
Chapter Fifteen

@Floating Gardens

Zhang XinYi.

As soon as he entered he was greeted by all the men. Women went to him as if he was a celebrity. He was but not in the eyes of Yu Long.

Yu Long was burning with rage. He was shivering with overloaded want to slay that demon.

I will kill you Zhang XinYi. I will definitely seek revenge. For people of Qinshen.

One thing Yu Long didn't understand as to why was that emperor so well respected and people didn't seem to be terrified or coerced to bow to him. Instead these people are greeting and worshipping him as if he is god.

"With arrival of the greatest emperor under the blue yonder and the most rewarded guests of ZhaoShu, I would like to welcome you to Floating Gardens. Please enjoy this performance by the beautiful dancers from Kong district. Let my beautiful maidens accompany you and serve you drinks and meals for now."

The ladies of the Floating Gardens came forward tone chosen by the guests. Yu Long got worried about what he would do if someone noticed him.

But no one noticed him. He sticked so close to Rahu that it appeared as if he was a koala bear clinging a branch of eucalyptus. Rahu was irritated with this but remained kept quiet.

Stop pulling my arm and stay still.

Rahu suddenly spoke telepathically.

Yu Long hesitantly let go off his arms and slowly put them on his lap with his head held as low as possible.

Rahu let a low sigh before he pulled him closer by his waist, leading his head to rest on his broad chest.

Feeling secured now? Stop moving for a while.

Yu Long nodded. He could hear Rahu's heartbeat.

It is so calm.

Yu Long closed his eyes as he let himself sink in the warmth of the older man.

Within this time, the girls of the brothel had taken their seats near the masters they were to serve.

"Let's begin, Han." Zhang XinYi spoke while raising his cup of wine. Yu Long would see this as he raised his head as Zhang XinYi was in the straight line of vision. But suddenly it was blocked by the red silk sleeves as Rahu raised his cup in gesture as others did so. Yu Long looked up to see the sharp jawline and pale neck and he was close enough to see the gulps Rahu made as he emptied that cup of wine. He unconsciously gulped the saliva. When Rahu placed the cup on the table, he noticed Yu Long watching him intently.

What some wine?

Yu Long slowly nodded averting his eyes. Then he realised his role. He was supposed to fill the cup. When we was about to touch the handle of the jar, Rahu's voice again rang in his head.

Don't move. You will spill it. Stay still. Let me do it.

Rahu filled the cup and slowly brought it to Long touching his lips. The rosy lips quivered before slowly opening to sip in the wine. Rahu slowly tilted the cup and the liquid was slowly poured down into that tiny hole. Half of the wine got in his mouth, rest trailed down the sides of his mouth and all way dripping at his chin.

Can't you open your mouth properly? Stupid human!

Yu Long glared at him as he slowly wiped the chin but soon Rahu lifted his chin and wiped the wine off with his thumb. Yu Long looked at the clear, golden eyes of the red dragon. This was the first time he had felt that Rahu was really breathtakingly handsome. This suddenly made his cheeks to heat up as he turned his face away.

What is Rahu thinking doing this in a public place? People will misunderstand. Suddenly he heard Rahu speak in between his thoughts.

So we should do this privately?

This line made Yu Long blush even more. Rahu could talk telepathically and hear to his thoughts.

No way. Not even in private.

This reaction made Rahu smirk as he filled another cup.

Yu Long then looked at the stage, where Lu, FeiMei and other women were performing a dance with swords and fans. It was beautiful and graceful. He saw some girls including Miu played dizi flute, guqin, sanxian lute and yangqin. Rest dance to the flute's buzzing harmonics. It was beautiful and well coordinated dance. Lu led the dance. They way she moved the sword was attractive. Yu Long couldn't take her eyes off her. Then sudden FeiMei and another woman named Rui jumped to the front with two fans. They were also spectacular. Miu played qin as if she was an expert. Graceful, matured and celestial. That was surprising for Miu was always the opposite.

Yu Long forgot everything about all his troubles, Rahu and XinYi as he was lost enjoying the dance and music he had never seen or heard in Qinshen. He was mostly stuck in the capital and the palace that he couldn't enjoy these. There was never such dances or music in Qinshen. There were all stuffs related to cultivation including competitions and exhibitions. Festivals had music and dance but none had sword dance or so many variety of musical instruments.

Rahu stared at Yu Long through the corner of his eyes.

"Mysterious creature. Curious and captivating eyes." Rahu muttered to himself.

"Did you say somethi-ng." Yu Long suddenly cracked. He immediately covered his mouth with his hands.

Rahu chuckled before bringing another cup full of wine.

Want another cup? Rahu smiled while speaking to Long telepathically.

Aren't you drinking a lot? We have an auction to attend. Once this performance is over we need to leave. I can't carry a drunk person to the auction house.

