
Chapter Sixteen

@Liong ,outside the gate to the passageway to Guoshan.

Rahu and all the women stood their in disbelief. Rahu held Yu Long with care as if it was the most fragile thing in this world.

"What was that storm? I almost say my end there." one woman spoke up.

"Yes, it was scary." Miu added.

FeiMei rushed to Rahu to see Yu Long lay peacefully in his arms.

"Thank God, Mister Yu is safe."

Lu immediately got a hold of herself as she asked others to get ready to move out of that place.

They all moved out to find it was an old restaurant. People stared at them as they came out of the inner room of the restaurant.

Everyone was surprised except the owner. Who ignored them and carried with his work.

They moved out of the restaurant to find an isolated hut or house so that Rahu could create a doorway to his space, Red Dragon's crest. Soon they an abandoned thatched house.

"Is anyone there?"

Lu asked while stepping in as she checked the place. FeiMei and other women waited outside.

Rahu looked at the unconscious body in his hand.

Stupid human. Sleeping peacefully after putting me in so much trouble.

Rahu grinned as he was about to throw that body and smash it to the ground but he sighed and gave it up.

Lu came out.

"It is perfect, Master."


Rahu closed his eyes and opened them to reveal his golden reptilian eyes. They glowed as a small flame generated near the door, burning the door. And a small engraved mark appeared on the borders of the door.

"Let's go and rest."

Yu Long lay unconscious for the whole time.

@Guoshan,in a big room Floating Gardens

Zhang XinYi sat on the chair holding a cup of wine and lost in thoughts. But his facial expression was showing his intent to kill anyone who disturbed him.

Jin, Wen and Zadong sat afar and whispered among one another.

"WaYi? He was here?" Jin squeaked. Then he looked at his emperor.

No wonder he is angry. Lord's fate and luck is bad for now. *sigh*

"But I am saying WaYi was a woman. You see she had.." Wen said while curving his hands near the chest.

"Who is WaYi?"

Zadong asked unable to keep up.

"You know Emperor was looking for the second Prince of Qinshen?"

Zadong nodded as he continued, "But His Highness wants him alive. So I gave up looking. I am sensitive I could have killed him, you know."

"Shut up musclehead. If you would have killed Yu Long, you would get killed."

"So who is WaYi?" Wen asked quizzically looking at Zadong then Jin.

"Yu Long." Jin said with a smirk.

Zadong and Wen gaped at each other before saying out loud in unison, " What?"

Jin shunned them. "Quiet. What to die or something?"

Zadong and Wen looked at their emperor and shook their head as fast as possible.

"So that woman was the second Prince!" Wen exclaimed as lowly as possible.

"As the Prince lost all his pride that he is now dressed as a woman. He could have been brave enough to take a man's disguise."

Jin sighed at Zadong's words.

Zadong. Why is he so stiff? Always warfare and bravery. He is an asshole. I understand why Yu Long was dressed as a woman. I would do so too. Less suspicious. Having a handsome face can be so troublesome at times.

He sighed.

They were mumbling and muttering among themselves when they heard a cup break. They all flinched. They slowly looked at their emperor.

They were terrified to see black menacing aura surrounding their emperor.

"Wen, inform the owner. Shift the auction to tomorrow."

Wen felt a chill pass down his spine. He thought he would die today.

"Okay." He immediately stepped out leaving his two companions inside to feel the wrath of their Emperor.

Zhang XinYi was retrospecting what had happened. He remembered meeting the drunk Yu Long who talked to red haired guy addressing him with affection as Rahu. Before he could think again the pictures of intimacy between the red haired guy and Long started flowing in his mind. He snapped and broke the cup in his hand.

He then remembered they were also going to Liong.

That Red haired guy mentioned something about an auction. Don't tell me, the annual auction of Kusan. This is my only chance to seize him.

He immediately ordered Wen to postpone the auction to the next day. He needed to plan it all carefully to avoid any mistake on the day of execution.

Yu Long. What you made me feel during our kiss...what was that? The sudden heart ache...the longing...once I have you, we will have all the time to discuss that. Just wait as I steal you for myself.

Zhang XinYi smiled to himself which appeared to Jin and Zadong as the evil smirk of their Emperor.

AAA...he is going to kill somebody.

@Red Dragon's Crest

Slowly Long shifted in the bed as his eyes fluttered open.

I am in Rahu's space. Thank Lord! O Heavens, I had such a weird dream. I saw that demon emperor kissing me….eeeewwww.. ..I can't believe such pervert thoughts about that murderer. Dreams dreams...heheh...in reality if he tries to do anything I will...I will...aaaaaa….that air magic ...I need to work hard.

Yu Long burned with determination as he clenched his fist.

"If you are awake, then get out of my bed."

Rahu kicked Yu Long out of the bed.

"Aa ..that hurt. What is wrong with you?" Long said rubbing his bums.

"Who do you think you are to be raising your voice in front of your Master?"

Yu Long ignored this question as he went on to ask about their current location and the auction.

"Auction is postponed. I might be held tomorrow."

"Is that so?"

