
Who Let This Spider Cook?! (Overlord/Tensura)

Man is Si'd into a baby in the year 2100 and has to live on a dying planet. Yet hope is around the corner, a chance. Yggdrasil. Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7UqqJ6Nf9h Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kakukami (Up to 10 Chapters Ahead!)

Kakukami · 漫画同人
20 Chs

Chapter 4

— Nine Years, Six Months Until The End of Yggdrasil —

"Kiss the shiniest part of my ass you son of a bitch!" The merman with shiny, sparkling green legs screamed at me in anger.

"There are shinier parts of your ass?" I asked, running my blade through his neck before he could answer. His body began to glow before disappearing.

[Winner, KakueSolos!]

[Advancing to Final Round of Helheim World Tournament!]

Fucking finally, all the damn fodder I faced until now was no more than a meaningless barrier between myself and my championship.

As I teleported out of the arena and into the waiting room, I wondered how Touch Me was doing. All of us in Nine's Own Goal had entered the World Tournament of different realms to try and gain the job [World Champion]. The only one who hadn't was Ulbert since his [World Disaster] was incompatible with it.

The others had lost pretty early on, with Warrior Takemikazuchi and Nishikienrai being the exceptions. They made it to the quarter-finals before bowing out.

The only ones who were left were myself and Touch Me. My justice-loving friend was fighting in the Jotunheim tournament while I was running the Helheim tournament. We had planned it like this so that Touch Me and I could have the hardest fights, but it didn't matter in the end. The others lost, and now it was time for us to bring it home.

I appeared in the arena and stared down my opponent. Blonde hair and blue eyes looked at me with determination, but even then, he gave me a gentle smile.

[Player - GoldenLight (Lvl. 100)]

[Guild - Seraphim (Rank - Guild Leader)]

[Race - Archangel]

This was the whole reason why I entered this tournament. There were rumors that the Guild Leader of Seraphim, the strongest guild in Yggdrasil, would participate in Helheim's tournament. It was a smart move, I will admit. Their main enemies lay in Helheim since Seraphim was a guild of humans and angels of the pure variety. Any creature of darkness has been deemed an enemy to be struct down by their "righteous light."

"Good luck, Kakuei!"

I looked to the stands to see five of the nine members of our party. Momonga had cheered for me, and the others were looking at me with varying smiles.

Momonga, Ulbert, Warrior Takemikazuchi, Nishikienrai. They were here for me. The fact that Ulbert and Nishikienrai were here meant that Touch Me wasn't in the finals yet or was in his intermission before it. I guess Ancient One and Wish III were watching him.

Sucks that I can't put on a show in front of all of my friends, but these five will do.

I waved at them, and they threw their arms into the air and burst into a battle cry. I grinned at them.

I looked at my opponent who was looking up at my friends with unhidden disgust. He was one of the people Nine's Own Goal stood against. Cocky bastards that thought themselves better than monsters of all kinds. I opened my menu and inspected myself with a grin.

[Player - KakueiSolos (Lvl. 100)]

[Clan - Nine's Own Goal (Rank - Leader)]

[Race - Arch Spider]

I clenched my fists and planted my two legs down on the ground. My final evolution gave me a full humanoid look, which did wonders for my battle prowess and abilities.

I glared at my opponent. This wasn't a fight between two players, it was a fight between Seraphim, and Nine's Own Goal, the first of many that would be waged…and I intended on winning!

[Initializing Final Round!]

The crowd, filled with hundreds of players, let out a roaring cheer.

"Seraphim! Seraphim! Seraphim!"

"Kakuei! Kakuei! Kakuei!"

I dropped into a stance and the Guild Leader of Seraphim mimicked my movement, drawing his sword and rearing it back.





I blasted toward him, rearing back my fist, and just before it could collide with his face, he brought his sword up to block it. I jumped backward, gaining some distance, and took a moment to analyze his sword.

[Holy Blade Caliburn (Rank - Legendary) - A holy blade forged to do the will of humanity long ago. The blade screams for justice and requires a wielder who believes in the righteousness of humanity. (Races - Human/Angel required to wield)]

Fuck him and his blade! I launched myself at him again, this time he didn't block my attack, instead trying to cut me with a downward slash. I planted my feet on the ground and twisted my body to avoid his attack before slamming my fist against his face, sending him flying backward.

