
The Gate Starts To Creak Open

My match was with.

Surprise Surprise

Tokoyami . Yes the bird creature whose parents had caused me to be restricted and those who had died in front of me saving All Might . Well they had tried to but there effort was useless. Still it's commendable.

I probably knew more about Tokoyami more than he did . Hey that sounded weird .

I jumped up to the stage .

(3rd Person POV )

" The next match is between Divyansh the unstoppable student who was injured and can now be stopped and the Dark Lord Of The Shadow Beasts . Fumikage Tokoyami. " Present Mic yelled out .

" How do you think this match will go ?" Present Mic asked Ectoplasm.

" Well most likely Divyansh will win however if Tokoyami is able to take advantage of his injury he might be able to win ." Ectoplasm replied .

" Both Contenders Ready " Asked Midnight

" READY " both yelled out .

Divyansh said to Tokoyami " Surrender now or suffer the consequences " to which Tokoyami replied by " I do not surrender nor am I scared " .

" Neither was Mina . She still lost . " Replied Divyansh.

" 3 2 1 START " Yelled out Midnight .

Divyansh smashed his fist into the ground causing the fighting ring to crack up .

" Ohh what a display of strength by Divyansh" Present Mic yelled as blood started coming out of Midnight's nose .

Divyansh then at lightning speed picked up the broken shards and started to throw them at Tokoyami.

" What is Divyansh doing. Still the attack is a powerfull one requiring strength, dexterity, agility and accuracy" Ectoplasm commented .

Tokoyami in surprise on seeing what Divyansh is doing was shocked but sent out Dark Shadow to act like a wall and block the attacks .

" Tokoyami uses Black Shadow to defend himself " . Present Mic said in his loud voice .

"Perfect this was what I was waiting for. " Came through Divyansh's mind as he picked up even more speed and had thrown so many rocks that nobody could see where he was .

Then Divyansh flitted across the battlefield with a stone shard in hand and pressed it against Tokoyami's throat and said .

" You have lost " .

After a few seconds the crowd finally saw what happened.

The reaction was great .

Maybe thre or two people cheered for Divyansh's win and even they quited down soon .

" Divyansh Wins " Midnight announced.

Divyansh after hearing this started to walk out of the ring .

The next match was Bakugo versus Kirishima in which Bakugo won .

After their match Todoroki and Ida fight in which Todoroki wins .

The next match was between Bakugo and Divyansh.

The match started with Bakugo proclaiming die bastard and starting to blast Divyansh.

Divyansh responded in kind by punching his fist and using the wind pressure to neutralize the blasts .

Divyansh then used his Chakra energy to materialise a Mace into existence.

A very heavy mace that weighed a ton.

Then Divyansh started running towards Bakugo with the mace hefted in the air with one hand and the other hand facing Bakugo .

Bakugo tried a few times to blast Divyansh but the hand that was facing forward squirmed it's palm muscles to generate wind .

Then Divyansh closed in and used the mace to strike towards Bakugo's right arm which Bakugo avoided by using his blast to go higher.

Divyansh using the momentum of his mace spun around and released his mace .

The mace was set on a trajectory to Bakugo . Bakugo to dodge it used another blast but Divyansh also jumped and punched Bakugo . Unfortunately or Fortunately because of a slight miscalculation instead of the punch landing on Bakugo's family jewels . This intense pressure caused him to faint .

Seeing him fall and not be able to stand again Midnight declared Divyansh to be the winner .

Still it seemed Divyansh was fated not to become a Japanese favourite.

The next match which was between Ida and Todoroki happened an resulted in the victory of Todoroki. I couldn't care less for a warning was flashing infront of my eyes .


Warning Code Third Eye .

Several Breachs have been detected .

It is determined that fifteen breaches have happened near you in a 3000 kilometres radius.

Three of them have been Identified.

All men in Area Subhash are to take up arms and be ready .


Damn it . If that's happening I don't know what the hell is happening at the epic center of all of this at Mt Govardhan. That place must be the whole army hosted there . Probably 300 or more Rathis also are stationed there .

Fuck Fuck Fuck .

My next match was with Todoroki.

Needless to say I just sped up . Caught him by his arm and threw him out of the bounds .

The next thing I knew I was in the award ceremony and being awarded the 1st places medal .

I had achieved first. Todoroki Second and Bakugo third .

Further increasing my worry was where I would host the 8 Deaths .

When we got off the stage and regrouped with rest of the class I was being applauded . Strange none of them seemed to notice the worry on my face . Well it must be difficult for them because all their life they were accustomed to Japanese faces and an Arya face is very different .

Still as I was being applauded I said to them ," Anybody here well versed in the local tales and cuisine . I am expecting 8 men and I want to host them . Any good restaurant will do . I just want a place where Urban Legends are well known. It's urgent "

" Well my mother knows quite a bit about Japan and urban legends because she studied etymology . So why don't you come to my house. She can tell you all about it . " Momo replied .

" Well thank you . Please message me the time . I have to go and prepare the home for them . "I said .

" Wait what. You live alone that you have to prepare the home and where do you even live . " Mina asked

" In Tokyo there is the old Indian Embassy I live there . Kirishima knows that place . After all he once came to my house " I replied .

" Really . My parents also live in the same area. " Ochaco replied .

" Well that's all good and well but I have to go now . Please excuse me " Saying this I walked out and the first thing I got out of sight I teleported back to my home .

Whew . I still had a hell to suffer and probably was going to be involved in the battles.

Still the thing that worried me was the things back at home . My father is high up on the military ranks so he is probably personally involved in the fight in the main zone .

Still I shouldn't tell him that things jave spread this far or he might get stressed . That would mess up things and probably put his life in danger .