Mother?" Octavia stood up and faced them Milan was shocked. He stood up and faced Camila.

"Mother.. what do you mean mother Camila"

"Milan she is our mother" Camila was shedding tears Milan froze Camila went to hug her very tight.

"Mom I missed you" Elijah showed up Deborah was quiet.

"How is this even possible" Octavia slowly started walking towards Mila she gave him a big hug.

"You have grown well my son"

"Mom I can't beleive it, Is this really you" Octavia letted him go she took two steps back and turned into a wolf she was a huge black wolf Nutaila and everyone who were there saw her

"It really is you a wolf from the wallpaper wall" Octavia turned back into human form.

"I know you have a lot of questions in your minds right now but believe me this is not the time, we I show my self today after so many years all of that can wait but now what its important is that we are together" Octavia huggs both Milan and Camila at once. Bellamy showed up to them.

"O its time they are coming" Milan and the others were surprise.

"You know her?, You knew about this and yet you stayed quiet?" Deborah seemed angry.

"Hey he kept a secret because I told him too Okay"

"They are coming you have to go now"

"Fine bring them to the secret headquarters tomorrow night I will answer all their question"

"Okay" Octavia hugged her children for the last time.

"We will talk more when we see eachother okay? stay strong and don't die" Octavia flew away.

"Come one we don't have time we have to hurry in the dome"

Bellamy was going to walk away Milan stopped him.

"You are coming with us, you have a lot to explain" They took him with them and left... In New Orlands Eco and Layla were going to be executed. Their heads were held down ready to be slayed. Eco looked at Layla

"Any last words Layla?"

"Welcome to New Orlands Eco. It's been a pleasure to have you by my side" The axes were released ready to slayed their heads off. Suddenly a recent fog appeard things were thrown away the fog was passing but after it passed it left with Eco and Layla they vanished with in the fog.....

Bellamy was in the house. Carmen woke up she was beside Nutaila

"How long have you know My mother?"

"O was the one who saved me when I was a little boy, I owe it her because she is the reason why am still breathing today, she took me and taught me how to survive"

"So you were with her all this time, You didn't even bother telling us about it Bellamy?"

"Se said she had a plan and I didn't wanna ruin it"

"Where was she all this time is she with beasts"

"You won't understand a thing even if I tell you now, just wait for her okay tomorrow night I will take you where she lives and you can ask her the rest of your questions" Bellamy stood up he was going to leave.

"Stay for tonight, If you don't mind" Everyone stared at Deborah.

"What? what are you all staring at?, Come on Bellamy I will show you, your room" Bellamy left with Deborah. Camila left to her room and Left Carmen Elijah Milan and Nutaila.

"Hey aren't you going home tonight?"

"No I will sleep here for tonight" Carmen looked at her, she wicked and slowly started walking away.

"I saw that Carmen" Milan shouted Elijah walked away.

"So what now?" Milan carried Nutaila.

"I almost kill you today"

"But you didn't and I know you won't hurt me" They left away to their room. On the other side Eco and Layla were in the house it was very dark they were coughing.

"What happened?"

"Well we were swallowed by fog I guess"

"What is this place?"

"Don't have a clue do you think we are dead Eco?"

"Dead while chains on our hands? you serious Layla?" They slowly started hearing footsteps approaching to them.

"Whos there I demand you to show yourself"

"You two really can't leave me be with my life can you?" A woman sound was heard suddenly the lights were on theu saw Caroline.

"Caroline? it's you"

"Hello Layla, Eco"

"Hey Caroline I guess you are happy knowing I lost my powers here" Caroline laughed

"We saw Orges Caroline what happened to this town?"

"A lot has happened why are you here am surprised to see the two of you together on the same side"

"Naaah...we are not together we are enemies"

"Yeah she's a Beast and am a wolf we are at ear on eachothers"

"Really then why did you save eachothers asses back then?"

"The Orge talked about the Ring what does that mean?"

"Yeah wait, you happen to have your witchy thing inside you right?" Caroline break the chains on them by just stared at it.

"Wow we are free once again"

"How can this happen why do you have your powers and we don't have ours what is going on Caroline"

"I told you a lot has been happening follow me, we have a lot to catch up before we return in Washington" Eco and Layla stood up and left with Caroline.

In Washington early in the morning students were in class Carmen was also in class Leo got in he was surprised to se her. Carmen stood up.

"Hello Mr Leo seems surprised to see me alive" Milan and the others were at the back watching. Leo smiled and looked at Milan.

"Am happy to see you again Carmen why don't you have a sit? and lets start the lecture right away". Carmen sat down at the front Nutaila was at the back smiling Jack was beside her.

"Hey heard about last night you okay?"

"Yeah we shall talk about this at home you know" Nutaila wicked at her brother Jack understood that there is a Beast in front. Bellamy and Deborah were on the bed having morning sex Deborah was moaning as she was at the climax Bellamy stoped.

"We are late for class"

"We don't need class today all we need is sex all day"

"No we need class, we need to go now" Bellamy jumped off the bed and rushed in the toilet naked Deborah laughed.

"Remind me again what class is it today?"

"Its history the scary beast" Deborah jumped and went to the toilet too..

"What are you doing?"

"Taking a shower together do you mind?"

"Pleasure's all mine" They hurried and they keft the house Elijah was all alone in the house. Sometimes later Mino was walking down the play ground all alone James showed up.

"Hey Mino whats up?"

"You got a problem with me James?"

"No nothing am just here to chek on you, you know have a little chat what do you say?"

"Since when did you start hanging around with me?"

"Since you turned into one of us" Kate showed up behind them and bitten Mino's neck James carried him and left with him Leo showed up two minutes later he saw blood on the floor. Sooner Milan showed up Leo smiled

"It seems you are late Chosen one"

"The hell did you do now Leo?"

"Well it isn't me am sure it was one of your crews" Milan touched the blood.

"This is Mino's blood" Milan hanged Leo and pushed him on the wall angrily.

"What did you do to him?"

"Temper temper Milan we are in college as far as we know we don't want to make a mess here do we?" Milan stared he saw people were staring at them. Leo smiled

"If this is what you want then let me remind you one thing" Leo turned his eyes into red 12 students Killed themselves by sliting their throat others started screeming Milan saw that he letted go of Leo.

"What are you doing?"

"This is just a beggining you didn't deliver Desmond's head now all those you love will die" Leo left Milan was sheding tears.