Yu Long knew Rahu would read his thoughts. So he didn't take the pain to speak his mind out.

Who do you think I am? I can handle my liquor. What about you? Stupid human.

This infuriated Yu Long. Long glared at Rahu before grabbing the cup and emptying it in a gulp.

Don't challenge me. I can handle my liquor well.

This let to a showdown between Rahu and Long. Obviously they were tough competitors. But Long lost.

"It is hot in here. I will step out for a second. *Hiccup*."

You are drunk. You won't be able to stan-.

"Don't speak in my mind. It is irritating."

Yu He stood up and swayed but soon balanced himself as he walked out of the hall. Rahu was about to leave when Han came to him to inform him about the new modification in their travel journey.

Yu Long motioned through the halls, leaning against the walls for support. He dashed from one side to another until he stumbled on the floor mat. He hit his head on the ground.

"Ouch. That hurt."

"Are you alright, Lady?"

Yu Long looked up to see two men. One crouched down, giving a hand to help Long up.

"You are beautiful young maiden. Are you among the other women of this place?"

"Wen, if you are done flirting here, we need to proceed to the hall. I am leaving first."

"XinYi, you only flirt with one lady in this whole world. What is so special about NaNa? Anyways, are you okay, Miss beautiful eyes."

Wen and XinYi were friends since childhood. They were educated and trained together. Wen was the leader of the Shadow Knights, the super elite force of illusionists in ZhaoShu. He was the left sword and one if the most trusted aides of Zhang XinYi.

Yu Long was drunk and like we know different people act differently when they are high, Long gets moody and arrogant. The 'Miss Beautiful Eyes' praise caused Long to snap as he spoke in an undertone, " Who is Miss Beautiful Eyes, you good for nothing smug."

"Excuse me?"

XinYi chuckled. "She got it right. Good for nothing. Ha ha ha. Wen, looks like you now suck at the one thing you boasted about."

Meanwhile Long tried to balance and move somewhere quiet. These two mean were loud and irritating.

"Oye oye, where are you going Lady after insulting me in front of my friend?"

"To a place where you don't exist."

XinYi put a hand on Wen's shoulder as he laughed out.

"You are interesting young lady."

"No one asked you, you Mister good for nothing smug's friend."

"Aaa...now that sounds like an insult. Young Lady you should watch your mouth especially when you are in such a state. You never know you might advantage of that."

"So nosy."

Yu Long was about to leave, when Wen stopped him while holding his hand.

"Who are you, Miss Beautiful Eyes?"


Long tried to remove his hand from the man's grip but he didn't have much strength and the grip was strong.

"I am letting go until I get your name. Something I learnt from my friend, you see."

"Let her go, Wen. We are wasting our time now. We need to leave as soon as possible."

"You are right. You go ahead. I am joining you soon."

XinYi nodded as he starting proceeding towards the hall.

"So, your name?"

"Why should I tell you my name?"

"C'mon. Just your name. I will let you go I promise."

"WaYi. Now let go."

As soon as this name came out of his mouth, XinYi stopped in his track. He looked back wide eyed.

Yu Long? WaYi was Yu Long's alias. Is it him? Why can't I sense his magic or core?

"Who are you again?" XinYi asked as he walked to Long.

Yu Long didn't answer. Instead he moved away from the two men as soon as Wen let go off his hands.

"What is wrong, Xin?"

Did I hear wrong? She said it was WaYi right?


He roared.

Yu Long unconsciously stopped and looked back as he gave a 'Want a fight' look but it was replaced with flushed cheeks and softened gaze as he turned back and started moving away from them.

"I said stop." XinYi appeared suddenly from behind, pulling Long back and pinning him to the wall.

"What do you want *hiccup*"

"Aren't you wasted? Who are you?"

"I am the one who will kill you if you don't let go off my hands now."

Yu Long, you got really brave when you are drunk.

But Long wasn't feeling okay. Suddenly when his hands were pinned over his head, body stretched. He was drunk on the top of that. His vision was blurry and he was nauseous.

"So, who are you?"

"Xin, you know her?"

"Wen, leave first. I will come join you in a while. Leave." XinYi used his majestic tone to order Wen. Wen at once knew that playtime was over. XinYi was serious now. He did as he was told.

"As you wish, Your Majesty." Wen immediately left the place.

"So then, answer me." XinYi roared loudly by Long's ears.

"You are too loud. Let go off my hands."

"Stop moving and answer me. Who are you?"

"WaYi. I am WaYi. Now let go."

"WaYi was a man. You are a woman. You dare to lie to me,don't you?"

"Who said I was a woman. You nosy scoundrel."

This answer made XinYi look at Long all surprised. His hands automatically went to the false breasts as he pressed them to find them light.

"It is cotton stuffing. And do I know you?" Long asked his eyes shut as he tried to use all his strength to free himself which he did.

