
Oh Shit

( Hola to my readers take some pop corn and get ready to read and please comment.

1 comment = 1% more chance of a chapter coming out . As proof check out Live_Wire. Him commenting so much motivated me and caused this chapter to come out relatively quickly . If not for him this would have taken a week or two an dbe worse than this.)

"God bless the souls who are fighting the abominations from the dimensional rift" I prayed as I knew even though it was almost impossible that God will listen to my request so whenever I make a request I make this only.

Because I know how much problems they must be going through. It was a difficult job but it was a necessary job. Every country that had dealt with their societal evil " The Awakened Country's" all have to deal with them. Almost every country has some dimensional portal . In Japan American and Indian forces are taking care of the creatures that come out. As soon as Japan " Awakens " they will be taught the ropes of handling the creatures and left.

As for the new tactics I had decided on taking a one man army approach. I could take the form of many ganas so I decided to use them.

Well when I finally came out of my musings and saw the results I was shocked.

" Why because Midoriya came second . That was a surprise ( basically the ranking remains same except Aoyama is not in the list as he came last in canon and here he came 43 so he will not go into second round ).

Midnight then came out saying," THE TOP 42 HAVE EARNED THE RIGHT TO ADVANCE !!! This festivals showstopper is still being prepared !! I am sorry for the kids who failed but take heart!"

" And now for the last post preliminaries, the final selection! From here on out even the press corps will be teeming in a white heat of excitement , so go all out. "

" Now then onto today's heart pounding second event !! I already know what it will be but the suspense is killing me .... What could it be ??? Well let me tell you "

" IT'S A HUMAN CAVALRY BATTLE " Nemuri Finished .

" Human Cavalry " Mineta said .

" Human Cavalry " Kaminari exclaimed in surprise .

" Human Cavalry but that's not a game that works with players playing as individuals. How will it work !? " Tsuyu wondered.

" What the hell is even human Cavalry" I wondered .( In India we don't play that rather we would much more play Kabadi than that . )

" You can all form teams of 2-4 freely and form a horseback configuration. Basically it's the same as normal human Cavalry except based on your last trial you will all recieve points so which war horse you have will influence how good the starting points you have now look at the screen it is displaying your points."

And Holy Cow was the difference great. " The 42nd place had 5 points , 41st had 10 points, 40th had 15 points and so on. This pattern continued until 2nd place which had 205 points. I the first place on the other hand had FUCKING 10,000,000 POINTS TO MY NAME.

Although I knew that nobody would team up with me I still yelled out ," Anybody wanna team up with me . "

" Are you foolish this is a chance for the low to supplant the high. Who would want to team up with you . " Monoma said.

It seemed like everyone agreed with him.

" Well if a fool is better than you than you mustn't be a human. Now I just wanna say that I said this so that if anyone wanted a free ride I will give them that . I can give a free ride to three people but seeing that you try to ridicule me your privilege is redacted. I will use my own methods .Do not come in my way . I will not tolerate that and Monoma consider yourself defeated. " I replied.

" Why you" Monoma said outraged.

" Now Now don't fight here . Display your anger on the Battlefield and usage of your quirks is allowed but don't try to intentionally disband a team because that warrants a red card " Midnight said interrupting Monoma .

" Sir Snipe if you would be so kind as to shoot two bullets at my right and left hand. I would be very much obliged" I said as I returned to human form.

" Whatever you ask kiddo " He replied ( I swear snipe is better than all of UA's teachers even All Might can't fight if Snipe takes out his eyes and balls.) and took two shots at me.

The moment those shots touched my skin I turned to Raktbija ( This is a very powerful Asura who had the divine blessing that caused every drop of his blood that touched the ground to turn into his clone which had all his things but he couldn't inflict wounds on himself ).

Out of the two drops of blood that touched two identical clones of myself came to be.

We were connected by our minds so they knew my plan of using them as horses .

We didn't tally around and got to work.

( Meanwhile the other students )

People qued arround Bakugo .

Sato said " Yo , Team up with me ".

Mina said " Bakugo , do you mind teaming up with me " and many more people asked to team up with him.

" Wait what the fuck are your quirks again " asked our very own angry pomerian.

" Forget Class B's quirk . Is he that self absorbed that he doesn't even see what's happening around him !!!" Our invisible girl exclaimed in surprise .

Suddenly a voice game out saying , " Bakugo let's team up . Todoroki's already gotten himself a full team . "

" That bastard " Bakugo said.

" So hair for brains why should I team up with you. "

" It's Kirishima not hair for brains and I am the only person who will be a horse and be able to take your blasts."

( Everything happens the same way except that Midoriya doesn't cry.)

( Heroes POV)

" Those who reached the top merely encountered new hardships " Snipe said.

" Well that kid Divyansh is no ordinary kid . I trust him to pull throught this. You people weren't there when he fought the Nomu. If it wasn't that his quirk is too powerful then he might have finished that fight in a second . " 13 said.

" Well his quirk certainly is very powerful and I don't know which quirk is as versatile as his."

All Might said.

" Where do you think does he get those arrows, bows etc " Death Arms said .

" Well if he decides to sell them then we will be in trouble " Mount Lady said.

" Do you think that it's learnable to make those things because he certainly was talking like they are " Kamui Woods said always trying to increase his strength to help people in a better way.