'Web Pull' I mentally activated the skill, and where my fist connected to his cheek was a thin web invisible to the eye. I yanked my fist back, sending him flying towards me, and punched him again in the gut, sending him flying back.

"RAAAAHHHHHHH!" The crowd went wild as the angel skidded against the dirt before he spread his wings, all twelve of them, and launched himself into the air.

"Barbarian, fighting with your fists, draw your blade!" GoldenLight screamed, pointing his blade at me.

I frowned, I didn't want to use my blade against the bastard, he was unworthy of such a thing, but as I looked at the sword again, I realized that though he wasn't worth it, his sword was.

"You're a dumbass," I admitted dryly, reaching into my inventory and slowly pulling out my blade. The moment it touched the air, the space around it grew blurry, as if its mere presence were contorting space itself.

[Demonic Blade Gram (Rank - Mythical) - The blade was forged with the thought of dragon slaying in mind. After centuries of fulfilling its intended task, it's soaked in the blood and souls of dragons and has grown stronger. (This blade increases in rarity upon consuming a large number of dragon souls)]

I found this blade not long ago after completing a dungeon with a level 100 dragon as a boss. That was easily the hardest fight of my life, and I did it solo. Gram had started as a rare weapon and had grown to mythical as I grinded it. In time, I would succeed in having it reach World item rarity.

"That accursed blade shouldn't be in the hands of those who wish to harm humanity! It should be in our hands where it will never see the light again!" GoldenLight shouted and I deadpanned. A dragon-slaying sword was one of the greatest things that could exist in this game.

Dragons were the strongest race in Yggdrasil, the best way to explain it would be, if you were a dragon, you would be around 5-10 levels above any other race, in terms of strength, meaning a level 5 dragon could fight a level 10 of any other race on equal footing, if not outright surpass it. A blade that deletes that bullshit advantage dragons have and turn the tables on them was a must-have, even for a guild like Seraphim.

He wanted my blade to use it, and by the crowd's mutual deadpans, except for the Seraphim guild members, they knew he was speaking a load of bullshit.

"Eat shit and die, you son of a bitch!"

"Such crass language; I will clean your mouth with my holy light!" Blades of light formed around him, and his sword began to glow, illuminated by his magic.

Okay, he wanted to get serious; that was fine. Gram began to hum with red aura in my hand as I infused my magic into the blade.

"Go, my children!" I shouted, pointing my blade at the ground where a few magic circles appeared, and three spiders appeared.

[Summon - Greater Spider (Lvl. 25)]

[-10,000 MP]

[MP: 22,300/32,300]

"You wish to have a dishonorable battle?! Then I shall even the playing field!" He shouted, pointing his blade towards the sky. Three golden magic circles appeared, and from them emerged three white creatures.

[Summon - Angel Guardian (Level 25)]

"Let's fight already." I roared, launching into the air and swinging my blade against his. One of his guardians attempted to attack me, but one of my spiders shot a web at it and pulled it down to meet its fate. Our blades clashed and I used my necklace of flight to stay in the air.

One of his angels got the slip on me and slashed me, doing basically no damage, but the attack stunned my body and didn't allow me to defend against his slash.

[-12,500 HP]

[HP: 41,700/54,200]

I winced as I slammed into the ground hard, though it did no more extra damage. I quickly got up and dodged backward as GoldenLight attempted to stab his blade through me.

I couldn't afford to get hit like that. My build was a glass canon, the best one for someone of my skill. My speed was high, and so was my strength. I also could hit pretty damn hard with magic, but my HP and MP weren't the highest. I planned on getting items to boost all of my stats, but it would take years before I could have my ideal set-up.

"What's wrong, spider?" The angel taunted, walking towards me with a friendly smile, although I knew it was an act. "I know you aren't getting cold feet."

"Nah, I'm thinking." I boredly waved him off, enjoying the tick mark appearing on his forehead. "Actually, on second thought, I must ask…Do angels feel fear?"

He blinked at my question. "Angels are perfect beings who fight the darkness that threatens the realms! No angel in existence feels fear!"

A shit-eating grin tugged at my lips. "I'm glad to hear it; why don't we change that!"

Well, let's do this. Go big or go home.