"Worst news is not that. The Emperor of ZhaoShu always sets one of his prized possession on auction."

"Again the emperor? Why is he everywhere?"

"Well this emperor is one of the best emperors ZhaoShu has ever had."

"Excuse me? That is absurd. He annexed other small kingdoms and expanded his empire. He might be a good strategist, may be very good in warfare but that doesn't change the fact that my people in Qinshen are suffering. Families were destroyed. In my point of view, he is a murderer. A person I would never ever acknowledge as a good leader."

Rahu sighed.

"I don't know so much. But all I can say is he is a man of principles. He believes that people come first, then the state then royalty. Last thing he would do is destroy families. He might get obsessive at times over some things. But I knew that kid when he was around ten years old. He had good intentions and worked for what he believed."

"What? Doesn't sound like the emperor I know?"

"Me too. The person I saw yesterday was not the kid I saw fifteen years ago."

"You met him?"

"You...dont tell me you think are not the first one to pursue this search for Kungu's Scrolls."

"That Zhang XinYi also searched for the scrolls?"

"Dont tell me you don't know this. Stupid human, you know nothing. Zhang XinYi is the only one who reached the three of the four dragons, hence has an idea of what is in those scrolls. But he didn't take the scroll with him. Why? I don't know. But he couldn't get the last scroll. Last scroll was protected by Madame Feng herself. She was the empress of Qinshen. He was about to go to get that but suddenly she was assassinated."

Yu Long didn't want to remember that night. It was a nightmare, all he saw was red. His mother lying still on the bed, blood draining down the silk sheets. He suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

"Do you mean he wasn't involved with the assassination? When ZhaoShu was the one to carry out the murder?"

"I don't know that. But he was a man with unwavering determination of helping others. He suddenly became the Emperor. His personality has also changed."

Yu Long couldn't believe that Zhang XinYi was actually a good person.

"May be he is possessed by some evil spirit."

"As if it is possible. You get up. We need to start training. Weak human."

Weak human? A promotion from stupid human?

"As if it is. Follow me."

Yu Long nodded as he stood up. His knees felt weak as he swayed left and right before balancing his weight and following Rahu.

Rahu took Long to a hall. On the floor there were a few markings.

"Stand there."

Yu Long stood in a marked ring. There were few writings which he couldn't read. As he stood there, suddenly he floated in the air as if the gravity suddenly became zero. He was unable to stay in his form as he suddenly tumbled with head to the ground and feet to the ground.

"What is happening? I can feel blood rushing to my head."

"Yes, you will die if you can't control your mana and accumulate enough mana in your lower body. This is the no mana space."

"The mana circulating in my body needs to be concentrated in the core? In no mana space? Impossible."

"Do it. Else die." Saying so, Rahu sat in the meditation position watching Yu Long struggle.

How do I do it? The before concentrating my mana I need to do something about my blood circulation. Blood is a fluid. If Mother Empress would have been there, she could manipulate the water in the blood. But I...this is bad. Think, Yu Long.

"Stop thinking about useless stuffs and start concentrating else you will die."

Yu Long closed his eyes. He tried to imagine the flow of mana in his body. It was like the blood. Circulated to each and every corner of the body. The flow from the core to the upper body and then that to lower body. The circulation was more concentrated in the upper half that's why the balance reversed and he flipped.

"The writing in the ring attract your mana. The reason why you flipped is because most of the mana is concentrated on the upper half of your body like other people. But to be able to regulate the flow is the best way to practice control on your magic."

So I need to control the flow.Concentrate. Yu Long focus.

Yu Long had his eyes closed. He redid the visualization. The mana flowing in the upper half was more so he tried to concentrate his mana on his lower half. In the first attempt, he rushed the mana and that led to a sudden loss of mana in the upper half which made him to tumble back to his original upright position but unable to maintain it as he flipped back upside down.

Rahu laughed at this. "Hhaaahaha...you are funny, Yu Long. Really funny. Good that you can regulate the flow of the mana. Now time to rest."

Rahu got up and walked to Long.

"But this is not enough."

"You can't learn everything in a day."


Rahu pulled out Yu Long from the ring. Long landed on the ground with a thud.

"That hurts. Can't you do things nicely, in a less hurtful manner. Are...I can't stand." Long's legs were temporarily paralyzed.

"Stupid human, we have just got started. You might not be able to walk due to the sudden mana transfer to your lower half. It is like a temporary shock. Your body isn't used to it.  Rest for today. We will continue tomorrow."

"Can't you cure it?"

"Natural healing is better than forcibly trying to heal with magic. Magic will only fasten your healing rate but on a long run it will become a weakness for you."


Rahu picked up Yu Long lending him his shoulders support.

"Well, Yu Long. What is your relationship with that Emperor?"

"Relationship? Nothing. We are enemies. Why?"


"You are hiding something, aren't you?"


"That means you are hiding something. Your expression is giving you away."

"Shut up, stupid human."

Don't tell me I muttered something while I was asleep. And don't tell me while having that pervert...dre..am..shit

Yu Long looked away.

Don't want to think. Don't want to think. Don't want to think. Don't want to think.