" Well they better not be because if they are then his country must be so powerfull " Death Arms said .

" Yay good thing . Anyway what country is he from even ." Mount Lady asked.

" Well he is from India he said that if you would listen. Even sounded proud of it. " Kamui answered here in a sarcastic way .

" Come to think of it other than Japanese and American people nobody visits our country nor do we visit their countries. Other countries don't even have people in Top Ten heroes ." Mount Lady said.

" Well most people don't even participate. Not everyone calls themselves Hero's. Moreover we don't go to their countries as they are weaker countries " Death Arms said .

" Are you sure of that. If an organised army was to come after us I don't think most heroes will be stand their own against the army not to mention we haven't been in any war so there's no way of being certain " Kamui said being the intelligent and observing hero that he is .

" All this thinking is making my head spin wanna grab something to eat " Mount Lady said.

( Back to Ravan )

I had a strategy. The main body would transform into a gana who can use artillery.( What happens when one uses a shotgun filled with sniper bullets instead of pellets at point blank range at your chin.) In that form I can use 8 canons at once . I will deploy them in air floating around me but here's the catch I will shoot a high explosive shell near them to warn them if they still come at me I will release a gas shell which will make them go unconscious.

If that doesn't work then I will shoot a gust of wind at them . If that doesn't work I will shoot electricity. I believe that sort of barrage should be able to take out people .

I had commanded my clones to speak out about who is coming from where although I didn't need them to do that because every canon had some sensors on it which would information directly to me .

( A side note that if Fate bleeds over to here than as proof that Gilgamesh doesn't posses all the knowledge I am leaving a link that proves Mahabharat happened earlier than Gilgamesh and remember that Mahbharat is the 9th major war in which Lord Vishnu personally took place .


Nemuri yelled out " All right , Have you all formed your little teams . Well you better have !!!

Let's do it !!!

Let's start the countdown to this vicious clash !!!







" To your right a team with three people. Yui Kodai , Kojiro Bondo , Manga Fukidashi are coming towards us. Quirks are Size , Cemedine and Comic. " Yelled out the first clone .

" Okay " I said back. " Halt right there do not come any further." I said to them as I shot an HE ( High Explosive) shell in front of them which exploded.

Undeterred the front horse spewed out cement.

Quickly I sent a HE shell near us which created a cover of dust floating and fired a shell which exploded in the middle of cement trapping them and two other teams.

Doing that I took their headbands saying" This is the price of wasting my time an energy ."

" Team behind us . Has Toru Hagakure , Kyoka Jiro , Rikido Sato and Koji Koda with the quirks of Invisibility , Earphone Jack Sugar Rush and Anivoice." Informed me the second clone.

" Roger that " I replied.

Turning my canons around I fired an HE shell at their feet as the Second clone said , " Halt or be defeated" as we maneuvered aroundto face them .

Of course nobody took his words seriously.

Jiro used her jacks to attack us . I used my electricity canon to send a shock that traveled through her jacks and fried her team. They were stunned and would stay so for the whole match . I took their headbands . "

" Look ladies an gentlemen. How great they are fighting. Not even two minutes have elapsed since this round started and we already have a melee of tumultuous proportions on our hand " Present Mic yelled out.

" Watch out an angry pomerian is coming " Said my first clone joking a bit .

" Specifically Katsuki Bakugo , Eijiro Kirishima , Mina Ashido and Hanta Sero who have the quirks of Explosion , Hardening , Acid and Tape. "

" Why you bastard " Bakugo yelled probably angry at being called what he is . People are like that call an egotistical person egotistical he goes mad. Call an addict an addict he will go crazy.

" Halt or be defeated " I said while firing a HE shell at their feet. This time they actually halted or so I thought until Bakugo started flying towards me with the help of his explosion. I ducked. Took his headband and directed the air blast canon to fire at him. The air blast canon helped push him along. A bit too far . Well actually he crashed next to a fire beard guy. "

Look above the points are on display

Team Divyansh 10,001,475

Team Deku 1000

Team Monoma 860

Team TetsuTetsu 900

Team Kendou 400

Team Todoroki 300

Team Uroko 70

Team Bakugo ×

Team Kodai ×

Team Tsunditori ×

Team Mineta ×

Team Shinso ×

Team Hagakure ×

" Woah darn wait a second so Class A isn't leading without a competitor !!!" Present Mic exclaimed with shock.

" Well most of them were taken out because of Divyansh and Monoma stole from the beaten ones and so that's what it is "

" Look out Team Daddy Issues coming our way."

" No need to tell me their composition I know that and brace for flying. I am gonna use the air canon to launch us into air ."

I did it in just the nick of the time as Kaminari managed to stun everyone. I just underestimated the canons power and we went too high up in the air and in the wrong direction. I managed to maneuver us around and land in a safe spot in the stadium with the help of the air canon but while I did that the whole demographic had changed.

The top 4 teams were me ,Midoriya Todoroki and Bakugo. Due to the participants being too low they also decided to include the 5th team that is Team Shinso . I don't know but some memory controversy happened so here I am saying goodbye to my clones as they turn into blood and come back to me.

Well that cavalry battle was entertaining to say the least. Ravan was correct after all . I should try out other tactics.

So until next time.