'Greater Speed Enhancement,' 'Greater Perception, ' 'Lesser Mana Shield,' I mentally commanded, and with each enchantment, my body glowed.

"Enchantments? A foolish mo-"

He didn't get to finish that sentence as I launched towards him, burying my blade in his gut, pulling it out with speed I was certain no one could keep track of. I slashed his body again, and again, and again before my combo ended, but-

I was a bullshit spider.

'Web Pull'

"Get infinite comboed jackass! Kakuei, kick his ass!" Ulbert shouted from the crowd.

I pulled the angel back, and continued slashing his body, enjoying as his health ticked down from my shallow but fast slashes.

"H-How are you doing this!" He shouted, getting launched back again.

'Web Pull'

"Stop it!"


I continued my unrelenting assault on his body until I was content with the damage done, hitting him away and letting the combo end.

[Player - GoldenLight (Lvl. 100)]

[Guild - Seraphim (Rank - Guild Leader)]

[Race - Archangel]

[-93,900 HP]

[HP: 5,700/99,600]

Damn, I fucked him up. Dumbass didn't even think to use his 'Holy Pulse' attack to interrupt my infinite combo.

"Well, guess this is it." I grinned, walking towards him. He looked at me, then down to his health. He attempted to crawl away backward, waving his sword in front of him like a scared ant.

"Ah, there's the fear!" I grinned, blasting forward and driving my blade through his chest, watching as his body turned golden and exploded in light.

[Winner of Helheim World Tournament: KakueiSolos!]

"RAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" The crowd roared, and I preened under the praise. Stabbing Gram into the dirt and extending my arms to drink up their cheers.

"Are you not entertained!"

"Yeah, Kakuei!" Nishikienrai shouted and I pointed at my man, then looked at Momonga and gave her a grin and a thumbs up. All the members of Nine's Own Goal present were going fucking crazy and I couldn't blame them.

[Closing Helheim World Tournament]

[Intializing Teleportation]

I put Gram in my inventory, not even daring to risk losing it because the devs decided to be dickheads and teleport me out without it.

Everyone's bodies began to glow, as did mine and with a flash of light we were transported away. I appeared back at the Main Menu.

[Welcome to the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil]

[Please Select An Option!]

[Continue Game]

[New Game]

[World Tournament]


I selected the World Tournament.

[Please Select a Realm]

[Asgard - Complete (Winner - AngelBright)]

[Midgard - Complete (Winner - YoUrMoM)]

[Vanaheim - Complete (Winner - Joni Val Tenp)]

[Jotunheim - In Progress]

[Alfheim - Complete (Winner - YurNotThatGuy)]

[Nidavellir - Complete (Winner - IAmThatGuy)]

[Niflheim - Complete (Winner - Vampira Rosalia Drake)

[Muspelheim - In Progress]

[Helheim - Complete (Winner - KakueiSolos)]

I read through the names, genuinely interested to see who else won, and deadpanned at several of them. I knew almost all of them. I was easily the top player in the game, I made sure to pay good attention to my competition.

AngelBright was the Co-Leader of Seraphim, GoldenLight's right hand, and honestly, that would probably change now that GoldenLight lost to me.

I blinked, looking at the Midgard winner. Wasn't that one of the bastards that was bullying Momonga?! Who the fuck lost to that bastard?! I think it was Wish III who fought in the Midgard tournament; I'd have to talk to him later.

Vanaheim's winner, Joni Val Temp, was a damn powerhouse and he was also a heteromorphic player. I already had him planned on the roster for the guild of Ainz Ooal Gown.

YurNotThatGuy and IAmThatGuy were a duo who reached level 100 before me, the fastest in the game. If I wasn't helping Touch Me and Ulbert level up, I would have beaten them, but it is what it is. They're both human players and trolls at that.

Vampira Rosalia Drake is another heteromorphic player and another I planned on inviting to Ainz Ooal Gown later.

I grinned at my name there; damn right I was the winner. After taking several moments to drink in my victory, I chose Jotunheim's tournament.

[Initializing Teleportation]

With another flash of light, I appeared in the Tournament stands, and before I had fully spawned in, I was already smirking.

[Job Awarded - World Champion (Lvl. 20/20)]

Up to Ch.16 on Patreon. Link in Synopsis.

Kakukamicreators' thoughts