"Stupid Human. What are you doing here? I was looking for you everywhere." Yu Long immediately recognized Rahu's voice. His vision was hazy as he moved towards the voice. XinYi grabbed his hand but he flicked it off as he ran towards Rahu. XinYi looked at Long as he immediately ran into the arms of a red haired man. He was aflamed. Rage. Anger. Murderous intent. All sprouted in him. But Yu Long worsened the situation as he started sniffing and snuggling into Rahu's arms.

"Rahu, you smell good today. Why?"

Rahu immediately turned back ignoring the other man in the hallway.

"We need to leave. All preparations are done. If we don't leave now we can't go to the auction. Though I doubt you will be able to go."

"Rahu, I feel like throwing up."

"Try that, Stupid human and I will kill you."

XinYi stood there looking at his most desired possession walking in arms of another man.

"Your Majesty, we need to leave now.We will be late. Your men are waiting."

Han stopped XinYi from stopping Long and Rahu.

He clicked his tongue as he glared at Han for spoiling his one chance.

"Is something wrong, Your Majesty?"

"Han, next time….never mind. Let us proceed."

Yu Long. I had him in my grip. I can't believe I lost him this easily. And that too he ran into the man's arms that easily. And he made that face. Blushed cheeks, teary eyes wanting to stay as close as possible as if he was feeling safe in his arms. But that man was not me. *tsk* The one whose arms who should feel safe should be me. The one whose chest you should snuggle in should be me. Why is it not me?

Thinking so, XinYi punched the sidewall breaking the wall into pieces. But nothing happened to his fists.

"Your Majesty, you are breaking my house."

"Shut up, Han."

They proceeded at the gate of passageway. As XinYi reached he saw his men were waiting. Along with them were the women who had just performed music. Other brothel maidens were also there to see them off. "Let's move." XinYi ordered. As he was about to move towards the passageway, he saw the red haired guy and in his arms lay the unconscious Yu Long. This was enough for him to lose his sanity. The air in the room became turbulent and soon took the form of a storm.

"Your M-Majesty?" Lai Jin said as he tried to see through the dusty storm.

"What is happening?" Women started screaming and yelling. Rahu looked about as suddenly a figure surrounded with turbulent air appeared him. He took a step back as the figure revealed the XinYi. In his real look. With black hair and read engraving on the forehead.

"Give him to me."

Rahu knew what the emperor wanted. But Yu Long was his Master now. He had sworn to protect him no matter what.

Rahu used his violent mana concentration to stabilize the air and counterattack. XinYi was smarter to vanished the air from that area where the flame was propagating. The flames vanished what remained was simple mana stagnant in the vacuum, unable to flow.

This is bad. An air type. That too this strong. He is not a regular human, is he? His strength is at par as us dragons or even more. Shit.

"I said give him to me."

XinYi motioned quickly in front grabbing Yu Long from Rahu's arms.

Shit. Yu Long. I couldn't feel his core. What is with this man's enormous strength?

"Wake up Yu Long." Rahu tried to attack XinYi. But XinYi dodged it easily and attacked Rahu with his Raging Storm towers.

Yu Long was unconscious and couldn't hear Rahu. Instead he snuggled into the warmth he suddenly felt. He slightly moaned as he shifted. This made XinYi look surprised at the beauty. He hated that his Yu Long was in a disguise with women's attire and heavy makeup. But he took advantage of this moment as he kissed his delicate lips. Long moaned but kissed back. XinYi pulled back, all surprised to see the teary eyes looking at him sluggishly. He forgot about the idea and plan of punishing Yu Long for the slap and disrespect. Instead his eyes softened as he looked at the beautiful ice blue eyes.


"Yes, YuLong." XinYi again kissed Long's lips and soon deepened his kiss.

But Long tried to push him off but he was weak. He was choking. XinYi pulled back to let Long breathe. He didn't want to repeat his mistake from last time.

Long gasped for air before he gripped XinYi's robes. "W..hy...d..i.d..you..t..ake aw..at my ev.eryt...hing.."

"I want you, Long. Nothing else. I can give you everything you desire. Just be mine, Long."

Before this conversation could proceed, Rahu broke through the air magic walls and storm towers and pulled Long before disappearing in a second before XinYi could react. Rahu telepathized all the women to follow the flame in front of them. As he said small birds made of fire led the women and Rahu to the passageway. Rahu had no option but runaway. XinYi pulled back his magic, only to find Long and the red haired man along with some women missing.

"This is bad. The passageway had been destroyed. Looks like we have to cancel your trip, Your Majesty."

XinYi was burning in rage as he grabbed Han by his neck.

Immediately Wen, Zadong and Jin came to stop XinYi from killing the owner.

Han coughed as he saw the Emperor looking furiously at the broken passageway.

That red haired asshole. Wait Long. Shit.